Advice From Teen Moms to Pregnant Teens: “You Can Do It!”

For You From The Word

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial. (James 1:12, NIV)

For You To Think About

teen mom and babyAlisha was a straight-A student, band member, and track athlete when she discovered she was pregnant during her junior year of high school.

Choosing life was not a question for her. Alisha came from a family with strong roots in the Christian faith. She gave birth during Christmas vacation of her senior year and returned to school immediately after the holiday in order to keep up with Advanced Placement classes. The following fall, she enrolled in college.

But Alisha says that being a teen mom has changed her completely. “I was a kid that had a kid,” says Alisha. “I had to grow up, so that’s what I did.” Her thought process is much different than the other students she knows on campus. She doesn’t think about parties and football games on the weekend – she thinks about seeing her daughter. She doesn’t shop for herself – she shops for her daughter.

Alisha says it’s important for pregnant teens to realize that it is still possible to achieve their goals. The way a teen mom goes about reaching your goal might be a little different and take a little longer than what she’d planned, says Alisha, but it’s still possible.

“Never give up,” she says. “You can do it. What you are doing, you are doing for your child.”

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank you for the gift of perseverance. Give it to pregnant teens. Allow them to choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Stories of Teens Who Have Chosen Life

16 & Pregnant Stars Spotlight One-on-One Support

Teen College Soccer Star Chooses Life

American Idol Contestant Shares Her Teen Pregnancy Story

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Ways Lives Are Saved: Sidewalk Counselors

For You From The Word

Death and life are in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21, ESV)

For You To Think About

Sidewalk counselor at abortion clinic, Image courtesy Pro-Life Action League

Image courtesy Pro-Life Action League

Jane serves as a sidewalk counselor, a volunteer who speaks to abortion-bound women and their partners who are on their way inside to a clinic. It is a last attempt to turn hearts away from abortion and offer real help.

One day Jane experienced the power of words in helping women choose life. Two young women drove into the parking lot. When they got out of the car, Jane offered them information about local pregnancy resource centers and asked if she could help them in any way. The pregnant girl, Courtney, hurried towards the facility.

Her friend Lanie spoke to Jane and in tears shared about her previous abortion. “I don’t want Courtney to have an abortion but I don’t want to be a hypocrite,” she cried. Jane and another counselor encouraged Lanie. They prayed for Lanie’s healing and for her friend Courtney. Then Lanie went inside.

When both girls emerged a few minutes later, Jane knew that Courtney had canceled her appointment. She chose life. Jane had ministered to three people that day – Lanie, Courtney, and Courtney’s unborn baby – with her words of life and her prayers.

“I felt first-hand that sidewalk counseling is both a responsibility and a privilege,” says Jane. “Women feel trapped, pressured, and often forced into a decision they don’t want to make. We MUST be there for the women in their most desperate time of need.”

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank you for the many ways you save babies’ lives. Call more volunteers to serve as sidewalk counselors.  Use them and their words to help women choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways Lives Are Saved

Ways Lives Are Saved: Pro-Life Bus Helps Women Choose Life

Ways Lives are Saved: Fetal Models Help Women Choose Life

Ways Lives Are Saved: Informed Consent Helps Women Choose Life

Ways Lives Are Saved: Ultrasounds Help Women Choose Life

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Ways Lives Are Saved: Pro-Life Bus Helps Women Choose Life

For You From The Word

Make the most of every opportunity. (Ephesians 5:16, NIV)

For You To Think About

Richelle Scott says that an ultrasound on a pro-life bus saved her son’s life.

Pro-life bus: mobile pregnancy center“As soon as I saw him on the ultrasound and they let me hear the heart, I started crying,” says Richelle. “That was it.”

Richelle is referring to Houston (TX)’s Coalition for Life’s mobile pregnancy care center, in the form of a bus, which sits from sits across the street from an abortion facility.

Texas’ 24-hour-waiting period means women visit the abortion facility and must return a day or more later. Sidewalk counselors offer women the option of visiting the bus before terminating their pregnancies. The bus is outfitted to provide free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and counseling for pregnant women.

The pro-life bus’s strategic location makes the most of the opportunity to reach pregnant women – and it saves lives. To date more than 7,000 women have entered the bus. Nine out of ten have chosen life.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank you for the many ways you save babies’ lives. Open the door for more mobile pregnancy centers to be strategically located where pregnant women will find them.  Use pro-life buses to help women choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways Lives Are Saved

Ways Lives are Saved: Fetal Models Help Women Choose Life

Ways Lives Are Saved: Informed Consent Helps Women Choose Life

Ways Lives Are Saved: Ultrasounds Help Women Choose Life

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Ways Lives Are Saved: Ultrasounds

For You From The Word

You knit me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13, NIV)

For You To Think About

women receiving an ultrasound“No one can change my mind about getting an abortion!” said Gina to the First Choice Women’s Resource center worker. “Not my friends in the waiting room, not that girl who just came in and spoke to me, and definitely not you.” Gina had come to the center to get information about terminating her pregnancy.

The worker told Gina know that it was not my intention to force her not to abort but rather to present her with her options so she could make the best, most well-informed decision. The two talked for about an hour. Gina shared about her family, her goals, and her relationship with the father of her baby. The worker shared about parenting and adoption options. After the conversation, Gina thanked the worker – but she was firm in her decision to terminate.

Then Gina had an ultrasound.

She looked at the monitor. Gina looked at our nurse and me and said, “Yo, that’s it! That’s my baby!” It was the first time she identified her child as a baby. Gina carried the pregnancy to term and kept her child.

Up to 78% of women to see an ultrasound of their babies choose not to have abortions, according to a recent survey conducted by the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank you for the many ways you save babies’ lives. Allow more pregnant women have ultrasounds during the all-important decision-making process. Use the procedure to help women choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Ways Lives Are Saved Through Ultrasound

This Referral to a Pregnancy Care Center Saved a Baby’s Life

99.26% Clinics Say Ultrasounds Help Women Choose Life

Ultrasounds Save Lives at Pregnancy Medical Clinics

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Ways Lives Are Saved: Fetal Models Help Women Choose Life

For You From The Word

Blessed are your eyes because they see. (Matthew 13:16, NIV)

For You To Think About

fetal modelRebecca scanned the booths along the walkway at the county fair. One caught her eye. She paused and took a closer look.

The display showed models of unborn babies of varying sizes.

The volunteers at the booth spoke to Rebecca and gave her additional information. They let her touch and hold the fetal models. They didn’t know the truth: Rebecca had an abortion scheduled in a few days.

But thanks to the display of fetal models and the additional information provided, Rebecca cancelled her appointment.

A fetal model is a scientifically-accurate replica of an unborn baby. Models are available in different stages of development – first trimester stages up to 12, 20, 26, and even 30 weeks of gestational life. The model babies are a powerful tool in helping women to choose life because they show that a baby is a human being, not a blob of tissue.

The baby’s weight and the feeling of the skin are so life-like that people want to cuddle and protect them. For many, seeing – and touching – is believing.

Just ask Rebecca. She saw and held a fetal model and chose life. Today, her son is in middle school.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank you for the many ways you save babies’ lives. Allow more pregnant women see fetal models during the all-important decision-making process.  Use these models to help women choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways Lives Are Saved

12% More Women Are Choosing Life

Informed Consent Helps Women Choose Life

Friends Encourage Woman to Choose Life – Just In Time

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99.26% Clinics Say Ultrasounds Have a Positive Impact on Pregnant Women

For You From The Word

Blessed are your eyes, for they see. (Matthew 13:16, ESV)

For You To Think About

pregnant woman receiving ultrsoundA prenatal ultrasound (“obstetric sonography”) is a diagnostic imaging technique. Reflected sound waves produce a picture of the fetus on a computer screen, allowing the mother-to-be-so see her child in utero.

Does ultrasound confirmation of pregnancy have a positive impact upon a mother considering abortion to choose life?

That was the question posed in a National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) survey of its medical members – prolife pregnancy clinics that offer basic medical services in addition to pregnancy tests, education, and counseling.

  • 99.26% respondents said that ultrasounds have a powerful impact on abortion-minded women, empowering them to choose life.
  • Just 0.74% (less than 1%) said ultrasounds have only a small impact in encouraging women to choose life.
  • Zero respondents reported that ultrasounds had no impact.

The results confirm anecdotal evidence to support the impact of ultrasounds for pregnant women, encouraging a vast majority of those who were considering abortion to choose life.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Thank You for using ultrasound technology to show pregnant woman the life she carries. Raise up people and resources to provide ultrasounds at more pregnancy care centers.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Ultrasounds in Choosing Life

Why Ultrasounds are a Game-Changer

How an Ultrasound Referral Saved a Life

Mobile Ultrasounds Go to Pregnant Women Across U.S.

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Friends Encourage Woman to Choose Life – Just in Time

For You From The Word

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10, NLT).

For You To Think About

Like other mothers, each year Kimberly Henderson celebrates her daughter’s birthday. But she also celebrates the day she chose life for her baby.

Kimberly Henderson and her baby

Kimberly and her baby

On the morning of her abortion, her other child was sick and she had to find a sitter. Then on the way to the clinic, she got lost. Her car broke down. She arrived late and sat in the abortion clinic for 7 hours while the staff worked to fit her into the schedule.

Finally the receptionist called Kimberly to the desk. As she fumbled through her wallet to find her driver’s license, a card fell out. It had been left on the table by a couple Kimberly had waited on at the restaurant a few nights earlier.

The card had the church name on one side. On the back, it read, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand” (Isaiah 41:10, NLT).

“I knew God was speaking to me,” says Kimberly.

Just then, in succession, two of her best friends called her. “I will be there for you,” one promised. And the other said, “There’s a reason God gave you this gift.”

Kimberly walked out of the clinic. Six months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

Late one night when the baby couldn’t sleep, Kimberly recorded a video of herself singing a lullaby to her little girl. Her sister urged her to upload the video to YouTube, which has since had 30 million views on the internet. Soon afterward four record labels indicated interest in signing Kimberly.

“My friends and family mean the world to me,” she says. “They have my back 100%. I thank God every day for them.” Particularly on the anniversary of the day that she walked out of the clinic.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Thank You for working through friends and family to speak to pregnant women. Show me what to say or do to encourage a pregnant woman to choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Stories of Women Who Chose Life

College Soccer Star Chooses Life

American Idol Contestant Shares Her Pregnancy Story

Miss Pennsylvania Turns Ashes Into Beauty

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God’s Promises to Fathers, Part 2: Peace of Mind

For You From The Word

Discipline your children, and they will give you peace of mind and will make your heart glad. (Proverbs 29:17, NLT)

For You To Think About

Throughout scripture, fathers are admonished to discipline their children.

In our culture, the concept of “discipline” has a negative connotation. The word implies punishment, particularly in the face of disobedience.

Yet the biblical concept of discipline is more complete. True discipline includes instruction, training, and correction. The process is thorough.

Children are not born with the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong. They need to learn it. God charges fathers to bring up their children to know Him, honor Him, and follow His ways.

And God offers a wonderful promise to fathers who embrace the responsibility to discipline, instruct, train, and correct their children. He promises to give these fathers peace of mind.

Their children may choose to live lives of righteousness, or not … but these dads will have done their part.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your specific promises to fathers. Help dads to instruct, train, and correct their children, raising them to honor You and follow You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Promises for Fathers

God’s Promises for Fathers: Part 1: Life

God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 3: Blessings

God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 4: Uniqueness

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God’s Promises to Fathers, Part 1: You Will Give Life

For You From The Word

Your father gave you life. (Proverbs 23:22, NIV)

For You To Think About

dad-and-baby-silhouetteThe Bible credits God using fathers to give life.

Nehemiah, speaking to God, says, “You give life to everything” (Nehemiah 9:6, NIV). The verb “give,” asah in Hebrew, means “to make.” In other words, God fashions life. Everything that lives and breathes and moves was made by God.

Proverbs 23:22 describes a father’s role in the process: “Your father … gave you life.” Here, the verb “gave” is yalad, an altogether different word in the Hebrew. It means “to bear young” or “beget.”

Logic follows: God is the originator of life. He uses a father to pass along life to his children.

While a mother nurtures and cares for a child in the womb, a father too is God’s instrument. A father is the means God uses to pass life on to succeeding generations.

Can there be a more significant role a man can play?

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your specific promises to fathers. Show men the instrumental role they play for You in giving life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Promises for Fathers

God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 2: Peace of Mind

God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 3: Blessings

God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 4: Uniqueness

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Courageous Mothers, Part 4: Courageous Mom Gives Birth, Saves Herself Too

For You From The Word

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. (Luke 9:24, NIV)

For You To Think About

A mother’s love is an image of God’s sacrificial love for his children.

mom and baby in basket

Mary was engaged to Joseph, but before they married, she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit.

Who would believe such a thing? Even Joseph, a godly and righteous man, was not convinced … until God confirmed the truth to him in a dream.

Moreover, in Bible times an out-of-wedlock pregnancy was a crime punishable by stoning. At the very least, Mary faced a life of shame. At worst, she and her unborn child could die.

Mary demonstrated courage in giving up her reputation in order to carry and bear her son, Jesus. He became the Savior of the world.

Ironically, by choosing life Mary saved her own – just as her own Son had said: “Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it” (Luke 9:24, NIV).

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Thank You for demonstrating Your love for us through the sacrificial love of a mother. Allow mothers-to-be to have the courage to choose life for their children, even when that choice is difficult.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Stories of Courageous Mothers

Courageous Mothers, Part 1: One Mom’s Sacrifice Frees a Nation

Courageous Mothers, Part 2: One Mom’s Obedience Restores God’s House

Courageous Mothers, Part 3: A Mom Saves Her Child From Execution

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