Ministry Helps Former Abortion Workers Leave Their Industry

For You From The Word

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.   (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV)

For You To Think About

Abby Johnson

Abby Johnson

“The people who work in abortion clinics are usually there because they think they want to help women, they need the money, or they just can’t gather the courage to start looking for a new job” says Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood clinic director who left the industry and now is a staunch pro-life advocate. “I know. I’ve been there.”

Today, Abby and her team at And Then There Were None, launched in 2012, provide an alternative: financial, emotional, spiritual, and legal support for any abortion worker who wishes to transition out of the abortion industry. Their premise is simple: exoduses cripple clinics. When there are no workers, clinics cannot operate.

Clinic workers may want to leave these positions, but face a crisis. They feel trapped. Where will they turn? Many rely on their jobs to support themselves and their families. What may seem like a simple job change is compounded by emotional fears and spiritual depletion that come hand-in-hand with months of complying with the industry’s deception. Further, resignation or job change can even have legal ramifications for employees.

To date, Abby’s group has helped 47 former clinic workers leave the industry and convert on the issue of life. “Former workers are now reaching into the same clinics where they once worked,” says Abby.  “They are sharing their newfound joy with their friends still trapped in the industry.”

It’s an idea centered on the principle of supply and demand. Siphon off the supply … and save lives.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Move in hearts of workers in the abortion industry. Quicken their conscience. Fill them with courage to leave the industry – and provide the support they need to follow through.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More on Winning the Pro-Life Battle

5 Facts that Prove We’re Winning the Pro-Life Battle

How to Defend Life With Facts

Options for Pregnant Women are Increasing

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Early Feminist Takes Outspoken Stand for Life

For You From The Word

Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us. (Romans 15:4, NIV)

For You To Think About

Elizabeth Stanton

Elizabeth Stanton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) is remembered as a key founder of the women’s rights movement in the United States.

Her focus extended beyond women’s suffrage to include parental rights, custodial rights, property rights, income rights and other social, civil and moral rights for women.

Yet it surprises activists today to learn that many early feminists, like Stanton, strongly opposed abortion.

“Infanticide is on the increase to an extent inconceivable,” she wrote in “Child Murder,” a feature article in an 1868 edition of the weekly women’s rights newspaper The Revolution. “There were 400 murders annually produced by abortion in (one Maine county) alone. There must be a remedy for such a crying evil as this … revolting outrage against the laws of nature and our common humanity.”

Stanton did not base her views on theory, but experienced the struggles of motherhood firsthand. She was a devoted wife and mother of seven children. Her youngest child was unplanned, born when she was 44 years old.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Thank You for women in history who have taken a stand for life. Allow us to honor their work by continuing it. Move in hearts to value life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Who Have Taken a Stand for Life

Actress, Single Mom Janine Turner Speaks Out for Birth Moms

Star Trek Captain Shares Her Story as Birth Mom

Prayer Leads to Life-Changing Decision for Abby Johnson

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What Is 40 Days For Life?

For You From The Word

I stayed on the mountain forty days and nights … and the Lord listened to me. It was not his will to destroy you. (Deuteronomy 10:10)

For You To Think About

40 Days for Life thumbs upIn scripture, the number 40 refers to a specific time period (either days or years) of preparation, testing, or trial. Forty days or years always preceded a period of revival or new birth.

Rain fell on Noah’s ark for 40 days and 40 nights … and mankind started over. Moses met God on the mountain for 40 days before the Israelites received God’s Law. The Hebrew nation wandered in the desert for 40 years before entering the Promised Land. Jesus fasted for 40 days before He began His earthly ministry. After the crucifixion, Jesus spent 40 days on earth before the ascension – and the church was born.

Every fall, thousands of God’s people  join in 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion at round-the-clock peaceful vigils outside abortion facilities. 40 Days For Life, modeled on the biblical 40-days concept, is a time of preparation, testing, and trial. Prayers of the faithful can lead to a period of revival for the rights of the unborn in our midst.

For You To Pray

God of mercy,

Forgive us for taking life for granted. Move Your people to fast and pray during 40 Days For Life. Let our nation turn back to You on behalf of the unborn.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Praying for the Unborn

How God Uses 40 Days to Save Lives

40 Days for Life: Find a Vigil Near You

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Numbers: Do They Matter When It Comes Friends and Followers?

For You From The Word

There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

For You To Think About

woman with laptop, tablet, phone“How many friends and followers do you have?” In the world of social media, that’s THE question users ask. It feels good to accumulate large numbers of “friends.” In fact, one criticism against social media is that users engage with others simply to garner attention.

But in truth, our preoccupation with acquiring “friends” is different than the Bible’s call to be a friend. A “”Follower” list is a technical term for a series of contacts. A true friend, on the other hand, is someone who makes the effort to go deeper with you – and doesn’t give up on you, even during difficulties.

83% post-abortive women say they would have made a different choice if they’d had support from a partner or special person during pregnancy. A pregnant woman needs a true friend – someone who is not just a contact, but sticks close during her ordeal, even when times are hard.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Give me opportunities to be a true friend. Help me go deeper with those you place in my path and stick close to them in good times and bad.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Read more about True Friends

A Friend Is Objective
A Friend Loves Long-Distance
A Friend Loves at All Times – and Is Sent By God

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A Friend Is An Objective Voice

For You From The Word

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)

For You To Think About

Many of us can look back at a time in our lives when we needed an objective voice to help us reach a wise decision.

friends in coffee shopThat’s the idea behind Birthmothers Friends as they serve those who face an unplanned pregnancy.

These specially-trained volunteers are matched one-on-one with a woman to listen and provide confidential, nonjudgmental support during an unplanned pregnancy. A Friend gives each woman straight information about pregnancy, parenting, abortion and adoption. A Birthmothers Friend raises awareness  by helping a woman objectively look at all her options.

Only a pregnant woman can decide what route to take in her pregnancy. Yet scripture says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17). An honest friend, cultivating and challenging a woman, can help bring her decision clearly into focus.

By connecting with a Birthmothers Friend, a woman places herself in line for the blessing of wisdom from a loving Friend whose sole purpose is her well-being – no matter what decision she makes.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Fill Birthmothers Friends with wisdom as they serve pregnant women. Show each one how to provide objective information that her matched woman needs to make a wise decision.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Birthmothers Friend helps lead birth mom, grandmother, children back to God

Birthmothers Friend helps lead birth mom, grandmother, and children back to God 

“When I first spoke with Jill, I found out she had accepted Christ when she was younger,” said Pam, Jill’s Birthmothers Friend.  “But her struggles and lack of spiritual support left her faith weak.”

Jill’s husband had recently deserted her.  She was in the process of raising four children already and now faced a difficult, unplanned pregnancy, confined to bed rest.

Simple Acts of Service Open the Door

cooking a mealPam immediately set about to help Jill with housework, often spending hours after work at Jill’s home to clean and cook meals.  Her husband and daughter pitched in to do laundry and care for Jill’s children.  “I simply said to Jill, ‘We’ll pray for you and we will do whatever it takes to help you,’” said Pam.

Soon, Pam’s loving acts led the women into conversations about spiritual things.  Jill desperately wanted her husband to return home. Together, she and Pam prayed for the couple’s reconciliation. Pam repeatedly provided Jill with godly counsel from scripture, encouraging her to rely on Christ’s strength to be a faithful mother and provider.

Simple Acts of a Friend Have a Ripple Effect

It quickly became apparent that Jill wasn’t the only family member who was growing spiritually through the struggle. Inspired by the ministry, Jill made arrangements to take her children to church regularly.  Jill’s mother worshipped with Pam, too, and even gave a testimony in her church about God’s love demonstrated through Birthmothers.

As time went on and Jill’s husband didn’t return, her spirits didn’t plummet.  Instead, says Pam, Jill grew closer to God.  She smiled often.  Her depression lifted. Today, Jill has a clerical job and has resumed working on her associate’s degree. She and her children are active in their local church.

“She saw God’s love poured out and alive in others. It gave her hope,” says Pam.  “God used Birthmothers’ ministry to allow Jill to let go of her past and find Him again.”

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Friend’s Letter to Birth Mom Presents Adoption, Offers Support

A Birthmothers Friend learned that a woman was considering abortion. She  took the time to write the pregnant woman this letter and was matched with the birth mom as her Friend.

Dear Anna,

I’m so glad you were able to share with me about your pregnancy. Thank you for the privilege of being your friend and for trusting me with your news. While there is much I don’t know about your circumstances and your feelings, I know two things for certain:

  1. God has a purpose for every event in our lives
  2. The child you carry has a purpose for his life – and a purpose in others’ lives

woman writing letterYou may fear the outcome of your pregnancy. You may not think you will be able to care for this precious life. But maybe the purpose for your pregnancy is to bring you closer to God. Maybe the purpose for your child is to become someone’s son or daughter – and grow into a doctor, construction worker, business owner, lawyer, teacher or pastor.

You may think abortion is an easy fix. But that fix could thwart the powerful purpose for this child. Why not adoption instead?

Your child has a purpose.  The choice for it to be fulfilled is in your hands. This is what God wants you to know:

“I created your child’s inmost being; I knit your child together in your womb. Your child is fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:13-14).

The life of a human being is worth every effort to allow it to be born.

I love you and I stand with you,


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One Minute, 2.59 Lives: The Gift of Time

For You From The Word

Teach us to number our days that we might get a heart of wisdom.
(Psalm 90:12)

For You To Think About

The gift of time: minuteOne minute may not seem like much time. What can you get done in sixty seconds or less?

  • Heat a cup of water in the microwave
  • Send 2 text messages
  • Make your bed
  • Take an average-length roller coaster ride
  • Hang up your coat
  • Delete 10 emails
  • Place an online purchase order

What else happens in 60 seconds? During the course of a minute (roughly the time it will take you to read this entire devotional, including the Bible verse and prayer), 2.59 American lives will be lost to abortion.

Over and over we hear that personal support makes the difference for women and men in choosing life. It takes just one minute to find out more about providing that one-on-one support to those who face a unplanned pregnancy.

One minute. You could help save the 2.59 lives lost in the last 60 seconds. Send us an email now to learn more – no obligation. Just take a minute to learn more.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Every hour and every second is a gift from You. Teach me to value the time entrusted to you. Show me how to use each minute wisely in a way that honors You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read more about the Gift of Time

139 Opportunities for Life Every Minute

What Is the Longest Day of Your Life?

Conception: Perfect Timing In the Details

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Ultrasounds are a Game-Changer

For You From The Word

The eyes of the blind will be opened. (Isaiah 35:5)

For You To Think About

Visuals are powerful: think of your response to visuals of the Twin Towers on 9/11 … New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina … body bags unloaded from military aircraft during the Viet Nam War.

ultrasoundUltrasound images of unborn children are powerful, too. Especially for those who face an unplanned pregnancy.

A prenatal ultrasound (“obstetric sonography”) is a diagnostic imaging technique. Reflected sound waves produce a picture of the fetus. Suddenly, the mother-to-be sees a photo on a television screen of her unborn child – the human life she carries. It moves. It may suck its thumb.

Anecdotally, 62% to 95% of abortion-minded women change their minds after seeing an ultrasound image of their child during pregnancy and decide to continue with the pregnancy. Focus on the Family reports 84% of these women reconsider and choose life.

Regardless of the exact number of changed minds, one thing is clear: a pregnant woman who has an ultrasound is significantly more apt carry her pregnancy to term. Ultrasounds are now considered a game-changer when it comes to the battle for life.

For You To Pray

Lord of miracles,
Thank you for the miracle of technology, which allows parents-to-be to see images of their unborn children. Use these tests to help women choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Birthmothers is on Facebook! Help us connect with more women

Help reach more women who face an unplanned pregnancy when you connect with Birthmothers on Facebook.

Facebook iconTake a moment right now to become a fan on our Facebook page.

By joining, you’ll help hurting women in at least 3 ways:

  • When your Facebook friends see Birthmothers information on your Facebook page, then they’ll be able to connect more pregnant women to us. You’ll help more women be matched one-on-one with a Friend!
  • When your friends see that you’re  a Birthmothers Friend, you’ll help recruit more volunteers to serve hurting women and families. You can help even more when you write a short testimony explaining what being a Friend means to you.
  • When your friends hear about Birthmothers, they’ll want to learn how their church can start a Birthmothers ministry and serve women right in their own communities!

Extending our reach to more women online all starts with you. Please become a fan of our Facebook page today. And tell a ministry story online that will encourage someone else.

If you’re not yet on Facebook, just log onto and open a free account. It takes just a couple of minutes. And you’ll start connecting with others online who care about women, children, and families!

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