Honor Your Mother


  prayers-and-promises.2.jpgThank your mother for choosing life!

Thank the women who have made sacrifices so that you might live! Use the box below to post a tribute to your mother, birthmother, adoptive mom, grandmother, or other special woman who was like a mother to you.

Honor your mother further when you make a tax-deductible gift to Birthmothers in her name. We’ll send her a special acknowledgement and a copy of Prayers & Promises for Mothers devotional to thank her for nurturing you. Donate here.

Encourage people you know to share their tributes to their mothers here when you send them an email that includes a link to this page. And please invite people to visit this site and read the inspiring comments left here.

Thank you for sharing and giving!

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3 Essential Qualities of a Good Friend

For You From The Word

If one falls down, his friend can help him up. (Ecclesiastes 4:10)

For You To Think About

good friends talkingGood friends come in all shapes and sizes. But most people agree that a good friend exhibits at least three qualities.

  1. Loyalty. A good friend will stick by you even if times get hard. You can count on her.
    If one falls down, his friend can help him up. (Ecclesiastes 4:10)
  2. Acceptance. A good friend accepts you as you are. She’s OK with your strengths and weaknesses. She’s OK that you’ll have good days and bad days.
    A friend loves at all times. (Proverbs 17:17)
  3. Honesty. A good friend is genuine. She’ll keep your confidences and she won’t betray you.
    Wounds from a friend can be trusted. (Proverbs 27:6)

Having a dependable friend can even save lives. 83% women who terminated pregnancies say they would have made a different decision if they’d had support from a special friend during pregnancy.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Raise up caring volunteers to become Birthmothers Friends. Help them be loyal, accepting, and honest with the pregnant women they serve.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.



More about Friends

A Friend Walks In When Everyone Else Walks Out

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Video: How to Support a Woman Who Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy as a Birthmothers Friend

Women who face an unplanned pregnancy receive personal support, adoption information, resources, and help from trained Birthmothers Friends. Volunteers and churches can get equipped to serve women who face an unplanned pregnancy.



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Video – Birthmothers’ One-On-One Ministry


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Reviewed September 2010

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Entire Enrollment at 5 High Schools Lost Each Day

For You From The Word

Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord. (Psalm 102:18)

For You To Think About

Silhouette Of Young Female Student Celebrating GraduationThe average public high school in the U.S. has a student body of 752.

Every day, 3,700 American lives are lost to abortion.

Do the math. You’ll discover that abortion wipes out the enrollment equivalent of 5 American high schools each day.

For You To Pray

Sovereign God,
Let your people choose life,
so that future generations can live to praise Your name.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Who We Are

Birthmother Ministries, Inc. (Birthmothers) is a faith-based, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing nonjudgmental assistance to any woman or family member facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Pregnant women, partners and family members in crisis most often lack a compassionate advocate who will stand with them long-term, no matter what the circumstances. Birthmothers provides the missing link that hurting women and families need so desperately.

Through one-on-one relationships as Birthmothers Friends

A Birthmothers Friend is a trained volunteer who is matched one-on-one with a pregnant woman, her partner or family member.  A Friend listens and provides confidential, nonjudgmental practical assistance, emotional support and spiritual encouragement as long as the client needs or chooses.

More women carry babies to term and transition into parenting or adoption placement when they have support from a special person like a Friend during pregnancy.  The Friend relationship is modeled on the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. That’s why the Birthmothers ministry motto was derived from Proverbs 17:17: A Friend loves at all times™.

Through Church Teams

A Birthmothers Church Team is an intentional, organized group of congregation members that minister to women and families who face an unplanned pregnancy by:
• spreading awareness to women about Birthmothers services by distributing outreach materials in the local community
• serving birth moms and family members directly as trained, volunteer Friends
• recruiting practical support for birth moms from the congregation
• providing prayer support for birth moms and families
• facilitating abstinence training for local youth
• advocating pro-life, pro-adoption principles in their congregations

Church Teams literally transform lives by giving local women and families a loving, supportive community and remaining in relationship with them over the long haul.

Through partnerships with community organizations

We develop resource partnerships with local service providers to connect women with temporary housing, medical care, job opportunities, transitional housing, legal aid, adoption agencies, pregnancy care centers (PCCs), child care, and other social services.

We cultivate ministry partnerships with like-minded organizations to together be a voice for women, the unborn, the vulnerable, orphans, adoptive parents, adoptees, and families who are impacted by life-related issues.

See a flow chart that shows how Birthmothers works.

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Tips For Presenting Abortion Alternatives

If someone you know faces an unplanned pregnancy and is abortion-minded, consider presenting alternatives. These practical tips may help.

1. Be a friend. Most women who face an unplanned pregnancy experience isolation and rejection. In fact, 83% post-abortive women say they would have made a different choice if they’d had support from a partner, family member, or special person during pregnancy. Check in with her often. Earn the right to be heard. Put her in touch with Birthmothers so she can be matched one-on-one with a trained Friend who will walk with her during her ordeal.

2. Practice acceptance.  Tell her you’ll stand by her, no matter what her choice. 

3. Show her hope. Introduce her to women who were abortion-minded but ultimately chose to give birth.

4. Arrange for an ultrasound. Eight out of ten pregnancy care centers report that abortion-minded women decide to keep their babies after seeing ultrasound images. Offer to schedule and accompany her to an appointment.

5. Describe available services. Finances may be deterring her from carrying the pregnancy to term. Have information ready to share about resources offered to pregnant women, including medical aid, temporary shelter, transportation, food stamps, nutrition programs, and legal aid. Explain how you can help her access these services. Contact Birthmothers for a list of resources in your area.

6. Offer the adoption option. Ask, “How might you feel about helping to build a family?” Describe the benefits of choosing to place her child, including access to medical coverage, the opportunity to select and meet adoptive parents, and variety of arrangements available through open adoption.

7. Project the future.  Encourage her to look beyond her present situation.  Remind her that life brings different opportunities each day and each week.  Say, “I know you’re hurting right now. But five years from now, how might you feel about having had an abortion?”

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Tips For Presenting the Adoption Option

If someone you know faces an unplanned pregnancy, consider presenting the benefits of adoption. These tips may help.

1. Express compassion. Tell her you care.  Demonstrate your concern in concrete ways, such as spending time with her or by providing a meal.

2. Listen for cues. Is she ready to look at her options? Or is she overwhelmed at the moment?

3. Share information. When you sense the timing is right, explain your desire for her to make the most informed decision. Provide information about today’s adoption options.  Tell her about open adoption, a birth mom’s right to choose and interview adoptive parents, and opportunities open adoption provides to be a part of her child’s life.

4. Choose accurate language. Acknowledge that children are a gift rather than a possession. Refer to her pregnancy as “unplanned” rather than “unwanted.” Discuss “making an adoption plan” or “placing” rather than “giving up” or “putting up” her child for adoption. Talk about “biological parents” and “adoptive parents” rather than “real parents.”

5. Dispel myths. Address the truth about adoption: it’s a choice that requires tremendous, sacrificial love.  It’s a responsible choice.  Many lives will benefit from the courageous choice of adoption.  Use tools such as Birthmother, Good Mother and A Case For Adoption (both available the the National Council For Adoption).

6. Look into the future. Ask, “What kind of life do you want for your child?” and “What do you think your life and your child’s life will be like in 5 years? In 10 years?”

7. Give her a firsthand experience. Connect her with a birth parent who placed, an adoptive parent, or an adoptee – or all three – so she can hear about the benefits of the adoption option from those who have experienced it.



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Helpful Articles

Check out these practical tips and information to use as you minister to women who face an unplanned pregnancy.

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You can republish any of the articles on this page for free. It’s quick and easy. All you have to do is include attribution the following statement, “This article appears courtesy of Birthmother Ministries, Inc.” with a back link to www.birthmotherministries.org.  Then send us an email explaining where the article is published. That’s it!


Abortion Alternatives

Tips For Presenting Abortion Alternatives


Tips For Presenting the Adoption Option


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