Friends Resources

A Friends PledgeEnglish 
What our Friends promise to uphold as they serve women and families in need 

womanhalfface200x300.jpgA Friends PledgeSpanish
Our Friends’ Pledge for Spanish speakers 

Birthmothers’ Intake Form
The tool we use to gather information to match a women with a Friend

Client Contact FormEnglish
The tool Friends use to track their relationship with a birth mom or family member

Client Contact FormSpanish
Our Client Contact Form for Spanish speakers

Discussing adoption with birth moms
Helpful ideas and strategies to use when offering adoption-informing resources

Friends Resource Directory
Where to go and who to call for medical, legal, employment, counseling, and social service resources

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Other Volunteer Opportunities With Birthmothers

Birthmothers invites you to make a difference for hurting women and families by serving as a volunteer. Training is provided!

We have the need for volunteer services in these areas:

Administrative Volunteer

Phone calls, filing, mailing, data entry. Arrange volunteer hours according to your schedule. Learn more.

Distribution Volunteerwoman talking on phone

Distribute Birthmothers materials (like Need A Friend? cards) to local churches, hospitals, doctors, pregnancy care centers and shelters. 
Must have your own vehicle. Arrange your volunteer hours according to your schedule. Learn more.

Fundraising Volunteer

Call existing and prospective donors from ministry list or introduce potential partners you know to the ministry. You can work from home according to your own schedule. Learn more.

Your volunteer efforts can make a difference in the life of a woman, child, or family.


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“If I’d had someone stand with me — a friend, my family, anyone — I would have carried my baby to term.  But I didn’t.”

83% of women who struggle after an abortion say they would have changed their decision if they’d had support from a partner, family member or special person during pregnancy.

That’s why Birthmothers offers a special ministry to hurting women – the opportunity to be matched with a Birthmothers Friend.

What is a Birthmothers Friend?

friendA Birthmothers Friend is a trained volunteer who is matched one-on-one with a pregnant woman, her partner or family member.  A Friend listens and provides confidential, nonjudgmental practical assistance, emotional support and spiritual encouragement as long as the client needs or chooses.

More women carry babies to term and transition into parenting or adoption placement when they have support from a special person like a Friend during pregnancy.

Many Friends even provide long-distance support for a woman, partner, or family member who faces an unplanned pregnancy — on the phone, through email, in texting, and on Skype. (If you or someone you know needs long-distance support, click here.)

Our Motto

The Friend relationship is modeled on the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.  That’s why the Birthmothers ministry motto is derived from Proverbs 17:17: A Friend loves at all times™.

How Can You Help?

There are so many ways you can support women and families who face an unplanned pregnancy.

Learn more about becoming a Birthmothers Friend.
Find out other ways you can make a difference in the life of a woman or a child.


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Stories from Our Churches and Church Teams

Experience ministry to women and families firsthand when you read these inspiring stories from our churches and Birthmothers Church Teams.

New Teams

stories from our churches - steeple against night sky
Congregation’s small group becomes a Birthmothers Team

New Birthmothers Team forms just in time

Website leads way to team launch in CO

Reaching Out

One little brochure means a brand-new hope

Church Team instrumental in outreach miracle


Gift baskets of healing 

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Reaching Out: Church Team Instrumental in Outreach Miracle

Right after their Birthmothers Church Team launch, members of the Birthmothers Team at Soul Purpose Church encouraged each other to distribute Birthmothers’ Need a Friend? cards.

ultrasound imageOne member, Michelle Brown, shared the cards with the medical staff at Fauquier Hospital (Warrenton, VA), where she’s employed as an ultrasound technician. None of her colleagues seemed interested.  Disappointed, Michelle slipped the materials into her desk drawer.

A few days later, a patient named Beth had a sonogram to determine the cause of her distended abdomen.  When the ultrasound tech supervisor read the results, Beth reacted in shock and distress.  She had no idea she was 24 weeks’ pregnant.

The supervisor sought out Michelle.  “Do you have any of those Birthmothers cards handy?” the supervisor asked.  “This patient needs one.”

Later Michelle learned that Beth had not only contacted Birthmothers for help, but she’d even met with Birthmothers personnel the very day she was scheduled for an abortion.  Beth cancelled her abortion.  She has since rejected any thought of ending the pregnancy and is now considering adoption.

“What an amazing moment when we connected the dots about Michelle’s outreach and this birth mom!” said the Soul Purpose Church Team coordinator.  “We’ve been able to see God’s work through us – something that always doesn’t happen in ministry.  Wow!”

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New Teams: Congregation’s small group becomes a Birthmothers Team

“I’m always thrilled when any church member finds a connection between God’s call on their life, their gifts, talents and passion, and their personal experience,” said Matt Gregory, pastor of Soul Purpose Church (SPC) in Bealeton, VA, a church plant launched in spring 2005.

Small group becomes church teamSPC’s small groups (dubbed “L.I.F.E. Groups”) are a key to the congregation’s infrastructure. Today, the blossoming congregation boasts multiple L.I.F.E. Groups meeting nearly every day of the week serving, men, women and youth of the congregation.

“One small group adopted Birthmothers as an outreach project for our church-wide 40 Days of Community, and has since become our Birthmothers Church Team,” said Gregory.

As a church leader, Gregory especially appreciates how Birthmothers provides a ready-made program, complete with training, staff consultation and services, so that a partner church needn’t invent the wheel to conduct ministry with women who face an unplanned pregnancy.  “It didn’t take even a minute of our church’s administrative energy in order for our members to get Birthmothers up and running here,” just willing congregation members, he said.

And speaking as a shepherd about his flock, Gregory is particularly grateful for how Birthmothers has impacted his members.  “In the efforts to enlist and train SPC members in a Birthmothers outreach, several women who had experienced abortion found they were not alone and were able to find some healing for this previous secret in their lives,” he said.  “On behalf of my congregation, I want to voice a special thank you to Birthmothers.”

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New Teams: Website leads way to team launch in CO

When church leaders asked Lorraine Meyer to mentor a young, single pregnant woman, she responded with excitement.  “That experience was a gift,” says Lorraine. “God told me He’d later give me a ministry to pregnant women.”

cup of coffee and laptop in ministryThat ministry turned out to be a new team launch for Birthmothers. Lorraine (an adoptive parent) and her family moved to Colorado a couple of years ago and joined Timberline Church, a 5,000+ member congregation in Fort Collins.  One Sunday, Lorraine noticed a display for Timberline’s orphan care ministry and asked if anyone was ministering to birth moms.  “We’re praying for someone to take on that ministry,” the volunteer answered. That’s when Lorraine remembered God’s promise so many years earlier.

She found Birthmothers online and discovered that the ministry serves pregnant women one-on-one, so similar to the way she’d ministered to that young birth mom years before. God’s call had come full circle.

Lorraine traveled to Virginia for Birthmothers Friends Certification Training, returned home, introduced the ministry to Timberline’s leadership, and enlisted their 100% support to launch a Birthmothers Team. Soon, she trained 25 new Friends at Timberline. They now form the nucleus of the new Timberline Church Team, and 25 more have expressed interest in training.

Team members are putting together a local resource manual and planning their strategy to reach local pregnant women. “One-on-one mentoring in a friendship format outside the four walls of an organization is a whole new concept here,” says Lorraine.  She’s meeting with adoption agencies and local pregnancy care centers, communicating how Birthmothers’ services are distinctive and complementary to what they offer, and explaining how organizations can partner with Birthmothers to help women who face an unplanned pregnancy.

“God went before to prepare us for this team launch,” says Lorraine.  “I’m excited to be a part of what He’s doing through Birthmothers.”

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Find a Team

These churches have active Birthmothers Friends or partner with Birthmothers financially. Use this list to find a Birthmothers Church Team near you – or contact us  and we’ll help you start one.


Crossover Church Hyattsville, MD



Alexandria Presbyterian Church Alexandria, VA
Calvary Baptist Church Woodbridge, VA

Calvary Road Baptist Church Alexandria, VA

Cherrydale Baptist Church, Arlington, VA

Columbia Baptist Church Falls Church, VA

DC Metro Church Alexandria, VA

Good Shepherd Catholic Church Alexandria, VA

Grace Baptist Church of Arlington Arlington, VA

Grace Community Church Ashburn, VA

McLean Bible Church McLean, VA
Messiah United Methodist Church, Springfield, VA

Reston Bible Church Reston, VA

The Falls Church Anglican Falls Church, VA

How Birthmothers works through churches and volunteers

Ryan Dobson, Rev. John Yates, staff, and volunteer Friends share how Birthmothers trains Friends to walk with pregnant women and builds a ministry infrastructure in churches to serve those who face an unplanned pregnancy.


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Church Teams: Work in Your Church and Community to Serve Those in Need

A Birthmothers Church Team is an intentional, organized group of congregation members that minister to women and families who face an unplanned pregnancy. This flow chart explains how we work.

Church Teams: what they do

  • Teams meet together regularly to have devotions, pray for birth moms and families in their care and support one another in their Friend relationships
  • Teams mobilize their congregations to meet birth moms’ and families’ needs
  • Teams keep shared information confidential

Why Build Church Teams?

Church teams serve those who face an unplanned pregnancy

  • Birthmothers Church Teams help identify, train and support congregation members with a heart for hurting women and families, thereby equipping your church to minister compassion and grace to more women and children
  • Birthmothers Church Teams bridges generations and financial status – all members of your faith community can participate – thereby uniting your congregation with a sense of purpose of truly making a difference for local families
  • The Birthmothers Church Team model is ready-made and easily reproducible in any size congregation

Birthmothers Church Team Model

Birthmothers team members and volunteers are the heart of our ministry.  They are living stones, not bricks — placed for service by God.  Each has a heart for prayer, and recognizes that God uses intercessory prayer combined with action to accomplish His work in this ministry.

To function properly and grow, each team needs certain key people:bmi-team_model_diagram_2010-cropped-reduced

Coordinator: builds a sense of community within a team; assists Friends Program Director with pairing birth moms to Friends within her church team; supports Friends through direct supervision and spiritual encouragement; organizes monthly team meetings to maintain open lines of communication within the team.  Recognizes that every team has an ebb and flow of volunteers, and works to keep personnel staffing in balance.  The coordinator watches for and works to resolve any possible conflicts.  Each coordinator should serve up to 12 Friends with larger teams having additional coordinators as needed.  Coordinators serve under Birthmothers staff.

Communicator: keeps Birthmothers in front of the local congregation.  Uses church bulletins, bulletin boards, picture postcards, business cards, online materials, and other handout tools to communicate with the church and team members. Regularly presents Birthmothers to church staff and board as an opportunity for community outreach.  Makes sure photos are taken at appropriate events.  Communicates appreciation to Birthmothers supporters within the church. Serves under the Team Coordinator.

Coach/Recruiter*: brings energy & unity to the team. Plans lunches, teas and social events to encourage and support current Friends and recruit new Friends.  Connects with Friends monthly.  Attends as many in-service Friends trainings as possible. Serves under the Team Coordinator.

Friend: ministers directly to a birth mom to provide emotional and spiritual support, companionship and access to community resources.  Each Friend is part of a larger team of 8-12 Friends.  Teams of Friends can be formed between churches if there are not enough volunteers at one church. Likewise, larger churches may have several teams.  Serves under the Team Coordinator.

Commitment: Leadership roles require a higher level of commitment. Birthmothers is dedicated to providing you with the support, help, and encouragement that you need.  We ask that you would commit to serving in your leadership role for a minimum of 1 year, and that you seek another to fill your role before you complete your time of service.

Church Teams: 5 Keys To Getting Started

It takes just one person in your congregation to capture a vision to help hurting women and families.  Birthmothers will come alongside you to help you get started building a ministry to them through a Church Team.  Here are Five Keys you’ll need to get started.
Key #1: Pray.  Ask God for direction and guidance as you begin this ministry.

Key #2: Raise awareness in your congregation about the significance of ministry to women who face an unplanned pregnancy. Distribute literature.  Have a Birthmothers staff member speak to groups in your church.

Key #3: Identify members for your Church Team.  Schedule an informational meeting about Birthmothers.

Key #4: Launch your Church Team.  Conduct your initial Church Team meeting.  Invite team members to take on roles.  Begin ministry.

Key #5: Grow your Church Team.  Meet regularly for fellowship and prayer.  Train volunteer Friends.  Serve birth moms, birth families, single parents, adoptees and adoptive families.  Give updates to your congregation about your Team’s ministry.  Invite other congregation members to join your Team.

Birthmothers’ Church Team Ministry Vision

Build 50 strong Church Teams in the D.C. metro area

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For Churches That Want to Help

Birthmothers exists outside of four walls.  It is built among the people of God in congregations that become part of the Birthmothers network.

Birthmothers Flow ChartA Birthmothers Partnering Church is a local congregation that serves women, men, and families who face an unplanned pregnancy.

Women who face an unplanned pregnancy receive personal support, adoption information, resources, and help from Partnering Churches and supportive Church Teams.

Here’s how your church and its volunteers can get equipped to serve women who face an unplanned pregnancy. 

1. Church Teams

A Birthmothers Church Team is an intentional, organized group of congregation members that minister to women and families who face an unplanned pregnancy.

2. Financial Partnership

Churches provide for Birthmothers in their outreach or missions budgets and offer opportunities for members to give additional offerings to the ministry. (Get more information.)

3. Prayer

Churches regularly lift up Birthmothers and its ministry in prayer.

What To Do: How Your Church Can Get Involved

  • Pray
    Ask God to confirm your congregation’s ministry to hurting women
  • Contact Birthmothers

    We’ll arrange a presentation at your church
  • Obtain Approval
    Request permission from your pastor and church board to build a ministry to women and families who face an unplanned pregnancy
  • Recruit
    Invite members to participate who have a heart for women, children, and families. Recruit a coordinator to lead your Church Team.
  • Serve
    Begin serving women and families in need
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