What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 3: Vision

For You From The Word

Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs 28:19, KJV)

For You To Think About

Rachel entered college with a 4.2 GPA and a determination to obtain her doctorate degree.

Rachel and her twin boys

Rachel and her twin boys

Part of the way through her freshman year, she discovered she was pregnant – with twins.

Friends encouraged her to have an abortion. But when she heard the babies’ heartbeats, Rachel decided she was not going to let the societal stigma about having a baby at a young age, out of wedlock, or as a full-time student get in the way of the joys the new journey would bring her. “I became disenchanted with the low expectations and lack of faith from my peers,” said Rachel.

She continued with my education and gave birth to twin boys during her second year at the university. Rachel completed her undergraduate degree on time, then a master’s degree in counseling two years later including an award from the university as “Outstanding Graduate Student.”  The twins’ father also continued with his education, obtaining both bachelor and master’s degrees.

Today Rachel is enrolled full-time in a Ph.D. program. “I can gratefully proclaim that I will become the doctor that I had always envisioned,” says Rachel.

Pregnant college students need to grasp a vision. Without that sense of purpose, they can quickly get discouraged and settle for less than God’s best for their lives.

“We have the ability to achieve more than we could ever imagine,” says Rachel. A pregnant college student may not be able to see, in the moment, that pregnancy is a purposeful gift.

You can cast vision for them and inspire them to see God’s hand at work.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Touch the lives of pregnant women on college campuses. Give them a vision. Fill them with determination. Show me and others around them ways to speak purpose into their lives.
In Jesus name, Amen.

More About College Students and Pregnancy

What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 2: To Know Their Legal Rights

What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 1: University Support

How to Save Lives on College Campuses

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