Advent: God Uses YOU to Reflect His Love

For You From The Word

The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel – which means, “God with us.” (Matthew 1:23, NIV)

For You To Think About

woman talking on phoneAdvent, meaning “coming” or “appearance,” is the season leading up to Christmas. It’s a time when we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ and look forward to His reappearance. In many Christian traditions, the second week in Advent focuses on love.

God promised His people a sign of His great love.  The birth of Jesus fulfills that promise. The baby boy born to Mary was to be called “Immanuel,” which translates as “God With Us.”

A woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy may not experience the loving presence of a partner, family, or friends. While others run away from her, God runs to her – away from the splendor and brilliance – to love her and be with her.

Sometimes He uses you and me to be His presence.

We love because He first loved us. God left the inconceivable magnificence of heaven and took on the form of a human – to be with us. He became a baby, completely dependent on human parents for provision – to be with us. He came to one of earth’s poorest places – to be with us.

Immanuel is a promise of God’s loving presence – of God with us. Through us. God with her.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for showing Your great love for us by coming to earth as a baby. Place me in the path of a woman, partner, or family who faces an unplanned pregnancy. Let me show Your love and reflect the truth that you are Immanuel – God with us.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Advent Devotionals for Pregnant Women

How One Woman Responded to an Unplanned Pregnancy

What To Do When Pregnancy Is a Surprise

Maternity Homes: a Safe Haven for Pregnant Women


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Advent: Hope Is Real. Pregnant Women Can Have It.

For You From The Word

“‘The days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when I will fulfill the gracious promise I made to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.’”
(Jeremiah 33:14, NIV)

For You To Think About

woman looking into sunrise while sitting on a rockAdvent, meaning “coming” or “appearance,” is the season leading up to Christmas. It’s a time when we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ and look forward to His reappearance. The first week in Advent focuses on hope.

Yet for many who face an unplanned pregnancy, hope for the future often seems impossible. A pregnant woman has decisions to make now, yet hope seems to be a concept reserved for the distant future. Pregnancy runs on a timetable. The future appears uncertain. God’s hope and presence feel far away.

The true issue is not whether or not hope exists … but whether or not a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy can experience it.

The Israelites faced the same struggle with hope. During the dark years of waiting and exile, it would have been easy for God’s people to forget His character and promises. They awaited a promised Messiah for centuries, but hope appeared futile.

Yet God kept His word. He sent the Messiah.

When hope appears to be far removed from reality for a pregnant woman, she can focus on God’s declaration: “I will fulfill the gracious promise I made” (Jeremiah 33:14). God’s Word is an unfailing hope to which a pregnant woman can cling.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
You give hope, even when we don’t feel it. Place me in the path of a woman, partner, or family who faces an unplanned pregnancy. Let me know words to share that breathe hope into the situation.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotionals to Give Women Hope

She Gave Hope When She Could Have Said No to Life

One Little Brochure Means Brand-New Hope

Hope Is Born in Rape Aftermath


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Reaching Out: One Little Brochure Means a Brand-New Hope

Laura, a single mother in need, stopped by McLean Bible Church’s Clothing Ministry to look for winter slacks and sweaters for her preschool son.  She sorted through the racks and selected a few items.  Then, on her way out the door, a Birthmothers brochure on the information table caught her eye.

womens clothing on clothes rackShe was pregnant again, so she picked up one of the brochures. Later, she dialed Birthmothers’ toll-free helpline listed there and was matched with a Birthmothers Friend.
McLean Bible Church is home to one of Birthmothers’ first Church Teams.  Volunteers serve birth moms as Friends and by providing gently-used baby items. “We’re doing a lot, and we have the potential to grow and have a huge impact,” said one team member.  “I believe with all my heart that Birthmothers is the answer for women who face an unplanned pregnancy.”

Laura’s story is one beautiful example of how churches can reach women in need by providing for their basic needs and stocking literature at the same time. Outreach volunteers at McLean Bible Church keep Birthmothers brochures and cards replenished on information racks, in ladies’ restrooms, and in sitting rooms where foot traffic is the heaviest.

Birthmothers supplies literature and cardholders to churches and organizations at no cost.  It’s an easy way God’s people get the word out to birth moms and families who need services.

And birth moms respond.  Just one little brochure meant new hope for Laura.

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Ministry Bible Leads Birth Mom Back to God

“I became a Christian when I was a teenager,” said Ashley. “But I got caught up in a fast lifestyle and drifted away from Christ – far away.”

Then Ashley discovered she was pregnant.

woman reading BiblePartying friends deserted her. But Birthmothers staff visited Ashley in the homeless shelter and gave her one of the ministry’s special Bibles, targeted specifically for women who face an unplanned pregnancy.

Ashley began to read it.

Soon, Ashley moved into government-assisted housing, started attending a nearby church, and became friends with the pastor and his wife. She was matched with a Birthmothers Friend for additional support.

Now, Ashley reads her Bible for thirty minutes a day, as recommended in discipleship materials found in her Birthmothers Bible. “It’s finally making sense,” she says, explaining that her reclaimed faith is transforming so many areas of her life. … especially in her role as a parent. Ashley recently committed herself to raising her baby to walk with God and had her child dedicated in her new church home.

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8 Tips For Sharing Faith With Those Who Hurt

At Birthmothers, we’re often asked for information and tips about how to share faith with women and family members who struggle with an unplanned pregnancy.  Use these tips to get started.

Tips for sharing faith with those who hurt1. Love God.  A dry well cannot give water.  Invest in your own relationship with Christ so you’ll have a deep well to draw upon (Matthews 22:37-38).
2. Acknowledge that everyone is in a different place.  Some people are actively seeking God.  Some are ambivalent.  Some may even be hostile toward spiritual matters.  Your sensitivity will help you meet them where they are (1 Corinthians 9:22).
3. Provide practical help.  The story of the Good Samaritan reminds us in God’s economy, meeting physical and spiritual needs go hand-in-hand (Luke 10).
4. Look for signals.  Does she talk about God or church?  Does she use spiritual language?  Is her view of Christianity positive, negative, or neutral?  Find an opening where you can pursue conversation about spiritual matters (Romans 10:13-14).
5. Be a true friend. No one wants to be another person’s “project.”  Be willing to be a friend who loves at all times, no matter what the response.  Your love and acceptance can help move another person one step closer to Jesus – even when you don’t get to see the results in another’s life (1 Corinthians 3:5-8).
6. Share your story.  Be willing to tell how God has shown you grace and redemption (1 Peter 3:15).
7. Ask.  Invite her to church.  Ask her if she’d like to experience forgiveness.  Encourage her to take the next step – whatever it may be (Hebrews 3:13).
8. Pray. Ask those who hurt if you can pray with them.  Intercede for her on your own and with prayer partners (James 5:16).

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10 Things to Be Thankful For

For You From The Word

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15)

For You To Think About

giving thanks in sunsetOn Thanksgiving, Americans will gather around their dinner tables and give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy in this great country.

Here are 10 blessings to include on your Thanksgiving list:

1. Pregnancy care centers
2. Pregnancy tests
3. Ultrasounds
4. Prenatal care
5. Childbirth classes
6. Doctors, nurses, and midwives who help deliver babies
7. Grandparents
8. Adoptive families
9. The joy a new baby brings
10. The miracle of life

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the miracle of life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways to Be Thankful

Say “Thank You” to The Women In Your Life Who Have Chosen Life

5 Prayers of Thanks for Adoption

Thank You to All the Birth Dads Out There


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Say “Thank You” to Women in Your Life Who Have Chosen Life

For You From The Word

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15)

For You To Think About

2 women's hands-old and youngWe are all here because a woman was willing to bring another person into the world.

Economists project that Americans spend $14.1 billion on theMother’s Day holiday.

This year, consider saying “Thank You” to your mother, birth mother, adoptive mother, or other woman not only with a gift of flowers or a special meal in a restaurant.

Tell her you’re glad she chose life.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Give me the opportunity to thank my mother – and other mothers I know – for choosing life. Show me what to say. Help me cultivate the culture of life by expressing appreciation to women who nurture children in the womb.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Adoption Option Surfaces Naturally in Conversation

Birthmothers Friends are trained to identify a woman’s unique needs and provide support in her particular set of circumstances. Where appropriate, Friends present adoption.  One scenario, Friends tell us, is that “adoption comes up naturally” in conversation.

The Need to Talk It Through

woman considering the adoption option in conversationJackie was matched with a pregnant woman who already had a toddler.  The birth dad was not supportive.  The birth mom lived with her own father but was uncertain whether he would allow her to stay in the home once he discovered she was pregnant again.

“She was in shock and needed to talk,” said Jackie.  “Our conversations allowed her to process the situation.”  It was natural for the topic of adoption to surface. Jackie acted as a sounding board as the birth mom discussed her feelings about placing for adoption versus parenting, and was prepared with materials if the birth mom chose to pursue adoption further.

Through those discussions, the birth mom was able to assess her situation.  She got a new job. Her father accepted the pregnancy and offered to help babysit in the evenings. “Ultimately, my birth mom chose to parent – which deep down was what she really wanted to do,” said Jackie.  “I was glad I could be there for her as she worked through her decision.”

The Need to Articulate Feelings

The topic of adoption came up naturally when Lisa was matched with a teenage birth mom who had some mental challenges. “Have you ever considered adoption?” Lisa asked early on.  The conversation moved quickly. The birth mom explained her feelings about why she wanted to parent rather than place for adoption.

“She had thought about adoption and was able to articulate how she felt,” said Lisa. Ironically, because of the birth mom’s medical limitations, the grandmother has taken on an adoptive parent’s role in the baby’s life while coaching her daughter to be the caregiver.

Did You Know?

Americans are eager to adopt.  An estimated 10 million couples would attempt to adopt a child domestically if they felt they had a realistic opportunity to do so, according to a recent study by the National Council For Adoption.

More About Presenting the Adoption Option

Tips for Presenting the Adoption Option

Adoption Was a Serious Option for this Birth Mom

How One Ministry Uses Media to Present the Adoption Option

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“Adoption was a serious option for this birth mom”

Birthmothers Friends are trained to identify a woman’s unique needs and provide support in her particular set of circumstances. Where appropriate, Friends present adoption.  One scenario, Friends tell us, is that “adoption is a serious option” considered extensively by pregnant women.

Birth mom talking over the adoption optionSusan learned her matched birth mom’s pregnancy was the result of an extra-marital affair.  The birth mom had a previous abortion. She was not planning to parent. Two older children were being raised by relatives.

Lengthy conversations and emails between Susan and the pregnant woman centered on the benefits of adoption versus abortion. “I encouraged her to talk about her feelings,” said Susan.  The young woman felt placing a child for adoption would be too difficult because she wouldn’t know what happened to him, so Susan offered information about open adoption.  She also shared her experience as an adoptive parent and the joy her adopted children have brought to her family. “As hard as you think adoption might be, don’t you think abortion is harder?” Susan asked her. In the end, Susan mourned the woman’s choice to terminate her pregnancy.

Brenda’s matched birth mom was separated and facing divorce when she discovered she was pregnant. “Adoption was an option she considered seriously,” said Brenda. Together the two women spent significant time discussing the pros and cons of adoption, including placing with a family member or placing with a third party.

The birth mom’s fear was that her child would feel abandoned. “I thought it was important that she hear different perspectives as she made her decision,” said Brenda, who shared her story as an adoptee brought up in a loving home. Brenda also made arrangements for her birth mom to talk with a woman who had successfully placed a child for adoption. In the end, Brenda’s matched birth mom chose to parent and is now successfully raising her child.

Did You Know?

In 1998, 56% of Americans held a “very favorable” opinion of adoption. Today, 63% hold this opinion.

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Tips for Presenting the Adoption Option

If someone you know faces an unplanned pregnancy, consider presenting the benefits of adoption. These tips may help.

Use these tips for presenting the adoption option.1. Express compassion. Tell her you care.  Demonstrate your concern in concrete ways, such as spending time with her or by providing a meal.
2. Listen for cues. Is she ready to look at her options? Or is she overwhelmed at the moment?
3. Share information. When you sense the timing is right, explain your desire for her to make the most informed decision. Provide information about today’s adoption options.  Tell her about open adoption, a birth mom’s right to choose and interview adoptive parents, and opportunities open adoption provides to be a part of her child’s life.
4. Choose accurate language. Acknowledge that children are a gift rather than a possession. Refer to her pregnancy as “unplanned” rather than “unwanted.” Discuss “making an adoption plan” or “placing” rather than “giving up” or “putting up” her child for adoption. Talk about “biological parents” and “adoptive parents” rather than “real parents.”
5. Dispel myths. Address the truth about adoption: it’s a choice that requires tremendous, sacrificial love.  It’s a responsible choice.  Many lives will benefit from the courageous choice of adoption.  Use tools such as Birthmother, Good Mother and A Case For Adoption (both available at
6. Look into the future. Ask, “What kind of life do you want for your child?” and “What do you think your life and your child’s life will be like in 5 years? In 10 years?”
7. Give her a firsthand experience. Connect her with a birth parent who placed, an adoptive parent, or an adoptee – or all three – so she can hear about the benefits of the adoption option from those who have experienced it.

Birthmothers staff will help equip you with more tools to present the adoption option when you call 1-844-772-4784.

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