
You’re not alone. We’re here for you.

No sermons. No judgments. Just one special Friend — a regular person just like you — who will listen and respect your privacy.

Your Friend won’t blame you or tell you what to do. Instead, this specially-trained volunteer will walk with you and provide personal help for whatever challenges you face. Your Friend will stick with you for as long as you need or choose. Many of our Friends have experienced an unplanned pregnancy themselves. They understand what you’re going through.

Call our 24/7 helpline

Toll-free: 1-(844)-772-4784 from anywhere
Metro D.C.:(703) 261-6370

You don’t need to be alone. We’ll listen and help. We’ll be a Friend.

There’s no cost.
There’s no obligation.
Your call is completely confidential.
We’ll help as little or as much as you want.

Call now: 1-(844)-772-4784 or (703) 261-6370.
We’ll stand with you. Because A Friend loves at all times.™

Read what other women say about having a Birthmothers Friend.

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© 2008-2015 Birthmother Ministries, Inc. 
Birthmothers® A Friend Loves At All Times™

1804 Brooketrail Court, Vienna, VA 22182   |   Office telephone: (703) 261-6370   |   Fax: (703) 261-6375

If you’re pregnant and need assistance, call (703) 261-6370 in metro DC •  Toll-free 1 (844) 77BIRTH from anywhere
24 hours a day, 7 days a week • We’ll be a Friend

Please encourage pregnant women, their partners and their families to visit for support and information.
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I appreciate my Birthmothers Friend so much. She has been so good to me. When things are hard, I just think of her and I feel like I can handle all of this.

Adriana, birth mom

Girls who come from a family like mine need the love and support of friends and Jesus. I needed my family’s support, but it wasn’t there. I’m glad that you created a place for women like me. Thank you!

Charlotte, birth mom

I’m thankful for all the baby items I received from people who are connected with Birthmothers, and most grateful for the emotional support I received from my Birthmothers Friend, Leslie. Now I know why people say that tangible gifts can come and go. A Friend like Leslie is irreplaceable.

Isabelle, birth mom

I really needed someone who cared enough to find a way to stay in touch with me. And Birthmothers did. They gave me a Friend.

Jocelyn, birth mom

When it seems everything is falling apart, you can’t give up.  You have to believe and go forward. God will always listen. He did for me. He gave me a Birthmothers Friend.

Tania, birth mom

Young women who make the courageous decision to give their babies life, and also a future with an adoptive family, need and deserve our compassion, love and support. Through Birthmother Ministries, someone will be brought alongside each woman who desires that support through her pregnancy and beyond. By offering this one-on-one support, Birthmother Ministries is able to supplement the vital ministry of pregnancy centers.

Kurt Entsminger, former president, Care Net

Thank you for the ministry of Birthmothers! Your Birthmothers Friends are just what so many women with unintended pregnancies need – someone to come alongside them and be their friend. The National Council For Adoption shares your heart for serving these loving and courageous women who make adoption plans for their babies. It’s a joy and privilege to work with you in uplifting these good mothers.

Tom Atwood, former president & CEO, National Council for Adoption

Birthmothers allowed me to make a fully informed decision. The ministry provided me with information, supported me while I processed that information and then stood by me once I made my decision. My Birthmothers Friend discussed all the steps with me — and helped me prepare myself for how I would fell all along the way. I felt like I made the best decision for myself and my daughter.

Lindsey Campbell, birth mom

Being a mother is the most important job there is, yet it is terribly undervalued in our society. I do whatever I can to help or support women during pregnancy — especially after they have a baby. Birthmothers provides a wonderful opportunity to step into the life of a woman and be by her side when she needs it most. I’m thrilled to be a part of this ministry.

Candace Fleming, Birthmothers Friend and volunteer

We have been doubly blessed as grandparents of two adopted miracle children, one of whom was placed as a direct result of a Birthmothers relationship.  We can’t say enough good things about this organization.

R & S Christenson, grandparents

Birthmother Ministries leverages its people, financial and church resources effectively to surround a birth mother with a caring community – and to help her see choosing life for her baby as a viable alternative.

Steven L. Skancke, Managing Director, G. William Miller & Co., Inc., Washington, D.C.

If we are to encourage women not to have an abortion, then we need to be there for them. Birthmother Ministries does exactly that. I found out first hand how vital it is for the birth mom to be supported throughout her pregnancy and beyond. I only wish that we’d had a Birthmothers Friend to stand with us during my daughter’s unplanned pregnancies. I support Birthmothers because I know it is a ministry that is close to God’s own heart, as it seeks to affirm life in real, practical ways.

Ruth B. Graham, author, speaker, and daughter of evangelist Billy Graham

I value and appreciate the unique ministry of Birthmothers and its part in God’s plan to restore protection for the unborn in this nation.

Rev. Jeff Good, Pastor, Christ Community Church ,  Ashburn, VA

It has been a blessing to be able to connect a couple of our clients with difficult situations with Birthmothers volunteers. These volunteers have worked with our clients as a friend and advocate, giving them added support and resources. We have found the Birthmothers Friends to be eager and willing!

Kelley Price, Executive Director, Sanctity of Life Ministries

I became excited about Birthmothers, even before the very first meeting to kick off the ministry. The idea of being a close Friend and encourager to a woman in a crisis pregnancy, and being there for her every day, was what prompted me to become involved. I have seen how much a friendship can mean to someone who is confused and seems to be without hope. We at Birthmothers supply lots of care and support to the women who call on us.

Carol Kabat, Birthmothers volunteer Friend

If I found myself suddenly confronted by the reality of an unexpected pregnancy, I’d want a Friend to help me think it all through. That’s just exactly what Birthmothers does – it provides wise and caring Friends to walk down thsi road with you.  That’s why I love Birthmothers.

John Yates, Rector, The Falls Church, Falls Church, VA

Thank you, Birthmothers. Very impressive — that is, the work you and God are doing.

Sherrie Eldridge, Founder & President, Jewel Among Jewels Adoption Network

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Fast Facts about Pregnancy, Adoption, and Abortion

Did You Know These Fast Facts about Pregnancy?

  • There are 6.4 million pregnancies a year in the with blue eyes
  • 49% of pregnancies among American women are unintended.
  • At 18 days after conception, the (baby’s) heart is forming, and the eyes start to develop.  By 21 days, the heart is pumping blood throughout the body.
  • At 42 days after conception (6 weeks), a baby’s brain waves can be recorded, and the baby’s skeleton is complete.
  • 79% babies born at 25 weeks’ gestation in the U.S. survive.

Did You Know These Fast Facts about Adoption?

  • About 2% of U.S. children under the age of 18 are adopted.
  • Nearly 4 in 10 American adults (81.5 million) have considered adoption.
  • Since 1987, the number of adoptions annually in the U.S. has remained relatively constant, ranging from 118,000 to 127,000.
  • An estimated 10 million couples would attempt to adopt a child domestically if they felt they had a realistic opportunity to do so.
  • 48% families considering adoption turn to their houses of worship for support and information.
  • A growing number of children are now placed through independent (private) adoption with estimates ranging from 1/2 to 2/3 of infant adoptions.
  • 2% of unmarried women at any age place their children for adoption.
  • In 1998, 56% of Americans held a “very favorable” opinion of adoption. Today, 63% hold this opinion.
  • November is National Adoption Awareness Month.
  • Fewer than 50,000 children find families through inter-country adoption each year.

Did You Know These Fast Facts about Abortion?

  • “The 3,733 abortions occurring every day in America are … more than all the lives lost in the September 11, 2001 destruction of the World Trade Center.” Randy Alcorn in Why Pro-Life?
  • Half of unplanned pregnancies in America end in abortion; 24% of all pregnancies (excluding miscarriage) end in abortion.
  • 84% women who have had an abortion say they would have kept their babies under different circumstances.
  • Only 1/3 Americans find abortion morally acceptable; 2/3 find it morally wrong.
  • An overwhelming number of teens find abortion abhorrent … maybe it’s because millions of other teens who would have been their friends and peers never made it out of the womb.
  • In 2008, Planned Parenthood performed 134 abortions for every 1 adoption referral.
  • 8 out of 10 pregnancy care centers (PCCs) report that abortion-minded women decide to keep their babies after seeing ultrasound images.
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Services for Women and Families

Services for women and families

mombaby4.jpgBethany Christian Services — a nonprofit, prolife, Christian adoption and family services agency with more than 75 locations in 30 states, serving both birth parents and adoptive parents.

Catholic Charities USA — one of the largest private social services networks in the U.S., Catholic Charities provides support to people in need, regardless of their religious, social, oreconomic backgrounds.

Feminists for Life of America — a non-sectarian, grassroots organization that seeks real solutions to the challenges women face.  Efforts focus on education, outreach, and advocacy, as well as facilitating practical resources and support for women in need.

Loving and Caring — a nonprofit, information ministry that provides resources to bring healing and hope to women, children, their families, and others in relationship with them.  Loving and Caring conducts trainng for agencies and Christian ministries which serve teen moms, single parents, and families affected by a crisis pregnancy.

Roe No More — Norma McCorvey ("Jane Roe" of Roe vs. Wade) shares her testimony about her crisis pregnancies, her new life in Christ, and her prolife ministry.

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Pregnancy resources

girl_thinking5.jpgCareNet — a nonprofit, Christian ministry assisting and promoting the evangelistic, prolife work of over 800 pregnancy resource centers in the United States and Canada.  CareNet centers offer free pregnancy tests, peer counseling, post-abortion support and other pracical help to empower women and men facing pregnancy-related concerns.

Option Line — Option Line’s toll-free, 24/7 nationwide hotline (1-800-395-HELP) refers the caller to a pregnancy resource center in her area.  Trained, caring consultants can answer confidential questions about pregnancy tests, STDs, abortion, adoption, parenting, medical referrals, housing, and other pregnancy-related issues.  The wesite lists pregnancy centers by state or province.

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Post-Abortion Care

Post-abortion care resources

The Elliott Institute — a national nonprofit organization dedicated to research, educationsad_girl_3.jpg, and outreach regarding the effects of abortion on women, men, families, and society.

Rachel’s Vineyard — a ministry of Priests for Life, offering weekend retreats and support groups that promote healing and recovery after abortion.

Ramah International — a nonprofit ministry that offers hope of helaing to women and men struggling with a past abortion.  RI ministers to those in crisis pregnancies and educates, equips, an encourages those working with post-abortive and abortion-minded individuals.

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If you or someone you know is pregnant, is facing an unplanned pregnancy, or has experienced a pregnancy that was not planned, please check out these resources to get the help you need.

You can also call Birthmothers (703-261-6370 in metro DC, 970-481-4787 in CO, or toll-free 1-877-77BIRTH from anywhere) and speak to a caring call counselor for resource support.



Pregnancy resources


Services for women and families


Adoption and pregnancy option resources 


Post-abortion care resources



Contact us  to share a new resource not listed here!

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Our Special Partners

Birthmothers works with these special like-minded partners to penetrate the media and culture with life-affirming, adoption-informing principles.


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Birthmothers featured at March For Life Convention!

overus_72.jpgView pictures from the Hyatt Capitol Hill, Washington, DC January 21-22, 2010 at the March For Life Convention, taken by ministry partner OVerus®, which administers Christian Business emblem endorsements.

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General Information for Organizations

Birthmothers works with like-minded partners to serve pregnant women and raise awareness about their needs.

friends5.256x171.jpgResource Partners

Birthmothers works together with agencies and social services providers to build a web of resources for pregnant women. Our partners include (but are not limited to) pregnancy care centers (PCCs), adoption agencies, private adoption attorneys, counselors, medical professionals, housing and transportation resources, cross-cultural and government services. We connect women in need with our local resource partners who provide:

  • medical care
  • job opportunities
  • transitional housing
  • legal aid
  • adoption services
  • pregnancy care center services
  • other social services

When you become a Birthmothers Resource Partner, more women and families will become aware of your services. Your organization will have even more impact on the vulnerable in our midst. Contact us for information about becoming a Birthmothers Resource Partner.

Ministry Partners

Birthmothers works with like-minded organizations as a united voice for women, the unborn, the vulnerable, orphans, adoptive parents, adoptees, and families. We combine efforts with our ministry partners to:

  • raise awareness about the needs of those facing unplanned pregnancies
  • offer ways people can serve those who face unplanned pregnancies
  • advocate pro-life, pro-family and pro-adoption principles

By becoming a Birthmothers Ministry Partner, you will raise awareness for your cause through additional channels. Your influence on pro-life, pro-family, and pro-adoption causes will reach further. Contact us  for information about becoming a Birthmothers Ministry Partner.

Stories From Partners

Read how Resource Partners and Ministry Partners team up to help more women and save lives! 

Rockville Pregnancy Center


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