Phone Prayers Help Birth Mom Yield to God

Phone Prayers Help Birth Mom Yield to God

Beth faced multiple challenges with her new baby daughter. She didn’t realize she was pregnant until she gave birth – in her own bathroom. Beth also struggled with obtaining child support from the birth dad. She lacked transportation and a job. And she had little encouragement from family and friends.

woman prayingSo being matched with her Birthmothers Friend, Sheri, gave Beth access to resources to help her cope. And in that relationship, Beth also found a new foundation that yields strength.

“Right from the start, I made sure every time we had a conversation that I offered to pray with Beth,” says Sheri. The birth mom and Friend also attended church together, and Beth has worshipped with other friends in the community.

But it’s prayers over the phone that have been a constant in this special relationship. “Based on the phone call, I pray requests that seem most needed for Beth at the moment,” says Sheri. The women have prayed together for Beth’s strength, wisdom, her financial situation, and special circumstances her children face.

One particular source of discouragement has resurfaced often: the absent birth dad. But as the two women talked and prayed through Beth’s isolation, she has come to accept God’s strength to deal with that abandonment.

“We’ve prayed about her disappointments often, and Beth has come to the place where she understands that God is control,” says Sheri. “And at the end of our prayers, she always says, ‘Amen.’”

Learn more when you contact us or when you call 1 (844) 77BIRTH.

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How Pregnant Women Find Birthmothers

We have worked hard to help pregnant women to learn about us – whether they are local or live a considerable distance from a Birthmothers location.

two women talking at officeLocally, we telephone and visit government agencies, churches, pregnancy care centers, adoption organizations, doctors, medical clinics, women’s groups, mother’s groups, youth ministries, coffee shops and anywhere else we can think of so we can explain that Birthmothers provides the missing link of a Friend to walk with a woman one-on-one during an unplanned pregnancy. We ask for permission to display our brochures and business cards.

If the first contact doesn’t work, we persist. Sometimes success lies in simply connecting with the right person in an organization, whether it’s the director of client services, the office manager, or the leader herself.

Increasingly, women who live long-distance from Birthmothers  find us through Birthmothers’ websites, referrals, churches, clinics, agencies, and other partners. Thanks to today’s technology, we are able to provide them support as they face an unplanned pregnancy.

Women who face an unplanned pregnancy need a Friend. We make every effort to let them know we’re here and available to offer one.

Birthmothers uses volunteers to help spread the word about its one-on-one services to pregnant women. Learn how you can help promote the ministry.

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Are There Answers to Pregnancy’s Biggest Questions?

For You From The Word

We live by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

For You To Think About

pregnant woman black and white“I know you’d like to have a zipper so you could take a peek at your baby before delivery,” one obstetrician often commiserates with anxious, pregnant patients. “But since we can’t do that, we we’ll help by giving you as much information as we can.”

This doctor understands that both excitement and fear accompany pregnancy.

Today, advances in medicine mean many questions are answered before delivery. Testing can show the baby’s gender. Ultrasounds can determine a due date with pinpoint accuracy. Fetal complications can often be corrected in surgery prior to birth.

Yet many questions cannot be answered during pregnancy. “What will my baby look like? What kind of personality will she have? What does the future hold for him?”

And … “Will I have wisdom in making good choices for her?”

If ever there was a time to walk by faith and not sight, it is during a pregnancy. You can be a big help to the pregnant women you know. Encourage them to take good care of themselves and get medical care when they’re expecting. You will make the biggest difference of all by helping a pregnant woman grow deeper in her faith to prepare for the many challenges she will face.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Help prepare women for pregnancy’s biggest questions. Show them how to walk by faith, not by sight. Use me and other Christians to point the way.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Pregnancy Questions

Does Your Pregnancy Counselor Ask These Questions?

Mistimed, Unwanted, Unintended Pregnancy: Which Is It?

5 Questions Pregnant Women Ask about Adoption

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A Birth Mom’s Story – 20 Years Later

For You From The Word

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.
(Jeremiah 17:7)

For You To Think About

Lee Ezzell

Lee Ezzell

Lee Ezell accepted Christ at a 1961 Billy Graham crusade. Shortly afterwards, she escaped her abusive upbringing in Philadelphia and made her way to California for a fresh start.

Then a work colleague raped her, and Lee became pregnant.

Her circumstances were a deep test for Lee’s fledging faith. Family members and friends urged her to terminate her pregnancy. But the scriptures confronted Lee with God’s ability to create and sustain life, and she couldn’t bring herself to abort the baby. Instead, she placed her child for adoption, trusting God completely that He had a plan.

More than 20 years later, Lee’s phone rang. Her birth daughter introduced herself. “I want you to know you are a grandmother,” said the young woman, telling Lee about her marriage and child. And then the young woman presented Christ to Lee.

“Thank you for sharing about the Lord, honey,” said Lee. “But you already led me to a deeper walk with Jesus – when I carried you.”

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
You promise blessing when we trust You. Help pregnant women trust You with their babies’ lives. Lead them to a deeper walk with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Stories from  Birth Moms

Actress, Single Mom Janine Turner Speaks Out for Birth Moms

How One Birth Mom Impacted Thousands of Lives

How One Birth Mom Acted With Tremendous Courage

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Jesus Honored and Valued Women

For You From the Word

Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life.
(Isaiah 43:4)

For You To Think About

Woman praying at crossWhen Jesus was dying on the cross, He honored His mother by asking John to care for her (John 19:27).

When Jesus was resurrected, He honored Mary Magdalene by appearing first to her before anyone else (John 20:13-16).

When Jesus wanted to spread word about His resurrection, He honored the women who followed Him. They were the ones to share the news with the disciples (Luke 24:9-10).

Jesus honors and values women.

Share that good news with a woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy. Let her know she is precious and honored in Jesus’ sight.

For You To Pray

Precious Lord,
Thank You for the value You place on women. Help me share that good news with a hurting, vulnerable woman today.
In Jesus name, Amen.


More Prayers for Life

“Hosanna!” Two Prayers for Life in One

“Save Now!” God Honors the Prayers of Children

Jesus Doesn’t Judge the Prayers of Pregnant Women

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Dueling Emotions: Can You Have Fear and Joy at the Same Time?

For You From The Word

The women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy.
(Matthew 28:8, NIV)

For You To Think About

Can fear and joy fill your heart at the same time?

woman looking at waterThe women approached Jesus’ tomb very early in the morning with a plan to prepare His body for burial. They’d watched Him die a brutal death. Now, they stood in a cemetery during an earthquake. An angel appears and speaks to them. The women learn Jesus was resurrected. As they race out of the cemetery, the women bump into their risen Lord.

That’s a whole lot of life-shattering changes in the space of 48 hours. Who wouldn’t be a bit skittish … or even scared witless?

Yet at the same time, the women experienced an overwhelming joy. Jesus was alive! A new life awaited them.

Women who face an unplanned pregnancy can identify with those dueling emotions. They’ve experienced a life-changing piece of news … one that can fill their hearts with fear for the future and joy at what a new life will bring.

Then and now, Jesus’ response is the same: “Do not be afraid” (Matthew 28:10).

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Jesus is alive! Thank You for the joy we have in His resurrection. Touch the hearts of those who face an unplanned pregnancy this day. Let Your presence and Your power take away their fear and fill them with joy in the new life You have created.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Devotions to Turn Fear Into Courage

A Pregnant Women Faces These 3 Fears

Courage Is a Choice

Women Fear Capacity to Raise a Child on Their Own


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3 out of 4 Women Don’t Know the Truth

For You From The Word

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32)

For You To Think About

pregnant womanRenee looked at the pregnancy test result in disbelief. Then she sank to her knees. But her prayers seemed futile. She’d been raised in the church. She believed God had sent Christ for her. But she had disobeyed His word. Now what?

While Renee was a woman of faith, her thinking about God was skewed. She needed to know the truth: God did not want to punish her, but longed to love her through her situation.

Renee is not alone. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 73% of women who choose to terminate pregnancy have a religious affiliation.

How can the Renees of the world experience that overpowering love? That’s where God’s people come in. God sends ordinary people – people like you – to love women like Renee. To accept them without condition. To walk with them. And to explain the truth from the Word – that she is loved deeply by God and He will see her through.

Bottom line: overwhelming numbers of women who face an unplanned pregnancy have a faith connection, but they don’t understand the whole truth about God’s love. You do. If you don’t tell them, who will?

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Let those who face an unplanned pregnancy know the truth: You love them with an amazing love. Bring people into their lives to communicate that truth. Begin with me.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Walking One-on-One with a Pregnant Woman

Walk With a Pregnant Woman for Just 6 Days

Need a Friend Cards Help Reach Pregnant Women

“My Friend Gave Me Courage to Carry My Baby to Term”



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7 Ways to Pray For Our Nation to Choose Life

For You From The Word

Is he not your Father, your Creator, who made you and formed you? (Deuteronomy 32:6)

For You To Think About

young woman praying for our nation to choose lifeI want to pray for our nation to choose life, but I don’t know how!”

If this is you, use these different ways to lift up our nation and the cause of life.

  • Worship God as the Author of life. (Acts 3:15)
  • Confess our nation’s casual and callous view of life. (1 John 1:9)
  • Thank God for your life and the lives of those you know. (Deuteronomy 32:6)
  • Praise God for His mighty act of Creation. (Genesis 1:1)
  • Petition God to make abortion rare and to move pregnant women’s hearts to choose life. (Isaiah 42:16)
  • Wait to hear God’s leading for your next step in the battle for life. (Psalm 37:7)
  • Proclaim the truth of scripture against godless forces in our nation. (John 17:17)

For You To Pray

Merciful God,
We worship you as the One who created life. Thank you for my life. Forgive our nation for treating life so indifferently. Move in the American people to place a high value on human life and eradicate abortion. Show me how I can make a difference. I know You can do all things and no purpose of Yours can be thwarted (Job 42:2).
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways to Pray for Our Nation to Choose Life

Strength in Numbers: Pray With Others for Life

Prayer Leads to Life-Changing Decision for Abortion Worker

Prayer Helps for You as You Pray for Life

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How 83% More Women Could Choose Life

For You From The Word

Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, 
so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. 
(Hebrews 3:13)

For You To Think About

encouragement from a friend83% women who experienced the pain of abortion would have made a different choice if they’d been encouraged to consider other options by parents, family members, husbands, boyfriends, social workers, counselors, doctors, or friends, according to a survey distributed by The Elliot Institute.

Those numbers point to the power of encouragement. In Hebrews 3:13, we’re told to “encourage one another … so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” Without encouragement, there is a real danger that our hearts can harden. Hardened hearts lead to dark choices. Without encouragement, a woman can be tempted to make a decision against life.

But the numbers tell a wonderful truth. Pregnant women overwhelmingly want to choose life and encouragement makes a difference! If more women had encouragement and support from a special Friend during an unplanned pregnancy, think of how many lives could be saved.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Provide women with the encouragement and support from a special Friend during an unplanned pregnancy. 
Use Your people to serve these women, provide support, and allow many lives to be saved. 
Show me how I can help.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Encouragement

How to Find Resources That Encourage Women and Men to Choose Life

Encourage Means To Fill With Courage

10 Ways to Encourage Birth Moms

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FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is there a fee for Birthmothers’ services?

A. No. We provide our services to pregnant women, their partners and their families at no cost.

girl thinkingQ. Is Birthmothers a pregnancy care center (PCC) or an adoption agency?

A. No. Birthmothers complements, rather than replaces, the services of PCCs and adoption agencies. We match a woman, partner or family member with a caring Friend who provides one-on-one support. Birthmothers provides the missing link that so many women need – a Friend who connects them to resources, who listens, and who stays in relationship as long as the client chooses.

Q. How is a women, partner, or family member matched with a Friend?

A. When callers contact the Birthmothers helpline 1-844-772-4784, they can share as much or as little as they like about their situation. Birthmothers will listen and care. Callers are invited to be matched with a Friend who will provide ongoing compassionate, informed, confidential support.

Q. What does a Friend do?

A. Our Friends’ sole focus is on loving and helping the woman (or family member) by providing personal, relational support and resources she needs. Friends are committed to staying in relationship for as long as the client needs or chooses, loving her unconditionally regardless of decisions she makes about her pregnancy. That’s why our motto is A Friend loves at all times.™

Q. What if a birth mom wants an abortion … or has had one?

A. We don’t support abortion for biblical and ethical reasons. We cannot connect women with abortion services. But we will help a woman heal from an abortion. That’s because we believe each human life is unique and valuable. We’re committed to loving women and families with compassion and acceptance, no matter what the circumstances.

Q. What about adoption?

A. We’ve discovered that most women aren’t aware of the many available adoption options. We present adoption as one avenue for a woman to consider as she makes informed decisions for herself and her child.

Q. Does a woman need to be religious in order to receive your services?

A. No. Birthmothers is a Christian organization, but we serve women and families from many faith traditions. We will not pressure you to embrace our beliefs.

Q. What if a woman is about to give birth or has already given birth – can she still get help?

A. Of course. Birthmothers offers compassionate, supportive care to any woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy, regardless of the circumstances.

Q. How are churches involved with Birthmothers?

A. Birthmothers builds Church Teams in local congregations to serve women and families in need. We equip God’s people to reach out to women who face an unplanned pregnancy, serve and pray for birth moms and birth dads, encourage adoptive families and support local organizations that stand for life.

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