A Friend Loves At All Times – And Is Sent By God

For You From The Word

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. (Proverbs 17:17, NIV)

For You To Think About

woman thinking on couchA friend relationship is modeled on the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.  That’s why the Birthmothers ministry motto is derived from Proverbs 17:17: A Friend loves at all times™.

The unconditional love of a friend is meaningful at any point, but especially during confusing or heartbreaking times such as, “I’ve discovered I am pregnant” … “I’ve been kicked out of the house” … “I got some bad news at my OB checkup today” …”

Consider this: God purposely sends friends into our lives particularly during a season of difficulty, like an unplanned pregnancy. The friend was “born for a time of adversity” to stand with you.

In doing so, the friend becomes as close as a family member – a brother. Like Jesus is to us.

For You to Pray

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for loving us through friends, especially friends you send during hard times. Send friends to women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy. Amen.


More on Friends and Friendship

A Friend Walks In When Everybody Walks Out

3 Essential Qualities of a Good Friend

A Friend is a Refuge in the Struggle


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Victory: An Entire Country’s Population Saved Last Year

For You From The Word

May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God. (Psalm 20:5, NIV)

For You To Think About

In January we commemorate the Sanctity of Human Life

group victoryWe have cause for celebration in the fight for life.

Today, there are 550,110 fewer abortions per year in the U.S. than there were in 1990 (the year with the most abortions.)

That is more than half a million lives saved each year – exceeding than the population of 50 of world’s smallest countries, including Iceland and the Bahamas.

The war has not yet been won, but God calls us to celebrate victories along the way. And this surely is one!

For You to Pray

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for lives saved in the fight for life. We celebrate Your victory and ask You to win the war. Amen.

More Victories in the Fight for Life

5 Facts That Prove We’re Winning to Pro-Life Battle

12% More Women Are Choosing Life

3 Great Reasons to Give Thanks in the Fight for Life


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Why Roses Are a Symbol of the Pro-Life Movement

For You From The Word

The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. (Isaiah 35:1, NIV)

For You To Think About

In January we commemorate the Sanctity of Human Life

demonstrators holding roses

Image: Oregon Optimist

In the early years following the Roe v. Wade ruling, those who stand for life personally delivered roses to legislators in their Capitol Hill offices on the morning of January 22.

Since then the rose has become the symbol of the modern pro-life movement.

A red rose symbolizes the mourning that America experiences in the loss of 55 million+ unborn lives.

The rose symbolizes marriage and motherhood, a representation dating back to sixteenth-century Tudor England, with the red rose specifically symbolizing childbirth.

A red rose universally represents love. The gift of a rose is a loving way to encourage members of Congress to support policies that protect children and build a culture of life.

You can stand for life when you give and receive roses on or around January 22.

For You to Pray

Heavenly Father,

Move in our nation’s leaders to value the sanctity of human life. Amen.


More About January 22

What Happened on January 22, 1973?

What Is The March For Life?

 March for Life Founder Leaves an Inspiring Legacy



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Meet Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade

For You From The Word

Make them holy by your truth. (John 17:17, NLT)

For You To Think About

In January we commemorate the Sanctity of Human Life

“Jane Roe” is a pseudonym for the real-life Norma McCorvey (b. 1948).

Norma McCorvey

Norma McCorvey

Norma did not initiate legal action. She was 21 years old, pregnant, and seeking an abortion, which was illegal at that time in Texas (except to save the mother’s life). She was identified as a face for the pro-choice movement by two lawyers who filed suit in Norma’s name, stipulating that states could not regulate abortion laws during the first trimester.

Norma never appeared in court. She discovered the verdict to the suit when reading the outcome in the newspaper the following day.

Norma never had an abortion. She carried all three of her children to term and placed them with adoptive parents.

Norma has rejected abortion. She worked in an abortion clinic until her dramatic conversion to the Christian faith in the 1990s.

Norma is pro-life. Today, Norma lives in Texas and works tirelessly to overturn the legislation that bears her name.

For You to Pray

Heavenly Father,

Move in our nation to respect the sanctity of human life. Amen.


More About Roe v. Wade

What Is Roe Versus Wade?

Jane Roe Now Lobbies for Life

Love Won Over Jane Roe to the Pro-Life Movement


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Is “The Sanctity of Life” a Biblical Principle?

For You From The Word

God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.” (Genesis 1:26, NIV)

For You To Think About

In January we commemorate the Sanctity of Human Life

baby feetThe “sanctity of life” is a term you may hear in political, ideological, or faith discussions. The term represents the principle that human life is sacred.

While the phrase “sanctity of life” does not appear word for word in scripture, nevertheless the principle is biblical. The term reflects the belief that people are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26), thereby appropriating respect and protection for human life.

God gave humanity the authority to kill and eat other forms of life (Genesis 9:3) but He forbids the murder of human being by another (Genesis 9:6).

For You to Pray

Heavenly Father,
Move in our nation to respect the sanctity of human life. Amen.


More About the Sancitity of Life

What Is “The Right to Life”?

What Is “The Sanctity of Life”?

What Is The March for Life?

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Show Compassion: A Key to Building a Culture of Life

For You From The Word

Create in me a new, clean heart, O God. (Psalm 51:10, TLB)

For You To Think About

In January we commenmorate the Sanctity of Human Life

newborn handNo matter what position a person takes when it comes to the right to life debate, all can agree on an important point: we can join together in demonstrating compassion for those who face an unplanned pregnancy.

“Building a culture of life requires more than law,” said President George W. Bush. “It requires changing hearts.”

Our nation is already taking powerful steps in joining together to cultivate and change our nation’s heart for life by:

  • passing laws that promote adoption
  • extending legal protection to children who are born despite abortion attempts
  • helping pregnant teens to continue their education
  • providing caring people who support women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy

When people show compassion, hearts can change. When hearts are changed, a culture can change. Acts of compassion help build a culture of life.

For You To Pray

Change hearts in our nation, Lord God. Let us value life. Amen.


More About Building a Culture of Life

12% More American Women Are Choosing Life

Millennials: Today’s Most Pro-Life Generation

The Most Powerful Weapon in the Movement for Life

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Barriers to Choosing Life: Intellectual

For You From The Word

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32, NIV)

For You To Think About

young woman looking and waiting on windowWomen and men who face an unplanned pregnancy often have barriers that prevent them from choosing life. These barriers fall into three main categories: intellectual barriers, emotional barriers, and volitional barriers.

A Friend can support a woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy by helping them to overcome those barriers.

An intellectual barrier is an obstacle based on poor information, be it inaccurate information, incomplete information, or misleading information.

Information drives a person’s thoughts. In turn, thoughts drive emotions – and emotions lead to behavior. Poor information can drive certain emotions which can lead a pregnant woman to choose to terminate.

But when you give accurate information to a woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy, you help drive accurate thoughts. That in turn, allows the woman or man to respond with appropriate emotions and can help a woman to choose life.

You can provide accurate information to help a woman or man overcome these intellectual barriers and be set free:
▪ Life does not begin at conception. (Science has disproved this.)
▪ It’s not a person. It’s just a blob of tissue. (Ultrasounds reveal the truth.)
▪ I will have to do this all alone. (Volunteer friends provide personal support.)
▪ I can’t afford this. (Help is available.)
▪ This will ruin my life. (Bringing a life into the world is an amazing opportunity.)

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank you for the truth. Allow pregnant women and their partners to overcome poor or misleading information to see the truth about life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


More Devotionals about Choosing Life

12% More Women Are Choosing Life
How a Woman’s Choice Impacts Generations
A Woman’s Choice Impacts Many Lives, Not Just One

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Ways Lives Are Saved: One-on-One Support

For You From The Word

A friend loves at all times. (Proverbs 17:17)

For You To Think About

Isabelle’s house flooded, her baby’s birth father abandoned her, and she spiraled into depression. But her Friend Leslie stood by her for months during her pregnancy, praying with her and encouraging her, until Isabelle was able to be healthy and whole once again for her new daughter.

woman comforting woman

Image: SBS

Lindsey became pregnant during her senior year of college. Her Birthmothers Friend became a long-distance lifeline , helping Leslie compile information about housing prices, jobs for single parents, and other options. Lindsey credits her Friend’s unconditional and informed support as instrumental in helping her choose adoption as her best option.

Carla needed practical help during her pregnancy. Her Friend Laurie took her to medical appointments . Laurie invited Carla to visit to her home and care for her own toddler and infant so Carla could understand what parenting is like.

Isabelle, Lindsey, and Carla are true-life examples of what statistics tell us to be true: 83% women say they would have chosen life if they had support from a partner, family member, spouse, friend, or special person during pregnancy.

One-on-one support helps save lives.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank you for the many ways you save babies’ lives. Raise up more compassionate, loving volunteers who will provide one-on-one, unconditional support for women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways Lives Are Saved

Ways Lives Are Saved: Maternity Homes Help Women Choose Life

Ways Lives Are Saved: Prayer Helps Women Choose Life

Ways Lives Are Saved: Pro-Life License Plates Help Women Choose Life

Ways Lives Are Saved: Sidewalk Counselors Help Women Choose Life


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Ways Lives Are Saved: Prayer Helps Women Choose Life

For You From The Word

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:16, NIV)

For You To Think About

40 Days for Life Banner at Prayer VigilAs Anita and several other volunteers prayed at a vigil in front of a California abortion clinic, a van pulled into the driveway. The driver looked at them but kept on going.

A man and woman got out of the van and walked towards the building. The volunteers continued to pray.

Soon the couple came out of the clinic, got back into the van, and drove towards the exit.

“The passenger side window was rolled down,” Anita said, “so I walked towards them, said good morning and smiled, and then asked if they were here for an abortion.”

“No,” the woman said. “We changed our mind.”

The man driving leaned over and said, “We decided to keep our baby because of you people praying on the sidewalk.” Both smiled. “Thank you.” (Read the full story here .)

Prayers for life are powerful and effective.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,

Thank you for the many ways you save babies’ lives. Raise up more prayer warriors to pray for women and men to choose life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways Lives Are Saved

Ways Lives Are Saved: Pro-Life License Plates Help Women Choose Life

Ways Lives Are Saved: Sidewalk Counselors Help Women Choose Life

Ways Lives Are Saved: Pro-Life Bus Helps Women Choose Life

Ways Lives are Saved: Fetal Models Help Women Choose Life

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12% More American Women Are Choosing Life

For You From The Word

Victory is won through many advisers. (Proverbs 11:14, NIV)

For You To Think About

newborn babyA recent Associated Press survey showed a decrease in abortions of about 12% across the U.S. since 2010.

Forty-eight states report more women are choosing life than five years ago.

Multiple factors have contributed to the trend:

  • Expanded access contraceptive education and use
  • A shift in societal attitudes, including more women choosing to carry unplanned pregnancies to term
  • More restrictive abortion laws
  • A decline in teen pregnancy rates
  • Increasing numbers of pregnancy ultrasounds

Victory is won through many channels working together.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Thank you for the victories won in the battle for life. Strengthen those who are working in a variety of ways as they encourage women to choose life. Affirm their work. Let it continue.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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