Devotionals: One-on-One Support During Unplanned Pregnancy

Friends4Life are special devotionals for people who care about women, children & families, delivered by email each week.

Devotionals: One-On-One Support During an Unplanned Pregnancy

The devotionals archived on this page tell stories of how one-on-one support made a difference for pregnant women. babyhand118x180.jpg

3 out of 4 Women Need to Know the Truth

How 83% More Women Could Choose Life

How To Chase Away Feelings of Abandonment

How Many Friends Do You Have So Far?

In 2009, 100% Matched Women Chose Life

Mary Sought Out a Friend During Pregnancy

"My Decision to Choose Life Was — and Is — Not Easy"


Click on links below to read devotionals on other life-related topics.

Devotionals: Adoption

Devotionals: Babies and Children

Devotionals: Celebrity Stories

Devotionals: Choosing Life

Devotionals: Churches Ministering to Women & Families

Devotionals: College Students

Devotionals: Courage

Devotionals: Cultural Attitudes Towards Pregnancy & Family

Devotionals: Fathers, Men 

Devotionals: Fear

Devotionals: Friends and Friendship

Devotionals: Hope

Devotionals: Jesus Christ

Devotionals: Legislation & Trends  

Devotionals: Loneliness

Devotionals: Love 

Devotionals: Mothers and Motherhood

Devotionals: One-On-One Support During Unplanned Pregnancy

Devotionals: Prayer

Devotionals: Pregnancy

Devotionals: Serving Women & Families

Devotionals: Sharing Christ

Devotionals: Special Pro-Life Ministries

Devotionals: Technology

Devotionals: Teenagers and Unplanned Pregnancy

Devotionals: Unplanned Pregnancy

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Pregnant Women Fulfill Their Dream of College

For You From The Word

Let the wise listen and add to their learning.
(Proverbs 1:5)

For You To Think About

woman looking downAmanda struggled to choose a major in college. She finally settled on sociology. Then she discovered she was pregnant. “The minute I knew I was pregnant, I felt my whole world caving in,” she says.

After long hours of soul-searching, she and her boyfriend agreed that they could not give the baby the life they wanted to give her. They decided to place the child for adoption, and chose American Adoptions to help find an adoptive family.

Along the way, Amanda applied for and received American Adoption’s Birth Mother Scholarship to help her finish her education.

The scholarship helped her financially, inspirationally, and emotionally. “I can always lookback and remember that someone else saw what I could do, and believed that I could exceed in my life,” said Amanda. “This scholarship reminded me of the promise I made to my baby the day she was born. Good things can come out of bad situations.”

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of education. Help women who face an unplanned pregnancy get the financial, inspirational, and emotional help they need to pursue a college degree.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More on Serving Pregnant College Students

How to Save Lives on College Campuses

58% College Age Students Don’t Know Where to Get Pregnancy Support

College Soccer Star Chooses Life

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Reasons Women Give for Ending A Pregnancy

For You From The Word

Turn, O Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love. (Psalm 6:4)

For You To Think About

2 eyes of womanResearch shows that 98% of women who choose abortions do so because of “personal choice,” rather because of “hard cases” (fetal health, mother’s health, rape, or incest).

In nearly all instances, the reasons women give for choosing abortion are related to the lack of support and resources they experience when discovering they are pregnant.

The most common reasons women give include :

  • “I’m not ready for responsibility” (fear, lack of support)
  • “My parents or partner want the abortion” (lack of support)
  • “I can’t afford a baby,” whether unmarried, unemployed, in school, not enough support (lack of resources, lack of support)
  • “A baby will change my life” (lack of support)
  • “I don’t want people to know I’m pregnant” (judgment of others, lack of support)
  • “I want to avoid single parenthood” (isolation, stress, lack of support)
  • “I have all the children I want” (fear, lack of support)
  • “Abortion is a form of birth control” (inaccurate information)

A pregnant woman who has Friend receives support, resources, information, and encouragement she needs to carry a pregnancy to term. One-on-one support can make the difference for a woman who is considering abortion – and help her choose life.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Move in women to seek the support of a Friend during pregnancy. Help women know that they don’t need to be alone. Raise up more people who will walk with those who face an unplanned pregnancy and connect them to pregnant women.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Stories of Life

This Abortion Survivor Did More Than Survive

Aborted Children Can’t Be Adopted


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Honor Your Mother

For You From The Word

Honor your father and your mother. (Exodus 20:12)

For You To Think About

Little girl prayingThroughout scripture, God tells us to honor our parents.

The word “honor” translated from the biblical command means “to glorify,” “to make weighty,” or “to promote.” In other words, to honor your mother to means to show her that her life counts.

Your upbringing may have been carefree … or miserable … or anything in between. Regardless, you are reading this today because a woman chose to carry her pregnancy to term and give you life.

Make sure you thank her for making that choice.

A short word of thanks, a brief prayer, a phone call: it doesn’t matter how you do it, but honor your mom for choosing life.

And you’ll encourage other pregnant women, too.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Help us to honor our mothers and thank them for choosing life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Offer the Hand of Friendship

For You From The Word

Everyone deserted him and fled. (Mark 14:50)

For You To Think About

woman half faceJenna wiped her eyes and looked out the window. Her hand flew to her abdomen. Who could she talk to? Who would understand … and not judge her?

Women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy say isolation is one of their biggest difficulties. Family members and friends are surprised and disappointed. Partners often abandon them. The expectant mother or father may also be ostracized. Even if not rejected, the woman or man may experience shame.

It’s no wonder that 83% women who have terminated a pregnancy say they would have made a different decision if they’d had the support of a special person.

Jesus Christ understands what it feels like to be abandoned and isolated. At the time of His arrest and trial, when He needed friends the most, Jesus was deserted by those closest to Him.

One way you can love Christ is by loving those who hurt. Today more than ever, women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy don’t need to feel isolated. That often leads to the loss of life. Instead, they need a Friend. When you offer the hand of friendship to someone like Jenna who faces an unplanned pregnancy, you’re offering the hand of life.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Help me offer the hand of friendship to someone who faces an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Acceptance

Acceptance: Do You Judge By Appearances?

Acceptance: What Kinds of People Become Birthmothers Friends?


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When a Guy Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy

For You From The Word

In you our fathers put their trust; they trusted and you delivered them.
(Psalm 22:4)

For You To Think About

guy with head in handsThis year, there will be 3.1 million unplanned pregnancies in the U.S.

Every one of those babies has a father.

Guys who face an unplanned pregnancy have special concerns. If a guy tells you his partner is pregnant and he didn’t plan for her to be, here are some ways you can be a friend and address these particular needs:

  • The pregnancy. Have him make sure his partner is actually pregnant.
  • His paternity. Make sure he verifies that he is the father.
  • His partner. Encourage him to support his partner.
  • His child. Encourage him to take responsibility for his child.
  • His options. Explain his options thoroughly. Give him complete information.
  • His future. Point out the physical, emotional, and relational dangers of abortion – both to his partner and him.

When you support a guy who faces an unplanned pregnancy, you’re not only helping him. You’re also helping his partner … and his child.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Help me be a friend to a guy
who faces an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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 Friends4Life are special devotionals for people who care about women, children, and families. Specially-produced by Birthmothers, they help equip you with a Kingdom perspective towards the vulnerable women, babies, and families who face an unplanned pregnancy. Friends4Life devotionals are delivered to your inbox each week at no cost.  Subscribe today!


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Your Gift Saves Lives

More than 95% women who are matched with a Birthmothers Friend choose life! Your gift is an investment that has been proven to save lives. It’s a gift that provides one-on-one support for women who face an unplanned pregnancy. Give today.


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A Message from the President to Expand Birthmothers


Dear friends and supporters of Birthmothers,

Recently, the Lord placed on my heart, with amazing clarity, to begin the process of an initial capital raise of $100 million dollars for Birthmothers!

That figure is not a typo.

This is doable as we begin attracting key individuals to execute our mission to significantly siphon off demand for abortion by showing unconditional, one-on-one love and support to women, men, and families who face an unplanned pregnancy. The raise is to be done in the name of Jesus Christ and for His honor and glory.

Since sharing this goal with friends and family, I am pleased to report a very positive response.

While the capital raise will take time (perhaps shorter than you think – even just 100 people at a million each), I am excited about raising enough to put in place a national Birthmothers ministry.

How can you help?

  1. Pray. We critically need your prayers for this ministry, particularly for the women we serve, that they would choose life. The battle for life will be won on our knees. Please [email link=true mask=email me] to let me know you’re praying. That would be a big encouragement.
  2. Give. We humbly ask for your continued financial support to meet ongoing operating expenses. I thank God for your gifts. (You can give a gift right now while you’re thinking about it. Use the enclosed form.)
  3. Refer. We ask for your referrals to well-resourced individuals. Contact me directly at 1-844-772-4784.

I believe with every fiber of my being that God wants us to move forward and build Birthmothers. At the same time, I continue to be moved deeply by the overwhelming compassion you demonstrate to hurting women and your passion for life. Together, we serve a big, big God! He is doing great things – and this is one of them.

Serving with you,


Jim Wright, Founder, President, & Volunteer

P.S. I look forward to hearing from you about Birthmothers initial $100 million capital raise. Call me 1-844-772-4784 or contact us with your thoughts. Thank you.

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Message from the President to Expand Birthmothers


A Special Message from the President

Recently, the Lord placed on my heart to begin the process of an initial capital raise of $100 million dollars for Birthmothers! This is doable as we begin attracting key individuals to execute our mission of showing unconditional, one-on-one love to those who face an unplanned pregnancy …


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