A Message from the President: Spring 2013

A Message from the President: Spring 2013

Dear friends in the pro-life community,

jim-cindy-wedding.jpgSince I was initially called to the prolife movement (never, ever thought I’d be doing this), I have watched closely the changing  attitudes and opinions regarding abortion and a host of other immoral issues (sins). For example, back in the 1990’s the so called pro-choice people would debate whether a baby was a baby, but not anymore! Sonograms clearly show it’s a child. Now, the Left has no problem accepting the fact that the child can be terminated in the name of “choice" which is nothing less than a euphemism for cold-blooded murder.
Last fall, I watched with disbelief the various speakers at the Democratic National Convention promoting abortion.  Was I really hearing them eliminate any reference to God in their platform? This isn’t the old Democratic party.
As Cindy and I pour ourselves into protecting the sanctity of life, we see abortion nothing more than a symptom of a society that has walked away from biblical authority. Since World War II we have seen a steady flow of liberty-limiting laws and regulations.  First we pulled the Bible out of public schools, followed by Roe v Wade and related rulings making it “legal” to kill a child right up to birth. Fifty-six million babies (abortions) have been recorded to date and growing by over 3,000 abortions per day. Wait! Let this tragedy sink in…This is a 9/11 event every day. I pray  one day soon, we’ll all stop and say, "This has to stop, enough is enough!"
The Lord has laid on my heart the notion to pull together pastors in the northern Virginia area to ask if they would call their respective houses of worship together for specific times of prayer and offer God a heart of repentance.
I ask, can you image the impact on our region and far beyond if a spirit of repentance were to begin and catch on across this special nation (a burning fire)? Would God hear our prayers? Would revival breakout?  Would this revival start to effect the direction of the nation? I think so!  Did our Founders & Framers call on God? Yes, they did and I think it’s time to drop to our knees and petition God Almighty to save this great country. . 

I ask you to pray about this call,  forward this message to your friends, and respond with an email to me with your thoughts.

In His Grace,




Brother Jim



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Practical (and Pro-Life) Ministries for Your Church

For You From The Word

Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. (James 2:17, NIV)

For You To Think About

What if your church could provide practical help that would remove the top three reasons women choose abortion? In doing so, you can take a powerful stand for life.

mother and baby with bottleOverwhelmingly, women cite lack of education, financial instability, and the lack of support from a partner, family member or a friend as the biggest reasons they don’t carry an unplanned pregnancy to term. Your church can say “Yes!” to life not necessarily by political action, but by meeting these concrete needs:

  • Offering pregnancy support. Many expectant parents have no family nearby or are estranged from their family members. No matter what the circumstances, pregnancy is a challenging time. God’s people can love them by providing simple kinds of help, such as child care, rides to medical appointments, or a listening ear.
  • Providing parenting training. Families everywhere are torn apart and are in crisis. The vast majority of American parents (91%) say that being a success as a parent does not include instilling faith in God in their children. God’s plan for families offers something much better than that. By equipping parents in your community you can help reverse that trend.
  • Serving single parents. James 2:17 says, “Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” Churches can stand with single parents who have chosen life by providing practical, concrete help like babysitting, groceries, and car repairs.
  • Cultivating a ministry to orphans. Every day 5,760 more children become orphans. More and more churches are rising up to care for the world’s 143 million orphans through adoption, foster care, or global orphan initiatives.

When it comes to pro-life ministry, churches may hesitate to take action in the face of a political backlash. But there are so many steps God’s people can take to meet needs and stand for life … steps that have an immediate effect on saving and enhancing lives.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Move in churches to put their faith into action and provide practical help for those who face an unplanned pregnancy. Speak to hearts of Your people. Raise up those who will serve in this way.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read more about Churches Ministering to Women and Families

34,000 Denominations United in Showing God’s Love

Does Your Church Have a Ministry to Orphans and Widows?

What Is the “Adoption Triangle” – and How Are Churches Helping?

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Sharing Faith: “A Friend Is a Tangible Reminder of God”

Sara* was matched as Ruth*’s Friend soon after Ruth found out she was pregnant.

Sara: A Friend’s Story

Both my husband and I became believers after a turbulent time in our marriage. Today we have four adopted children and have also served as foster parents.

As a teenager, I had an unplanned pregnancy and did not choose life. I don’t want other young women to feel they have to make that choice. So when I heard about Birthmothers on the radio, I went to training. Being a Friend is one way I can live out my prolife convictions and walk alongside someone who needs support.

two Friends talking

Image: Live Science

Ruth is my second Friend match. She became a Christian while in college and had a fierce hunger to know more about God. In looking for others who were diligently seeking Him, she encountered a small group of college peers who professed to be Christian. She joined their organization, but in due time, their actions and intimidation revealed that while they knew of Jesus they were far from an understanding of His love. Shortly after Ruth broke away from the group, during a period of spiritual vulnerability, she met the birth father and was led down a road of deception into a relationship she had never intended. After about four months, she began to see that the birth father manipulated scripture to suit  his own personal desires and found the strength to leave that relationship.

Right from the start I could tell that Ruth wanted to make the wisest decisions possible, even though her journey had been difficult. She is an incredibly capable person and good at finding resources on her own. As her Friend, I simply tried to help Ruth process information. She and I took walks, got together for coffee or a bite to eat, and talked a lot. We prayed together and regularly exchanged devotionals by email. Ruth carefully weighed adoption and parenting – we even attended an adoption information class together. She eventually resigned from her job at an international financial institution in order to raise her child.

Ruth gave birth to a healthy baby girl and now lives at home with her parents while deciding her next step. She is in a strong church and has surrounded herself with believers who speak truth into her life. We continue to talk and see each other. Being a Friend is a great way to walk alongside someone and show them the love of Christ. If you’re looking for a way to serve or thinking of a way to impact the cause for life, this is it.

Ruth: A Birth Mom’s Story

God gets all the credit for bringing Sara into my life. When we first met, she shared her own life story and listened to mine. I realize that I cannot share my testimony with everyone because while many may understand the concept of spiritual warfare, few actually understand its reality. Thankfully, I have been able to tell Sara my story and never once felt judged or misunderstood. Rather, I feel very free with her. She is a woman after God’s own heart, rooted in His truth and love.

Unfortunately, I was unable to keep my job because as a new employee I did not qualify for maternity leave. I currently live at home with my family and am raising my daughter. The rest of my family is not Christian and that made for tense moments, as they could not identify with my struggles from a biblical perspective. However, I rest on the fact that God does not make mistakes and I know He placed me in this family for a reason. He is using everything I experienced –  both good and bad  — to make my heart look more like His so I can effectively share that there is a free gift in Christ. He graciously provided me with a friend in Sara during a critical time in my pregnancy, equipping her with the necessary perspective, encouragement, and guidance I needed. I consider her to be my spiritual sister. It is a relief to know there is someone with me, holding up the shield of the Spirit and the sword of the Word. I don’t have to do this alone. A Birthmothers Friend, like Sara, is a tangible reminder that God is with me.

*Names changed to protect confidentiality

 Image: www.livescience.com


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Love Series, Part 3: Love Is Just One Simple Decision Out of 35,000

For You From The Word

God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

For You To Think About

Third in a series

Woman making a decision at a crossroadsThe scientific community tells us we make 35,000 decisions each day. That includes practical decisions like:

  • I’ll have Cheerios instead of an omelet.
  • I’ll wait for that car to pass through the light before I turn left.
  • I’ll wear the jeans that make me look thinner.

But we can also make decisions like:

  • I’m going to pick up the phone, call her, and encourage her.
  • I’m going to find out what clothes or food she needs.
  • I’m going to pray for her.

The decision to love is certainly not driven by complacency. Nor is love necessarily based on affection, attraction, or the other’s worthiness. Rather, to love another is to make a deliberate choice to serve another. That’s why love is defined as a decision, not a feeling.

God made that powerful decision in loving us when we needed it the most: “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8).

Women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy need love. Will love be one of the 35,000 decisions you make today?

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
I will make thousands of decisions today. Let one of my decisions be to love those who need it most. Show me how to do that.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read More

Love Series, Part 1: Love – This Is the Way
Love Series, Part 2: What Agape Means

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Love Series, Part 2: What Agape Means

For You From The Word

By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:35, NIV)

For You To Think About

Second in our series on love

woman listening to another womanAs Kelly sat across from the pregnancy support volunteer, she couldn’t stop her tears. The woman across the table handed Kelly a tissue and covered Kelly’s hand. Then, the woman got up, walked around the table, leaned over, and hugged Kelly. “It will be okay,” the woman promised Kelly. “I care about you and I will help. You will not be alone.” Kelly felt loved and accepted.

Kelly was experiencing agape, one of four types of love referred to in scripture. Agape is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love. (The other three types of love are philia, brotherly love; eros, sexual love; and storge, familial love.) Agape originates with God. In response to His agape love, people return a reciprocal love to God, and then to fellow human beings.

Agape love is unselfish. Agape is unique for humans in that it does not always run parallel to our natural feelings. To demonstrate agape is to make a choice to love. For instance, the volunteer had her own life struggles. She put aside those issues when serving Kelly.

Agape is sacrificial. Nor was the volunteer expecting any form of payment in serving Kelly. She chose to show Kelly love with no strings attached. Kelly was not in a position to do anything for the crisis pregnancy volunteer, other than to accept the woman’s love and support. When we love others with agape, we simply seek an opportunity to do good to them and work ill towards none.

God demonstrated His love for us by sending His Son to die for us. We show our love for God by loving Him back … by extending agape love to others.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your amazing love. Let me love you back. Bring into my life those who face an unplanned pregnancy. Allow me the privilege of loving them as you love us: unselfishly and sacrificially.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read More

Love Series, Part 1: Love – This Is the Way

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Love Series, Part 1: Here’s How You Go About It

For You From The Word

Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
(John 13:34)

For You To Think About

First in a series 

guy friendsJesus made no secret of the fact that He wanted us to love each other. Yet He didn’t leave us wondering how to go about it. He provided a model for us to follow in loving one another.

The disciples experienced this love firsthand. Here’s how Jesus loved them:

  • He spoke kindly to them.
  • He was concerned about their welfare.
  • He “did life” with them.
  • He instructed and counseled them.
  • He comforted them.
  • He prayed with them and for them.
  • He took their part when they were accused or run down.
  • He publicly acknowledged them as family.
  • He looked for the best in them.

These men were humble people struggling to make their way. The world did not respect them. Likewise, women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy often feel alone, struggling to make their way.

God does not leave us wondering about how to go about loving them. He showed us what to do in the model Jesus gave us.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank you modeling your amazing love through Jesus. Bring into my life those who face an unplanned pregnancy. Allow me the privilege of loving them as you love us.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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What Happened on January 22, 1973?

For You From The Word

By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established.
(Proverbs 24:3, NRSV)

For You To Think About

U.S. Supreme CourtOn January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down two rulings, both 7-2 decisions.

Roe v. Wade, the better-known of the two, legalized abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy. The case was filed by 21-year-old Norma L. McCorvey under the alias “Jane Roe” in Dallas, TX, challenging Texas law limiting a woman’s right to an abortion. McCorvey later asserted that she had been recruited as a plaintiff.

Companion case Doe v. Bolton created the health exception to the Roe ruling, holding that physicians can perform an abortion at any time during pregnancy if deemed necessary for a woman’s health, be it physical, emotional, psychological, familial, or age-related. The 22-year-old plaintiff and mother of three, “Jane Doe” (Sandra Cano), sought legal help for divorce and child custody, maintaining she did not know abortion was included in the subsequently-filed paperwork.

Results of the 1973 Rulings

Prior to these decisions, abortion was prohibited or severely restricted in 50 states. As a result of the 1973 rulings, abortion was legalized and restrictions were removed. Between 1973 and 2009 (the latest year for which numbers are available) 52,008,665 documented U.S. abortions have been performed.

Does the young generation understand the significance of these two rulings? A recent Pew Research poll that found that only 44% of those under 30 even know that Roe v. Wade deals with abortion.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Many in our nation today are not aware of the legislation which legalizes abortion. Raise our awareness. Give people the desire to understand the law. Move in hearts with the urgency to be informed.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


More about January 22

What Is Roe Versus Wade?

Meet Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade

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Pray With Others For Life

For You From The Word

If two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. (Matthew 18:19, NIV)

For You To Think About

pray with othersGod promises not only to be present in prayers offered corporately, but assures the outcome (Matthew 18:19): “Tt will be done for you.”

Consider these opportunities to join with others to pray for life.

  • Join an online pro-life prayer group
  • Invite fellow prayer warriors to pray with you in person
  • If you cannot meet to pray, ask others to pray  individually at an agreed-upon time

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
 I join with others in raising our hearts to you to protect life. Show me  additional ways you want me to pray corporately to end the tragedy of abortion and overturn Roe v. Wade. Move thousands of believers to pray together according to Your Word.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Don’t Forget the Family!

For You From The Word

Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes. (Nehemiah 4:14)

For You To Think About

Extended family members are often forgotten casualties in the unplanned pregnancy equation.

Three true stories …

friend supporting a womanBrenda clicked off her phone and sat down at the kitchen table, burying her head in her hands. Her daughter had just discovered she was pregnant – unexpectedly, with no birth father in the picture. Brenda couldn’t think of one person she could talk to about her daughter’s unplanned pregnancy. She had never felt so alone, ashamed, and bewildered.

Anger rose in Jeff’s throat. His sister was pregnant. The guy threatened to leave her unless she got an abortion. That she was considering his demand frustrated Jeff even further. Jeff felt powerless.

Janice’s niece was pregnant. Shock, disbelief, betrayal – Janice saw them on her brother and sister-in-law’s faces during her niece’s announcement at dinner. Meanwhile, her niece couldn’t hide the hurt at their rejection. How can I show support to all three? Janice wondered.

Families need support during an unplanned pregnancy

Family members may not be the ones who are expecting. But they need support, too. Brenda needed a loving, listening ear. Jeff needed a sounding board with whom to process his anger. Janice needed wise counsel.

Don’t forget the family. Supporting those impacted by a pregnancy is another way to encourage life.

For You To Pray

Gracious Father,
Give me opportunities to show support to family members connected with an unplanned pregnancy. Allow me to listen, encourage, and give hope with the love of Christ.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Families

How to Support Family Members Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

Lawmakers Agree: Children Have The Right to a Family

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What a Pregnant Teen Needs Most

For You From A Word

See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. (Matthew 18:10)

For You To Think About

worried teenTeenagers who face an unplanned pregnancy are in a special situation.

They’re not longer children themselves, yet they’re not quite adults. Naturally, these young people need basic support that all pregnant women need, such as a plan and good medical care.

Yet there are a few particular areas in which a pregnant teenager needs special attention as she faces the future.

  • Support to finish high school. It’s hard to do both – take care of a baby and go to school. That’s why more than half of all teen moms drop out. Those without a high school diploma have about 79% higher rate of unemployment than those who do. Do everything you can to encourage pregnant teens to finish their high school education and even go beyond it to technical school or college.
  • Information about contraception. Teens often don’t have a basic understanding about pregnancy happens. About one-fourth of all teen moms have a second child within 2 years of their first. A second pregnancy could make the immediate future even more difficult for a teen mom.
  • Understanding of the birth father’s role. Teen mothers need a caring, listening ear to help them sort out the role of the birth father in their lives and the lives of their children. Eight out of 10 teen fathers don’t marry the mother of their child. Further, these absent fathers pay less than $800 annually for child support.
  • Acceptance. Insecurity rages in adolescents – and can take on colossal proportions for a girl who discovers she is pregnant. More than anything, a pregnant teen needs to know she is accepted and loved just as she is.

For You to Pray

Loving Father,
Give me Your attitude of grace and love to pregnant teenagers. Show me ways I can provide the specific kinds of support they need.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways to Support Pregnant Teens

911 Friend for a Pregnant Teen

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