“I Get No Respect!” A Powerful Way to Counter the Culture

For You From The Word

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! (! John 3:1, NIV)

For You To Think About

Respect Life Month“I get no respect!”

It’s a cry everywhere from the hearts of the disenfranchised, vulnerable, and marginalized.

“For the Christian, it is an absolute imperative to respect, love and promote the life of every brother and sister,” said Karol Wojtyła, better known as Pope John Paul II, underscoring the hunger for dignity and need for respect in each human spirit.

But human life is under constant attack in our culture today, from the moment of conception to natural death. Our throwaway society devalues the individual.

Our brothers and sisters of the Roman Catholic faith take the opportunity during October to celebrate Respect Life Month. They teach children and youth the truth about the dignity of the human person and the gift of every person’s life by talking about respect for life and teaching biblical principles about life.

It is a powerful way to counter the cultural theme of disrespect for life.

Be different. Respect life instead.

For You To Pray

Merciful Lord,

Allow me to proactively counter disrespect for life. Let me give it.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Cultivating Respect For Life

Pope’s Phone Call Demonstrates Respect for Life in Action

Respect for Mothers and Motherhood: It’s Biblical!

What Is the “Sanctity of Life”?

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Students United For Their Generation’s Lost Victims: Third Tuesday in October

For You From The Word

Stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith. (Philippians 1:27)

For You To Think About

students standing for life - Pro-Life Day os Solient SolidarityOn the third Tuesday in October, tens of thousands of students will lose their voices … voluntarily.

They will take part in a growing movement on college and high school campuses called the Pro-Life Day of Solidarity.  Students will give up their voices for a day on behalf of aborted babies who don’t have a voice – the one-quarter of their generation aborted before birth.

Participants will wear red arm bands or red duct tape and distribute flyers that explain, “Why I Am Silent.”

For You To Pray

Loving Father,

Comfort today’s young people, unite them as a generation, and allow them Your strength to stand together for life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Students Standing For Life

4 Things Accomplished As Teens Stand With Those Who Have Been Silenced

Students Weep With Those That Weep – And Save Lives

Millennials: Today’s Most Pro-Life Generation


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What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You

For You From The Word

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32)

For You To Think About

woman talking with doctorRosa Acuna’s doctor told her that she was 6-8 weeks’ pregnant.  When she asked if it was a “baby in there,” the doctor said, “Don’t be stupid. It’s only blood.”

Rosa had an abortion … and complications. She filed a malpractice lawsuit, citing the wrongful death of her child and lack of informed consent.

The court held that a doctor has the duty to provide a woman with information concerning the medical risks of terminating her pregnancy.

But the court also ruled that the doctor was under no legal duty to inform Rosa that her unborn child was “a complete, separate, unique and irreplaceable human being.” Nor is the doctor required to explain that an abortion results in the loss of life.

88% post-abortive women report that prior to their procedure, they didn’t receive enough information to make an informed decision.

Do you?

For You To Pray

Merciful Lord,
Allow medical personnel the courage to acknowledge and tell the truth about life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More to Help You Be Informed

Informed Consent Helps Women Choose Life

The Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.: It May Surprise You

How YOU Can Help Reduce the Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.



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An Unborn Baby’s Play-By-Play Is Done In Secret

For You From The Word

My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. (Psalm 139:15)

For You To Think About

16 week unborn babyConsider that at 18 days after conception, a baby’s heart is forming … his eyes develop … his heart pumps blood through his body.

But there is no webcam or camera recording every milestone. Nor is a reporter on site, recounting every play-by-play detail.

The most intricate machine of all is developed in secret.

Today’s medical technology has allowed us to glimpse these milestones. But as much as we’ve learned about an unborn baby’s development, we’ve only just begun to understand the intricacies of how a life is formed.

God, however, sees it all.  He directs every single developmental step for every baby as he forms that individual in secret.

For You To Pray

Lord God,

Through technology, we’ve been blessed to see Your powerful hand of life direct the life development of an unborn child in secret. We acknowledge Your sovereign power.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Milestones of an Unborn Baby

An Unborn Baby’s Milestones

Human Babies: the Most Dependent Species at Birth

An Unborn Baby’s Journey Through Its First Weeks




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Rejection Leads Half of Women To Choose Abortion

For You From The Word

Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me. (Matthew 10:40, ESV)

For You To Think About

sad womanNearly half of women who struggle after an abortion cite the lack of others’ acceptance as a major reason they chose not to carry their babies to term, according to the Elliot Institute.

Given that Americans experience 3,733 abortions per day, then 1,866 women per day might make a different choice if they experienced acceptance.

Maybe you cannot help 1,866 women and their unborn babies.

But you can help one.

Acceptance takes faith and courage, yet it’s a powerful healer.  When you reach out, offer acceptance over rejection, you work as God’s instrument of healing grace to women and families in need.

And there is a good chance you may help save a life … simply with acceptance.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,

Show me ways to reach out and be a friend to a woman or man who face an unplanned pregnancy.  Help these women and men experience acceptance, not rejection, and choose life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Acceptance

Acceptance: Do You Judge By Appearances?

Acceptance: What Kinds of People Become Birthmothers Friends?

Acceptance: Offer the Hand of Friendship

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Cover Girl Helps Women Experience Healing After Abortion

For You From The Word

Everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness. (Acts 10:43)

For You To Think About

Jennifer O'Neill

Jennifer O’Neill

Actress Jennifer O’Neill, a spokeswoman for Cover Girl cosmetics for more than three decades, knows the pain of abortion.  But she also knows the healing balm of forgiveness.

“I had an abortion and paid for it all my life until I healed,” O’Neill says.  “Abortion can be equally deadly for both mother and unborn child.”

Shock therapy failed to alleviate her emotional despair.  After a long journey, O’Neill finally found forgiveness in Jesus Christ.  Today she speaks out to protect women who face an unplanned pregnancy and offer them hope.

Women and their family members are hurting.  You can be a “Cover Girl” for God when you support them in their pain, share your story and offer the forgiveness only Jesus gives.

For You To Pray

Gracious Lord,Help post-abortive women experience Your healing and forgiveness. Use me as an instrument to help.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Other Celebrity Stories of Life and Hope

American Idol Contestant Shares Her Pregnancy Story

Miss Pennsylvania Turns Ashes Into Beauty 

October Baby Film Mirrors Actress’s Life

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A Good Way Your Church Can Point Fingers

For You From The Word

Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1:29)

For You To Think About

finger point“’Behold’ is a term we don’t use much today,” said Pastor Steve.  “It means, ‘Look here, this is an example of what I’m talking about!’  In other words, ‘behold’ is like a pointing finger.’”

Victoria glanced nervously around the congregation. She’d come to the service thinking she wouldn’t know anyone, since she was at college and not at her home church.  Her eyes fell to her lap, onto her extended abdomen. Now that she’d started to show she felt exposed and ashamed. Red tinges crept up her neck. Maybe this was a mistake.

“When you read, ‘Behold the Lamb of God,’” Pastor Steve went on, “God is pointing the finger to Jesus – not to you.”

Pastor Steve pointed a finger to himself, and then upward to the cross “‘Behold,’” he said simply, looking out over the congregation.  “Blame isn’t yours to own.  Jesus already took it on the cross.  He only asks that you give it to Him.” All across the sanctuary, members silently imitated Pastor Steve’s finger-pointing motions.

Tears coursed down Victoria’s cheeks.  Quietly, she took her index finger, pointed it to herself and then pointed it to the cross. Thank You, Lord, she prayed silently.

For You To Pray

Gracious Lord,
Help my church reach out to pregnant women and college students and show Jesus’ grace. Your sacrifice is for them – and for me.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Other Ways Your Church Can Serve Pregnant Women

Do You and Your Church Make This Mistake?

Does Your Church Have a Ministry to Orphans and Women?

Practical (and Pro-Life) Ministries for Your Church


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It’s Your Business When You Can Show You Care

For You From The Word

Let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. (Galatians 6:10)

For You To Think About

women talkingLucy had heard through friends at church that Danielle’s college-age daughter was pregnant.

Lucy’s heart went out to Danielle – not in pity, but in compassion. She knew many looked down on families of girls who “got themselves into trouble.”  Lucy didn’t want to appear judgmental.  She prayed and checked her motives.  She felt they were right.  But was it really any of her business to go to Danielle and tell her she cared?

Yes!  It is a good thing to offer unconditional acceptance and help to a woman and her family when they face an unplanned pregnancy – particularly when they are fellow believers.

Lucy went to Danielle and talked with her about her daughter’s pregnancy.  She discovered that Danielle was afraid for her daughter, ashamed about what other Christians were thinking, and alienated because people at church had begun to ignore her.

When Lucy told her about Birthmothers and other resources for birth moms, Danielle clung to her and cried.  Finally, someone had shown Danielle they cared – and that there were answers.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Ready our hearts to talk to families and pregnant women in need.  Give us courage and pure motives to offer hope and help.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More on Serving Pregnant College Students

How to Save Lives on College Campuses

58% College Age Students Don’t Know Where to Get Pregnancy Support

College Soccer Star Chooses Life


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Encouragement for Pregnant Teens

For You From The Word

Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it.  (2 Corinthians 8:11)

For You To Think About

doctor and patient

Image: Kidney Buzz

Dr. Ray gave Christina a thumbs-up.  “You and the baby are doing great,” the doctor said kindly.  They chatted a few more minutes about how Christina was feeling and about her plans.

“Have you registered for classes for the fall?” Dr. Ray wanted to know.

Christina shook her sadly.  It was difficult to watch her high school senior friends graduate when she’d given up having that experience this time next year.  “No,” she said.  “I haven’t,” she said.

Dr. Ray tilted her head.  “Why?” she asked.  “You’re a bright young woman, Christina.  You can finish high school – I’m certain of it.”

“But I’ll have a baby to think of,” Christina said.

Dr. Ray nodded.  Then, she pointed to a photograph of a young man on her desk.  “That’s my son,” she said, grinning.  “He was born when I was seventeen.”

It was Christina’s turn to be surprised.

“Don’t give up, Christina,” said Dr. Ray.  “You can do this.”

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Help young pregnant woman persist towards their goals so they can provide for their children.  Place encouraging adults their lives to guide them and point out opportunities.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Encouragement for Pregnant Teens

911 Friend for Pregnant Teen

4 Things a Pregnant Teen Needs the Most

Why Pregnant Teens and Unmarrieds are Especially Vulnerable

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Precious Feet Influence Clinic Worker to Side with Life

For You From The Word

How beautiful … are the feet of those who bring good news. (Isaiah 52:7)

For You To Think About

Carol Everett was waiting in the grocery store check out line when she noticed a girl wearing a lapel pin in the shape of two tiny feet.

Precious Feet pin“That just drove me crazy,” says Carol, a former abortion clinic owner and now a leader in the pro-life movement.  “Because, of course, she was shining the truth on me.”  Carol has since become a powerful voice for women who face unplanned pregnancies.

Now known as “Precious Feet,” the pins were introduced by a California couple soon after the first anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, and in 1979 were adopted as the international pro-life symbol.

Precious Feet pins are tiny – just 3/8 an inch square.  The size is significant.  The pins are the size of a 10-week-old pre-born baby’s feet.

And Carol Everett is proof that a tiny symbol can influence a former abortion clinic worker for life.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Shine the truth to those who are blinded, Lord God. You are the Creator of all life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Clinics and Clinic Workers

Clinic versus Center: What Is the Difference?

Did Your Pregnancy Counselor Ask These Questions?

Ultrasounds Save Lives at Pregnancy Medical Clinics


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