Jim Wright

President jim3.jpg

Jim’s passion to assist women who face unplanned pregnancies dates back to 1990, when he and his late wife, Tami, began their journey to become adoptive parents. That process culminated in the birth of their adopted son to a 14-year-old high school freshman. Jim saw how little help many birth moms have as they face unplanned pregnancies, and believed that God called him to act in faith in using his business skills to assist them.

Jim founded Birthmother Ministries in 1996. His targeted perseverance is the driving force behind the ministry. Future plans include the expansion of Birthmothers into cities throughout the U.S.

Jim is a commercial real estate broker and developer in northern Virginia. His website, www.jamesmichaelcompanies.com, explains how he helps commercial tenants acquire the office space they need while building equity. Jim, his wife Cindy, and his son A.J. reside in Vienna, VA.

Email Jim


(Read Jim’s special capital raise appeal) .

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Job Opportunities

Nonprofit Job Opportunites with Birthmothers 

Birthmother Ministries, Inc. (Birthmothers®) is a faith-based, nonprofit organization that shares Christ’s unconditional love one-on-one with those who face an unplanned pregnancy. The ministry offers job opportunities and internships with those who are interested in nonprofit, prolife work that will save lives and impact our culture.


Current Openings

Manages and oversees the ministry’s administration and programming. Learn more.

Friends Ministry Director
Matches pregnant women with volunteer Friends and oversees Friend/matched woman relationships. Learn more.

Ministry Administrator
Manages day-to-day administrative tasks in the main office. Learn more.

Internship Opportunities Available 

Find out how you can help women and families in need while gaining valuable experience as part of a faith-based, nonprofit team. Birthmothers needs organized, articulate self-starters with a passion for service. Call (703) 261-6370 or email  the office to learn more.


Page updated February 21. 2011

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Our Staff and Board

Washington Area Staff

Jim Wright, Founder, President, & Volunteer

Board of Directors

Jim Wright, Chairman
Founder & President, Birthmother Ministries, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA

Advisory Council

Fred Barnes
Executive Editor, The Weekly Standard; former co-host, The Beltway Boys; political commentator
Christopher S. Call, IFA, GAA/RAA
Owner/appraiser, AREAS Appraisers, Springfield, VA
Kim Cooke, J.D.
Founder, Blue Water Capital, McLean, VA
Lee Corder, Ph.D.
Senior VP, Young Life International North Division; former senior chaplain, The Washington Redskins
Corky Eddins
The Navigators
Rev. Dennis Glusko
Chaplain, Youth For Tomorrow, Bristow, VA
Ruth Graham
Author, speaker, and daughter of Billy Graham
Conrad R. “Bud” Harper
Real estate broker, Washington Fine Properties
Jerry Leachman
Speaker; former chaplain, The Washington Redskins
Jessica O’Connor-Petts
Senior legal research analyst; birth mom
Rich Sewell
Pastor of Senior Ministries, Lake City Community Church, Lakewood, WA
Steven Skancke, Ph.D.
Chief Investment Officer and Client Director, Keel Point Advisors, Vienna, VA
Ken Smith
Founder and Director, Christian Stewardship Ministries
James Wootton, J.D.
Attorney, Washington, DC
The Rev. Dr. John W. Yates
Rector, The Falls Church, Falls Church, VA

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Our History

By Jim Wright, Founder, President & Volunteer

My passion for helping women who face unplanned pregnancies stems from personal experience.

A Personal Passion

Jim and his son AJ

Jim and his son AJ

On July 30, 1991, a fourteen-year-old high school freshman gave birth to a boy.  The birth mom had a difficult journey. Neither she nor her family had the resources to parent her baby properly, and she approached a pregnancy care center about placing her child for adoption.  Scared and confused about the many choices available and the conflicting sources of information she received, her feelings of fear and isolation grew. She struggled to make an adoption plan.

Personal connections brought my late wife and me together with that birth mom, and she selected us to be her baby’s adoptive parents. Our son has been an overwhelming blessing to us.

But the hopelessness the birth mom experienced in making an adoption plan left scars of anger, frustration and helplessness. I realized then that a woman in crisis has two critical needs: resource information and one-on-one support.

A Special Burden

That experience gave me a special burden. Women who face unplanned pregnancies don’t know where to turn for accurate information. They are repeatedly left unaware of the many viable options for choosing life. Confusion and fear add to their dilemma.

Over the next three years, many people affirmed to me the need to support women who face unplanned pregnancies. Our son’s birth mom, for instance, wrote us a letter sharing her joy in helping a close friend choose adoption.  My late wife befriended a young pregnant woman who had been abandoned by her family and the birth father, gave the birth mom clothes, took her on outings, provided a listening ear, and even helped arrange legal assistance when the young woman decided to place her baby for adoption.

Then in late 1994, I shared my story with Tom Starnes, a friend in my businessmen’s Bible study. He and his wife were considering adoption. I articulated my specific vision for providing a program of constructive, positive help to pregnant women and offering adoption as an option, when appropriate. Tom responded with great conviction, “You’ve got to do it!” I felt I had just heard a message directly from God. At that point, I surrendered my will, and focused my energies on doing what I knew God had unmistakably called me to do.

A Defining Moment

I consulted with Focus on the Family’s Crisis Pregnancy Center Resource staff (Colorado Springs, CO) in order to understand the resources that are available to women, and visited a major crisis pregnancy phone center in Dallas, TX. Women call the helpline toll-free, 24/7 and talk with a counselor who makes referrals to pregnancy care centers in the woman’s geographic area and shares information about pregnancy symptoms, medical care, abortion, adoption, STDs, housing and counseling. Telephone services like these are invaluable.

But as I watched the phone lines at the center light up, I recalled the experience of my son’s birth mom and the friendship my late wife offered the abandoned pregnant girl.  A woman in an unplanned pregnancy needs much more than a long-distance counselor. She also needs focused, individual love and attention — an advocate who will show compassion and connect her to whatever life-affirming resources she needs.  The idea of the “Friend” mentoring program was born.

A Church-Based Ministry

Pat Fagan of The Heritage Foundation shared startling statistics with me: abortion rates had increased in the U.S. for 20 years, while barriers to adoption had multiplied. Pat pointed out the merits of recruiting an army of volunteers from America’s 400,000 churches to connect women in need to resources that offer adoption.

Birthmother Ministries was incorporated in 1996. I mobilized those with a passion for life and began by building relationships with local churches to recruit Friends. We put together our first Resource Manual and Friends Trainings.  Since then, Birthmothers has continued to work hand-in-hand with local congregations to grow Church Teams that minister to pregnant women in their communities.

How Birthmothers is Different

Over the years, we have trained hundreds of Friends and supported countless pregnant women. Churches recruit volunteers and Friends, who are the heart of Birthmothers’ ministry. We provide information, resources and training.  By working together with churches, pregnancy care centers and agencies, we provide information and support that women need to choose life. We complement agency services in two distinct ways:

  1. One-on-one, long-term relationships. Our relational support for birth moms is targeted, personal, and lasts as long as the woman needs or chooses – often extending beyond pregnancy and delivery.
  2. Church-based services. Our organizational structure and philosophy are specific and unique in that we minister through the local church, cutting across denominational lines to serve women and families with Christ’s unconditional love.

But more than anything, we strive to offer what my son’s birth mom didn’t have – a Friend who loves at all times.™
Copies of Birthmothers’ articles of incorporation and bylaws are available upon request.

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What We Believe

The Trinity

We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

God the Creator

We believe that God the Father is the Creator and Sustainer of life.

Jesus Christ

Silhouettes of Three Crosses

We believe in the deity and humanity of Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, His present rule as Head of the Church and His personal return to earth in power and glory.

The Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit personally indwells, regenerates and transforms believers into the image of Christ.

The Bible

We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.


We believe that mankind was created by God in His image, incurred sin’s penalty of spiritual and physical death by Adam’s disobedience and is hopelessly lost — apart from God’s grace.


We believe that salvation is wholly of God by grace. It is based on the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, who offers complete and unconditional forgiveness to those who repent and place their trust in Him. Salvation is accepted by faith, renders believers adopted sons and daughters of God and leads them to works of service.

Eternal life

We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost. Those who receive God’s welcoming, adoptive and reconciling love can have the joy of eternal life. Those who do not accept God are forever separated from Him.

The Church

We believe that the Church is a community of believers who are called to a life of faith and ongoing ministry until the coming of Christ’s Kingdom. They are committed to spiritual unity with equality across racial, gender and class differences, as brothers and sisters in Christ.

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Our Distinctives

Birthmothers complements the wonderful work undertaken by other prolife organizations. We fill these needs not met elsewhere.

We provide one-on-one care giving

We match any woman, partner or family member who faces an unplanned pregnancy with a trained, caring, volunteer Birthmothers Friend, who provides unconditional emotional, spiritual, and practical support for as long as the client needs or chooses.

We work outside four walls

We are not limited to working in one location. We provide churches with a complete infrastructure for ministry to women, children, and families, and equip individuals to serve hurting women one-on-one.

We personally connect clients to services

We build a network of resource providers and then personally connect each client to the services she needs.

We share Christ

We intentionally reflect Jesus Christ’s grace and acceptance in one-on-one relationships, so that each client can experience God’s love firsthand.

We present the adoption option

We educate the community about the benefits of adoption and offer adoption as one avenue pregnant women can consider.

We’re a love ministry, not a protest ministry

We believe in standing for life by offering a positive alternative to pregnant women – a Friend that loves at all times.™

See a flow chart that shows how Birthmothers works.

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Our Mission, Vision, and Core Values

Who We Are

Birthmother Ministries, Inc. (Birthmothers®) is a faith-based, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing nonjudgmental assistance to any woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Our Mission

To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by offering unconditional, one-on-one support and life-affirming, adoption-informing resources to any woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy.

Our Vision

baby feetWe envision the Christian community collaborating to love, serve, and support those who face an unplanned pregnancy, working together for the day when human life is universally valued, the need for abortion is eradicated, and all children are welcomed into God’s family.

We envision 1 million strong, committed believers walking with those who face an unplanned pregnancy, pointing them to Jesus and to life.

Our Core Values


God creates and sustains all life.
You give life to everything. (Nehemiah 9:6)

Unconditional love

Just as God loves us freely and completely, we aim to reflect the same unequivocal grace and acceptance demonstrated by Jesus Christ.
Freely you have received, freely give. (Matthew 10:8)

Relational evangelism

God’s message of forgiveness and love is best transferred in personal, supportive relationships.
Encourage one another and build each other up. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)


Just as God is faithful, we are committed to staying in relationship with any woman, partner, or family member for as long as needed, no matter what the circumstances.
The Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Unity of believers

God calls us to partner with His family to glorify Him.
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5-6)


God has adopted us as His children by faith and calls us to welcome children into families.
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! (1 John 3:1)

See a flow chart that shows how Birthmothers works.

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A Message from the President

jim_1a.jpgI remain excited beyond words as Birthmothers moves ahead in ministry! We’ve seen God’s incredible love working through Birthmothers as we’ve come alongside women who face an unplanned pregnancy. Each one receives the quality, compassionate, one-on-one care that Birthmothers is known for.

I praise God for our faithful partners and for our compassionate Friends, who have embraced our vision to offer a woman a genuine choice for life for her baby, and facilitate an adoption plan when she believes it’s in the best interest of her child.

This powerful ministry of love is motivated by our commitment to the unborn – the most vulnerable, voiceless among us.  I dream of the day in America when abortion no longer takes an estimated one-third of our conceived children, even as millions of adoptive couples wait to be blessed with a precious child.

That’s why there’s no question about it: Birthmothers is called to mobilize God’s people by offering Christ’s love and compassion to women, their partners and families with a real choice for life.  Nonjudgmental acceptance is powerful.

So many women will choose life when they know they don’t have to be alone. I pray you’ll help us help women, their partners and families to offer them compassion and a genuine choice for life.

Under His mercy,


Jim Wright, Founder, President & Volunteer

Jim’s special message in fall 2013

Listen to Jim’s interview with Jeff Arnette on WAVA radio (105.1 FM Arlington/Washington)
Part 1

Part 2

Jim’s special message to Christian leaders in spring 2013

Read Jim Wright’s special message :
a vision for $100 million Birthmothers capital raise


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Does Jesus Smile At What You Do?

Volume 3, Number 25 AUGUST 25, 2009


For You From The Word 

woodcross205x307.jpgWhoever is kind to the needy
honors God. 

(Proverbs 14:31)



For You To Think About 

Every week, Birthmothers receives phone calls from women who face an unplanned pregnancy. They asked to be matched one-on-one with a volunteer Friend for support.

homeless-small.jpgWe recently got a call from a woman who was pregnant with her second child. The day before, she and her toddler were evicted. Now homeless, she was contacting us from a stranger’s house. She had nowhere to go. But that’s not all. Just that morning, she had been treated at the hospital for dehydration.

This woman had physical needs (housing), medical needs (dehydration), relational needs (a toddler to care for) and emotional needs (a pregnancy with no support). She was trying hard to carry the baby to term in the face of overwhelming adversity.

“If we are to encourage women not to have an abortion,” says Ruth B. Graham, author, speaker, and daughter of evangelist Billy Graham, “then we need to be there for them.” Jesus doesn’t call us to judge hurting women. Rather, think of how He must smile when we show them love and help meet their needs.

For You To Pray

littlegirlpraysm.jpgGod of grace,

Give me a special burden to help meet the needs of hurting women.


This Week’s Prayer Focus

For God’s people to meet pregnant women’s needs


Did U Know?  

83% of women who struggle after an abortion say they would have changed their decision if they’d had support from a partner, family member or special person during pregnancy.



Your tax-deductible gift helps pregnant women have loving, one-on-one support and helps meet their physical, medical, relational, and emotional needs. Donate here.

Please forward Friends4Life to people who care about women, children and families.

© 2009 Birthmother Ministries, Inc. (Birthmothers®)

Our Mission: we spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by offering unconditional, one-on-one support and life-affirming, adoption-informing resources to any woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy.

133 Park St. NE, Third Floor, Vienna, VA 22180 | Office telephone: (703) 261-6370 | Fax: (703) 261-6375
Our Toll-free helpline: 1-(877) 77-BIRTH | 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Please encourage pregnant women, their partners and their families to visit www.birthmothers.org for support and information.

Privacy Policy

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How To Chase Away Feelings of Abandonment

Volume 3, Number 24 AUGUST 18, 2009


For You From the Word 


Your hands shaped me and made me.
Will you now turn and destroy me?
(Job 10:8)



For You To Think About 

Job was a successful and affluent businessman.  He also had a loving wife and ten beautiful children.

Then the unthinkable happened. Job’s children, his employees, his home, and his business were all destroyed. Job himself became afflicted with a nasty, painful skin disorder all over his body.

At his lowest point, Job cried out to God.  “Your hands shaped me and made me.  woman_bl_wh.200x200.jpgWill you now turn and destroy me?” Job is most known for being a man of persistent, unwavering faith, but he struggled with how to be faithful and to do the right thing during an overwhelming crisis.

Women who face an unplanned pregnancy, like Job, go through one of life’s darkest valleys.  No matter how strong or weak their faith, a woman may feel abandoned by God.  Your presence can help chase away her feelings of abandonment. You can make a difference for a hurting woman by standing with her, modeling an unwavering faith, and demonstrating the love of Christ.

For You To Pray

Compassionate Father,

Place people of strong faith around pregnant women.
Chase away feelings of abandonment.  Allow women to experience Your loving presence.


This Week’s Prayer Focus


For God to chase away feelings of abandonment in pregnant women

Did You Know?  

83% of women who struggle after an abortion say they would have changed their decision if they’d had support from a partner, family member or special person during pregnancy.



Your tax-deductible gift helps pregnant women have one-on-one support and helps them make the best choice for themselves and their babies – so they’re not alone. Donate here.

Please forward Friends4Life to people who care about women, children and families.

© 2009 Birthmother Ministries, Inc. (Birthmothers®)
Our Mission: we spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by offering unconditional, one-on-one support and life-affirming, adoption-informing resources to any woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy.

133 Park St. NE, Third Floor, Vienna, VA 22180 | Office telephone: (703) 261-6370 | Fax: (703) 261-6375
Our Toll-free helpline: 1-(877) 77-BIRTH | 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Please encourage pregnant women, their partners and their families to visit www.birthmothers.org for support and information.
Privacy Policy

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