Prayer Leads to Life-Changing Decision for Abby Johnson

For You From The Word

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:16)

For You To Think About

Abby Johnson: Prayer leads to life-changing decision

Abby Johnson

In fall 2009, Abby Johnson, director of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Bryan/College Station, TX, made a life-changing decision.

While the 40 Days for Life campaign was taking place on the sidewalk outside her clinic, Abby witnessed an ultrasound-guided abortion. Abby realized she could no longer be involved in the abortion industry. She quit her job at Planned Parenthood.

As Abby worked through her grief, pain, and guilt, God led her to join those praying outside the clinic. It was then that Abby experienced peace and deliverance.

When God’s people are faithful to pray, He moves in hearts to choose life – as He did with Abby. Find a 40 Days campaign near you, and ask God how He wants you to participate.

For You To Pray

Sovereign God,
Raise up the faithful to pray during the upcoming 40 Days for Life. Help them show Your grace. Change women’s hearts to choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Lifesaving Referral Via Pregnancy Care Center Partner

“Birthmothers Complements Us Beautifully”

Mary Hager, Rockville Pregnancy Center Assistant Director, tells the story of a lifesaving referral

Rosa’s pregnancy test was positive. She was abortion-minded, and I knew it was extremely important for her to have an ultrasound right away. But our center’s ultrasound schedule was full. Fortunately, another center had an available appointment just two days later.

Double image of an ultrasound“If we can find transportation, will you be willing to go to another center for an ultrasound?” I asked Rosa.  She nodded.

That’s when I called Birthmothers. I knew they could match Rosa with a caring person who would take her to the appointment.

The Birthmothers staff were friendly and helpful.  I was so pleased they were able to match Rosa immediately.  Her Birthmothers Friend took her to the appointment, where Rosa saw her baby on the screen and chose life.

Our ministry is focused on helping a woman at her moment of crisis … when she’s undecided about what to do. Birthmothers complements us beautifully.  They help a woman long-term. We don’t have the volunteers or staff to help women with specifics outside our center (such as transportation, in this case) – nor do our clients expect that from us.

A one-on-one, long-term relationship with a volunteer Birthmothers Friend is exactly what many pregnant women need.  We refer women to Birthmothers with complete assurance that they’ll be loved and mentored over the coming weeks and months.  I don’t know of any other ministry like it.

Birthmothers was the first and only ministry I contacted for assistance with Rosa. I’m so glad we can work together to help women. I hope our ministry partnership can continue to grow for a long time.

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Prayers to Pray for an Abortion-Minded Woman

For You From The Word

Pray for us, that God may open a door for our message.
(Colossians 4:3)

For You To Think About

African American girl prayingA woman recently called Birthmothers. “I’m 20 weeks’ pregnant,” she said. “And I have an abortion consultation this afternoon.”

While a caring staff member took the time to listen to her, others prayed. The pregnant woman missed her abortion appointment and is rethinking her situation.

When someone you know is conferring with an abortion-minded woman, considering praying prayers like these:

  • Ask God to help the listener set aside personal schedules in order to focus on the pregnant woman (Proverbs 17:17).
  • Pray that Jesus would fill the listener with His incredible love for the woman and her child (1 John 3:1).
  • Stand against fear on the pregnant woman’s behalf (2 Timothy 1:7).
  • Ask God to open the pregnant woman’s ears to His voice (Jeremiah 9:20).
  • Plead with God to provide words that touch the woman’s heart (Mark 13:11).
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit – not the Enemy or self – directs the woman’s thoughts (John 16:13).

For You To Pray

Omnipotent Father,
Place godly people in the paths of women who are considering abortion. Use these good listeners at the perfect time, in powerful ways, to help women choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Abortion-Minded Women

“I Mentored an Abortion-Minded Woman Who Needed an Advocate”

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Jane Roe Now Lobbies for Life

For You From The Word

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. (Matthew 5:44)

For You To Think About

Norma McCorvey baptism

Norma McCorvey’s baptism

For 20 years, Norma McCorvey, the “Jane Roe” of Roe v. Wade whose pregnancy led to the Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 decision legalizing a woman’s right to abortion, witnessed the grief and despair of millions of women who chose to abort their children.

But in 1995, prolife activist Flip Benham and his family befriended Norma. Their unconditional love and acceptance were instrumental in helping lead Norma to Christ.
Since then, Norma has become a staunch prolife supporter and has campaigned tirelessly to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

God’s unconditional love can change anyone’s heart.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Help me show unconditional love to those in my life who don’t know Your mercy. Let prochoice hearts to be changed.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Find Resources to Encourage a Choice for Life

For You From The Word

The Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” 
(Matthew 2:13)

For You To Think About

resources for pregnancyJoseph, Jesus’ adoptive earthly father, found ways to tap into resources in order to support Mary in her unplanned pregnancy.

Rome required Joseph be registered in Bethlehem, so he traveled there with his fiancée to be counted in the census (transportation). Somehow, even in a strange town, he found a place for Mary to deliver the child (housing). Over the coming weeks and months he provided for his family, though away from his more familiar home base (job opportunities). When God warned him in a dream to escape Bethlehem by night, he figured out how to transport the holy family at least 100 miles to Egypt (transportation). And as the months turned into years in Egypt, he found ways to eke out a living in order to keep Jesus and Mary safe until they could return to Nazareth (job opportunities, housing).

Resources like housing, transportation, and job opportunities are much more readily available to birth parents today than in Joseph’s time. You can help point and connect pregnant women and their partners to resources, which will in turn encourage them to choose life.

For You To Pray

Merciful Father,
Don’t let practicalities stand in the way of a woman choosing life. Show me when a pregnant woman or her partner needs resource help and let me respond quickly.

More About Encouragement

Encouragement: How 83% More Women Could Choose Life

Encourage Means To Fill With Courage

10 Ways to Encourage Birth Moms

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Mary Sought Out a Friend During Pregnancy

For You From The Word

Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.
(Luke 1:56)

For You To Think About
woman's hand reaching out

Mary did not plan to be pregnant. She had never been intimate with a man. When she heard that her cousin Elizabeth was expecting, she knew that situation was also a surprise. Elizabeth had been married for many years, but had no children and was considered barren.

Like so many women who face an unplanned pregnancy, Mary’s road to motherhood would not be easy. She suspected that Elizabeth would understand and relate to her unusual circumstances. Mary reached out. She sought her cousin’s support, traveled to Elizabeth’s home, and stayed with her for an extended time. Elizabeth affirmed Mary’s role as mother of our Lord. Her unwavering commitment helped Mary to rejoice in her pregnancy.

You can make a difference for a pregnant woman when you encourage her to get connected to a special friend for support and encouragement.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Help women seek out a friend for support during pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Pregnancy Support

Elizabeth: She Affirmed Mary

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How to Support Men Involved in an Unplanned Pregnancy

For You From The Word

When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him.
(Matthew 1:24)

For You To Think About

two men silhouettesJoseph didn’t plan to marry a pregnant woman and raise a child that wasn’t biologically his. So when Joseph discovered Mary was pregnant, he needed to process the situation.

A man in a relationship with pregnant woman faces unique choices. You can offer men support when you share Joseph’s story and the steps he took during this crucial juncture in his life.

Joseph listened. It would have been easy for Joseph to follow his initial instinct to ditch Mary. Since the child was not Joseph’s, he would have been well within Hebrew law to do so. But Joseph earnestly sought God’s leading, received clear guidance, and followed it (Matthew 1:24). Listening is doubly important if the child belongs to the father biologically.
Joseph loved Mary. “The most important thing a father can do for a child,” according to an unknown source, “is love their mother.” Joseph took Mary as his wife and helped raise the baby (Matthew 1:24). While not every birth dad may be called to marry the birth mom, showing her love and respect are always in the best interest of a child.
Joseph provided protection. He stayed with Mary when she gave birth. He made sure the baby and mother were kept safe from Herod’s killers, even though it meant relocating the family to Egypt (Luke 2:4, Matthew 2:13-14).

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Help birth dads seek Your guidance and obey Your leading.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Supporting Birth Dads

When a Guy Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy

When Guys Need Other Guys

Thank You to All the Birth Dads Out There

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How To Support Women Who May Choose Adoption

For You From The Word

Some friends are more loyal than brothers.
(Proverbs 18:24, TEV)

For You To Think About

Just 2% of unmarried American women who face an unplanned pregnancy choose the adoption option.

Asian womanHere are the most common reasons (albeit misplaced or incongruous when compared with the effects of abortion) that women give for not choosing adoption … and ways you can address them.

1. “I don’t want to endure pregnancy and childbirth.” Does she realize the long-term effects she will endure after an abortion?
2. “I want to avoid the stigma associated with adoption.” Does she realize that abortion carries its own stigma, along with deep pain? Does she know that adoption requires a courageous decision that a majority of Americans admire?
3. “I don’t want to bond with the child for 9 months and go through the pain of severing the attachment.” Does she want to sever a life instead?
4. “I feel uncertain about the child’s future if I choose adoption.” Does she know her child will have no future if she chooses abortion?
5. “I fear the child will feel abandoned if I place him or her for adoption.” Does she realize abortion is the ultimate abandonment?

83% post-abortive women say they would have made a different choice if they’d had support from a special person during pregnancy.

You can help make a difference. Tell a pregnant women that you care. Listen. Offer acceptance and one-on-one support. Be a Friend … and let a woman know she won’t have to go through pregnancy alone.

For You To Pray

Loving and gracious Father,
Help me show love and support to a woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Adoption

What Is the Adoption Triad?

No Two Adoption Plans Are Alike

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Become a fan of Birthmother Ministries, Inc. (Birthmothers) on Facebook — and Help Pregnant Women!

Facebook iconIf you’re on Facebook, be sure to become a fan of Birthmothers. And invite your friends to “Like” us too! (Click here.)

We’re anxious to get connected with you so that we can serve more women who face an unplanned pregnancy. When you join Birthmother Ministries, Inc. (Birthmothers) on Facebook, you —

• help connect more pregnant women to us. You’ll help more women be matched one-on-one with a Friend!
• help recruit more volunteers to serve hurting women and families
• help recruit more Partnering Churches so Birthmothers can reach and serve more women who face an unplanned pregnancy
Extending our reach to more women online all starts with you.  “Like” us here. And tell a ministry story online that will encourage someone else.
If you’re not yet on Facebook, just log onto and open a free account. It takes just a couple of minutes.

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Women who face an unplanned pregnancy need a Friend.

Birthmothers works with pregnancy care centers to provide personal, one-on-one support for those who face an unplanned pregnancy.

How Does Birthmothers Complement Pregnancy Care Centers?


Birthmothers provides a trained Birthmothers Friend (mentor) who is matched one-on-one with a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy. Through this special relationship, the Friend provides a nonjudgmental ear, while connecting her to other life-affirming resources outside the center. She explains pregnancy options, including adoption, and points her to the love of Christ. A Friend walks with the pregnant woman for as long as she needs, often long after the baby is born. Even if she chooses to abort, the Friend will continue to love her unconditionally.

While pregnancy care centers provide a wide range of life-affirming services, Birthmothers complements their invaluable work by mentoring the woman once she leaves the center. A Birthmothers Friend is the missing relational link pregnant women need.

In fact, 83% post-abortive women say they would have changed their decision if they had support from a special person during pregnancy. That’s why Birthmothers Friends help save lives.

Learn more about becoming a Birthmothers Friend … and how you can impact lives one-on-one, one-by-one.

The Need Is Great

Birthmothers’ vision is to equip and mobilize one million Friends to walk with those who face an unplanned pregnancy.

Men face an unplanned pregnancies, too. That’s why we also train guy Friends to walk with men whose partners are pregnant.


Birthmothers helps your church help women who face an unplanned pregnancy.

We’ll equip you with a ready-made ministry model so you can reach out and help pregnant women right in your community.  Find out how you can get started right away when you build a Birthmothers Church Team!

Birthmothers ministry video: why pregnant women need a Friend — and how we help


Birthmothers is on Facebook!


Help us reach more women. Become a fan of Birthmothers on Facebook.

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