Fatherhood Series #3: Effective Fathers are Compassionate

For You From The Word

As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him. (Psalm 103:13, NIV)

For You To Think About

Third in a series on fatherhood

dad and sick childScripture presupposes that when we think of fathers, the term “compassion” comes to mind. “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him” (Psalm 103:13).

That presupposition is supported by the latest data. In a new Pew Research Center survey, 93% of Americans cite “emotional support” as extremely important or very important in the role of a father in a child’s life, ranking it higher than discipline or even financial support.

Emotional support not only includes comfort, listening, and counsel, but goes a step further by providing compassion – a combination of empathy with action. A compassionate father understands a child’s struggles but ensures that the child will not stand alone through them. He works with the child for a healthy outcome.

God uses our understanding of a father’s compassion for his children as a way for us to understand His compassion for us. He cares for us and He walks through life’s trials with us so we’re not alone.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Your mercy never ceases. You compassions never fail. Allow your mercy and compassion to rise up in America’s fathers. Let them empathize with their children’s needs and then take action.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Effective Fathers

Fatherhood Series #1: Effective Fathers are Present

Fatherhood Series #2: Effective Fathers are Teachers

Fatherhood Series #4: Effective Fathers Listen and Answer

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Fatherhood Series #2: Effective Fathers Are Teachers

For You From The Word

He commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so the next generation would know them. (Psalm 78:5-6, NIV)

For You To Think About

Second in a series on fatherhood

father reading a book to his sonGod is clear on what fathers are to teach their children: His Word.

Less than 10% of parents who regularly attend church participate in faith-building activities with their families during the week, such as reading the Bible, praying together, conducting family worship, or participating in a service activity, according to research by the Barna Group. Moreover, only 5% of churched parents have a biblical worldview.

But fathers who teach their children God’s Word and God’s ways can have a powerful impact on their character and in how their children grow in faith.

  • Knowing God’s Word equips children to trust God. They come to understand that His ways protect them and give them life. (Psalm 78:7)
  • Trusting God moves children to keep His commands. Children want to obey God to please Him. (Psalm 78:7)
  • Keeping God’s commands helps children be loyal to God. (Psalm 78:8)

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Your Word helps us trust You, keep Your commands, and be loyal to You. We want that for the next generation. Move in fathers to see the tremendous role they can play in building faith in their children by teaching them Your Word.
In Jesus’name, Amen.

More about Effective Fathers

Fatherhood Series #1: Effective Fathers are Present

Fatherhood Series #3: Effective Fathers are Compassionate

Fatherhood Series #4: Effective Fathers Listen and Answer

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Father’s Day: A Grateful Nation Honors Dads

For You From The Word

Honor your father and your mother. (Exodus 20:12)

For You To Think About

girl kissing her dadFather’s Day, celebrated on the third Sunday in June, honors dads and celebrates fatherhood. But it took six decades for our nation to make the celebration official.

In 1909, Sonora Smart Todd heard a sermon about Mother’s Day and asked her pastor to celebrate a similar holiday for fathers the following year – in June 1910. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge recommended that states observe Father’s Day, but he did not issue a national proclamation. Two other attempts to formalize the observance failed in Congress.

It was Maine Senator Margaret Chase Smith who moved the father’s role into the national spotlight. “Congress has been guilty now for 40 years the worst possible oversight perpetrated against the gallant fathers of our land … and should cause us to hide our heads in shame,” she said in 1957. “Either we honor both our parents, mother and father, or let us desist from honoring either one. But to single out just one of our two parents and omit the other is the most grievous insult imaginable.” Father’s Day became a national holiday in 1972.

Thank you, dads. We’re only sorry it took so long to show our gratitude.

For You to Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for fathers, who play such a vital role in children’s lives. Allow us to show them deep appreciation and respect, both at Father’s Day and throughout the year.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Honoring Dads

Why Fathers Matter

Honor Your Heavenly Father on Father’s Day

The Origin of Father’s Day

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Fatherhood Series #1: Effective Fathers Are Present

For You From The Word

Talk about [God’s commandments] when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. (Deuteronomy 6:7)

For You To Think About

First in a series on fatherhood

dad laughing with baby“Eighty percent of success is showing up,” said actor Woody Allen.

It’s impossible to put a price tag on “being there” for those we love. But increasingly American dads are not present in their children’s lives.

  • Tonight, 40% of all American children will go to sleep in a house in which their fathers do not live.
  • Before the age of eighteen, more than 50% of our children will spend a significant portion of their childhood living apart from their fathers.
  • A generation ago, an American child could reasonably expect to grow up with a dad. Today, an American child can reasonably expect not to.

These and other startling facts are outlined in Fatherless America (Harper Perennial, 1996) by David Blankenhorn, founder of the nonpartisan National Fatherhood Initiative.

Research underscores the powerful impact of a father’s presence. Children of involved fathers show higher cognitive competence, academic, self-acceptance, personal and social adjustment rates – further demonstrating the need for fathers to be present in their children’s lives at home and when moving about in the community, both day and night (Deuteronomy 6:7).

A father’s presence matters.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for modeling fatherhood to us and for always being there for us. Move in the hearts of fathers. Give them an overwhelming desire to be involved in their children’s lives. Show them how their influence can powerfully impact their children for good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Fathers and Fatherhood

Fatherhood Series #2: Effective Fathers are Teachers

Fatherhood Series #3: Effective Fathers are Compassionate

Fatherhood Series #4: Effective Fathers Listen and Answer

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Cultural Attitudes: Indifference Towards Life

For You From The Word

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! You are lukewarm — neither hot nor cold.
(Revelation 3:15-16, NIV)

For You To Think About

gosnell trial - empty media seatsA sensational trial’s gruesome testimony typically draws standing-room-only crowds as the public demands – and gets – every last grisly detail. Yet trial coverage was remarkable sparse during spring 2013, when daily graphic testimony filled the court room during the Dr. Kermit Gosnell murder trial. The abortion provider stood accused of killing babies born alive in attempted terminations.

One of the most telling images from the trial revealed empty seats in the Philadelphia court room’s reserved media section (right). An overwhelming number of our nation’s media outlets did not cover the proceedings. And the public did not demand to see them.

Can there be a more condemning picture of our nation’s growing indifference when it comes to life?

A “for” or “against” attitude may be right or wrong, but it is honest in its passion. Indifference is neither cold nor hot. It simply does not care.

Indifference, says God, is the infinitely more dangerous approach. Such an attitude does not seek truth, take a stand, or wrestle for what is right. It’s an absence of concern – even a disinterest – in what God values. An indifferent heart is one that has begun to harden.

God values life, but our indifferent culture does not even want to hear about the death of children born alive.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Forgive us for our indifference towards life. We cry out for Your mercy. Please touch hearts in our nation and prevent them from becoming hard. Move our hearts from indifference to care passionately about what moves You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


More about Cultural Attitudes

4 Trends in the Pro-Life Battle

Cultural Attitudes: Desensitization

Cultural Attitudes: Depersonalization

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Memorial: How to Take Care that You Don’t Forget

For You From The Word

Take care lest you forget. (Deuteronomy 6:12, ESV)

For You To Think About

A memorial pays tribute to a person who has passed away. Memorial Day, for instance, reminds Americans about the sacrifices made by the men and women who died while serving our nation.

Abortion memorial imagesA new virtual memorial allows loved ones to preserve the memory of a child lost through abortion.

The Abortion Memorial provides a wall where individuals can post thoughts, poems, images or video – whatever they consider a fitting tribute – to honor the life of the child that could have been. Parents, grandparents, siblings and extended family and friends who’ve experienced abortion are also invited to post in the baby’s honor, acknowledging their loss.

As with more traditional memorial monuments, the site offers healing. Individuals are able to share their post-abortion stories in a safe and non-political environment. Visitors see that others have had similar experiences and that acknowledging the loss and hurt has helped them find peace and comfort.

The site is a powerful opportunity to take care so we don’t forget the unborn.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Help the hurting pay tribute to loved ones’ lives lost through abortion. Use the Abortion Memorial to bring healing and hope.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotions about Hope and Healing

What Is the “Sanctity of Life”?

What Is the “Right to Life”?

Say “Thank You” to Women Who Have Chosen Life

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How One Mom Impacted Thousands of Lives

For You From The Word

Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you;
were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.
(Psalm 40:5)

For You To Think About

Pam Stenzel

Pam Stenzel

In 1964, a fifteen-year-old girl was raped, became pregnant, and decided to carry her unborn child to term. Five months after the baby girl was born, the young mother provided her child a better environment by placing her in the arms of an adoptive family. That child was Pam Stenzel. She is the oldest of 8 children – 7 adopted and 1 biological.

After graduating from Liberty University with a degree in psychology, Pam worked at crisis pregnancy centers and counseled women (particularly young girls) who were considering the adoption option. After numerous requests from clients and families, she developed an abstinence curriculum and corresponding video titled Sex Has A Price Tag. Today, Pam Stenzel travels the world as a foremost abstinence educator, speaking to 500,000 students each year.

God has used Pam Stenzel to impact hundreds of thousands of young people with a message of purity and redemption. One mom – her birth mom – could not know, during her pregnancy, how her courageous and loving decision would have such powerful consequences. But God did.

For You To Pray

Powerful Lord,
Thank you for the example set by one mom – Pam Stenzel’s birth mom. Move in the hearts of pregnant women to have the courage to choose life and adoption when appropriate.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Stories of More Moms Who Chose Life

Conceived in Rape: “I Owe My Life to Pro-Life Advocates”

Miss Pennsylvania Makes Beauty from Ashes

Rape Victim Carries Baby to Term, Uses Pregnancy for Good

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A Mother’s Day Prayer to Pray and Share

For You From The Word

Her children arise and call her blessed. (Proverbs 31:28)

For You To Think About

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for my mother. I appreciate that she chose life for me. While I cannot know all details about her pregnancy or delivery, I am grateful that You moved in her to have me, carry me, and give birth to me.

A mother must make hundreds of decisions large and small as she has and raises her children. I can see now Your hand guiding my mother in the choices she made during my upbringing. Thank You for Your overwhelming presence in the process.

Let me understand where and what she sacrificed so my appreciation for her will deepen with each passing day. I praise you for instilling in her qualities of strength [list them here] from which I benefited. Where she fell short, allow me to forgive her and show the grace that You freely offer me.

I pray You would find me faithful in transferring the best of my mother to the lives I touch.

In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Move in Your people to praise You for their mothers and affirm the sacrifices of these women.
In Jesus name, Amen.

More Prayers to Pray for Mothers

A Pregnant Woman’s Prayer for Assurance

A Prayer of Those Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

A Prayer to Pray When Pregnant and Lonely


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A Prayer When Pregnant and Lonely

For You From The Word

Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely … my hope is in you.
(Psalm 25:16, 21)

For You To Think About

A prayer when pregnant and lonely, based on Psalm 25:16-21

woman holding head in handGod, I need your mercy now more than ever. I feel all alone, helpless and overwhelmed. (v. 16)

The responsibility I face seems to be too much for me. Help me manage it. (v. 17)

You see my isolation. Show me how to connect with others and talk often with you. Forgive me for blocking you out. (v. 18)

See how my challenges have increased. Sometimes it feels as if everyone is against me. Remind me that I am not the only person that has ever felt this way. (v. 19)

At times I am filled with fear. You promise to give protection. Guard my life. Guard my baby’s life. Guard my heart. (v. 20)

Remind me that I can count on you and take refuge in you. Thank you that I am not alone when I trust in you! You are my hope and my friend. (v. 21)

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
So many women who face an unplanned pregnancy experience loneliness.
Help them turn to You, lean on You, and trust You. Give them the comfort of an earthly Friend and the presence of Jesus.
In His name, Amen.

More Prayers for Pregnant Women to Pray

A Prayer of Those Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

A Pregnant Woman’s Prayer for Assurance

A Pregnant Woman’s Prayer, Based on Psalm 139

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Prayer of Those Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

For You From The Word

My soul glorifies the Lord. (Luke 1:46)

For You To Think About

Based on Mary’s words in Luke 1:46-48 during her pregnancy.

Heavenly Father,

woman praying

Image: Pat Cegan

I honor You. My heart lifts up Your name, God, and I worship You as Lord of all.

I praise You for Your joy. When I think of You, I am glad. My situation is difficult right now, but You promise joy if I simply come to You. I do that now.

I praise You as Savior. You offer redemption even in the midst of heartache and hardship.

I praise You for Your individual care. You are mindful of my current circumstances. Yet you still love me and my child. You care for us.

I thank you for my future. You say I will be blessed. Right now in my confusion it is difficult to see how good can come from my situation. Yet I take You at Your word and trust You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

For You To Pray

Merciful God,
Allow women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy to turn to You. Let them experience Your presence in prayer and receive Your overwhelming love and grace.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Prayers for Pregnant Women to Pray

A Pregnant Woman’s Prayer for Assurance

A Prayer to Pray When Pregnant and Lonely

A Pregnant Woman’s Prayer, Based on Psalm 139

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