What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 3: Vision

For You From The Word

Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs 28:19, KJV)

For You To Think About

Rachel entered college with a 4.2 GPA and a determination to obtain her doctorate degree.

Rachel and her twin boys

Rachel and her twin boys

Part of the way through her freshman year, she discovered she was pregnant – with twins.

Friends encouraged her to have an abortion. But when she heard the babies’ heartbeats, Rachel decided she was not going to let the societal stigma about having a baby at a young age, out of wedlock, or as a full-time student get in the way of the joys the new journey would bring her. “I became disenchanted with the low expectations and lack of faith from my peers,” said Rachel.

She continued with my education and gave birth to twin boys during her second year at the university. Rachel completed her undergraduate degree on time, then a master’s degree in counseling two years later including an award from the university as “Outstanding Graduate Student.”  The twins’ father also continued with his education, obtaining both bachelor and master’s degrees.

Today Rachel is enrolled full-time in a Ph.D. program. “I can gratefully proclaim that I will become the doctor that I had always envisioned,” says Rachel.

Pregnant college students need to grasp a vision. Without that sense of purpose, they can quickly get discouraged and settle for less than God’s best for their lives.

“We have the ability to achieve more than we could ever imagine,” says Rachel. A pregnant college student may not be able to see, in the moment, that pregnancy is a purposeful gift.

You can cast vision for them and inspire them to see God’s hand at work.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Touch the lives of pregnant women on college campuses. Give them a vision. Fill them with determination. Show me and others around them ways to speak purpose into their lives.
In Jesus name, Amen.

More About College Students and Pregnancy

What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 2: To Know Their Legal Rights

What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 1: University Support

How to Save Lives on College Campuses

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What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 2: To Know Their Legal Rights

For You From The Word

God shows no partiality. (Romans 2:11, ESV)

For You To Think About

graduating mom and babyIf you are a pregnant or parenting student in the U.S., you have a right to stay in school so you can meet your educational and career goals.

Pregnancy, a distinctly female condition, cannot be the basis for unfairness in public and private schools, colleges, and universities receiving federal funds.

That means pregnant students must be allowed excused absences as directed by a doctor, make up work, tutoring, internships and scholarships.

Those rights come to you courtesy of Title IX, part of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in educational programs and activities.

Pregnant and parenting students can take these steps to ensure they are being treated fairly according to Title IX parameters:

  • Read and understand your rights as allowed by Title IX.
  • Meet with your school’s Title IX coordinator to ask for help in continuing your education.
  • Communicate well with your teachers.
  • Keep notes of your pregnancy-related appointments.
  • Record any inappropriate comments or actions referencing pregnancy that are taken against you.

God shows no partiality. Schools should not either.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You that You show no partiality – that You love and accept each of us regardless of our gender, race, finances, or social status. Allow me to support and defend the rights pregnant women in the educational system so they can complete their education.
In Jesus name, Amen.

More About College Students and Pregnancy

What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 3: Vision

What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 1: University Support

Why One College Student Was Able to Choose Life


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What Pregnant College Students Need, Part 1: University Support

For You From The Word

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
(Galatians 6:2, ESV)

For You To Think About

Chaunie Brusie and her family

Chaunie Brusie and her family

When college senior Chaunie Brusie saw the blue positive lines on her pregnancy test, she panicked.  She had just started her senior year at Saginaw Valley State University in University Center, MI.

The university health center’s nurse practitioner had few resources to give the 21-year-old –  no information about insurance for maternity coverage or even a referral to a doctor.  “She basically knew nothing that could help me stay in school and continue the pregnancy,” says Chaunie.

Chaunie’s experience is not unique. Colleges routinely provide resources about contraception, STDs, and communicable diseases, but rarely provide information about pregnancy, on-campus day care, or housing for pregnant and parenting students.

Lack of on-campus resources are one of the reasons cited for high numbers of abortions among college-age women – 40% in latest estimates from The Guttmacher Institute.

The need for support for pregnant college students led Feminists for Life to launch its College Outreach Program in 1994. Since then, there has been a 30% decrease in the numbers of abortions among college-age women.

Chaunie has been a part of that movement.

Against all odds, Chaunie chose life. She graduated on time with a degree in nursing shortly before delivering her daughter Ada Marie in May of 2008. Today Chaunie is married, the mother of three, a registered nurse working in labor and delivery, and a speaker who advocates for increased pregnancy support on college campuses.

She was able to use her experience to help pregnant college students stay in school and carry their pregnancies to term.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Raise up pregnancy resources and support on our college campuses. Move in the hearts of college students who discover they are pregnant. Show them where to seek out help.
In Jesus name, Amen.

More About Students and Pregnancy

College Soccer Star Chooses Life

Unplanned Pregnancy on our College Campuses

58% Young People Don’t Know Where to Get Pregnancy Support

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Spiritual Leaders and Pregnant Women, Part 3: Help Others to Help Her

For You From The Word

Visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need. (James 1:27, AMP)

For You To Think About

In his epistle packed with practical advice for godly living, the Apostle James singles out two particular people groups that Christ-followers are to serve – and how we are to serve them. “Visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need.”(James 1:27, AMP).

Here, the term widow means “a woman who lacks a husband.”  An orphan is defined as “the fatherless.” Both are apt descriptions for the vulnerable who face an unplanned pregnancy. Pregnant women need support to carry their babies to term and deliver them. The unborn and children are defenseless.

These women and children need our presence, our help, and practical support.

Spiritual leaders, by virtue of their platform, have a special opportunity to inspire their people to serve women who face an unplanned pregnancy, their unborn, and their children. Not only can they can influence others to serve. In particular, pastors can follow James’ lead and encourage their people to serve those among us who are especially vulnerable: pregnant women, their unborn, and their children.

Pastors and leaders “will have to give an account” (Hebrews 13:17, ESV) to God as to how they used their platform … and each of us will have to give an account for how we respond to God’s call to serve those who are in need.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for using Your Word to teach us to serve women, unborn children, and babies. Move in our spiritual leaders to inspire their people to care for the vulnerable.
In Jesus name, Amen.

More Devotionals about Spiritual Support for Pregnant Women

Spiritual Leaders and Pregnant Women, Part 1: The Whole Truth

Spiritual Leaders and Pregnant Women, Part 2: Speak Life Into Her Life

34,000 Denominations United in Showing God’s Love

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Spiritual Leaders and Pregnant Women, Part 2: Do You Speak Life Into Her Life?

For You From The Word

Jesus said to them, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7, NIV)

For You To Think About

hand reaching out to help

Different voices, including those of spiritual leaders, speak into the life of a woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy.

From a pastor, will she hear acceptance … or condemnation?

How a leader communicates influences not just those they serve (the expectant woman or man) but also those they lead (their congregation and community.)

Consider the religious leaders in John 8. They communicated their condemnation to a woman caught in adultery – and also to those around her and the rest of us, through the ages, who have read their story.  They communicated humiliation when forcing the woman to stand before a crowd, rather than speaking to her privately.  They communicated domination by reading the law to Jesus and the woman. They communicated intimidation by peppering Jesus with questions. They communicated a hunger for control and power by seeking to trap Jesus – and the woman.

Jesus, on the other hand, communicated a different message. He communicated patience and respect by listening to the leaders. He communicated the need for self-examination and humility in just one statement: “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her” (John 8:7, NIV). He communicated affirmation to the woman by offering words of acceptance.

Which kind of leader inspires others to a higher ground?

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Jesus’ demonstration of patience and affirmation. Move in our spiritual leaders to communicate acceptance to those they serve and those they lead, regardless of their circumstances.
In Jesus name, Amen.

More about Support for Pregnant Women

Spiritual Leaders and Pregnant Women, Part 1: The Whole Truth

Spiritual Leaders and Pregnant Women, Part 3; Help Others Help Her

Practical and Pro-Life Ministries for Your Church

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Spiritual Leaders and Pregnant Women, Part 1: The Whole Truth

For You From The Word

I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God. (Acts 20:27, ESV)

For You To Think About

woman reading BibleDifferent voices speak into the life of a woman or man who faces an unplanned pregnancy. Those voices include the clergy.

Yet some spiritual leaders selectively read the Bible’s teaching when it comes to choosing life.

Fifteen religious leaders, writing a Pastoral Letter to Patients issued by the Clergy Advocacy Board of Planned Parenthood, say the following to women and men in the throes of a decision about pregnancy:

“Many people wrongly assume that all religious leaders disapprove of abortion. The truth is that abortion is not even mentioned in the Scriptures – Jewish or Christian.”

While the term “abortion” is not recorded in scripture, neither are terms such as gambling, racial discrimination, drug abuse, or addiction – yet spiritual leaders readily accept overarching biblical principles to guide their positions on those topics.

The inconsistency points to the critical tipping point among spiritual leaders: seeking the whole counsel of God from scripture, which reveals a biblical principle. A biblical principle is an overarching truth from God’s revealed word. Biblical principles are especially helpful in communicating and applying God’s truth as it bridges cultures and generations on topics not directly referenced in scripture during Bible times.

As Paul addressed church elders before his arrest, he admonished them to seek “the whole counsel of God” when leading other believers.

While the term “abortion” may not be directly cited in scripture, the Bible certainly has plenty to say about creating man, valuing life, the uniqueness of each individual, protecting the innocent, and murder.

More than enough to determine what God has to say from scripture about the unborn … if spiritual leaders seek and then speak the whole truth.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your Word. Move in the hearts of our spiritual leaders to teach using the whole counsel of God and share the truth about the value you place on the unborn.
In Jesus name, Amen.

More Devotionals about Spiritual Support for Pregnant Women

One Birth Mom’s Story: “My Baby Led Me to Jesus”

Pregnancy: Body and Soul are Intertwined

Prayer Leads to Life-Changing Decision for Woman

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Family: LA Congressman Offers Support to Unwed Pregnant Daughter

For You From The Word

Let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. (1 John 3:18, NLT)

For You To Think About

Bill Cassidy

Bill Cassidy

An unplanned pregnancy impacts not only the mother, child, and father – but extended family members as well.

It can happen in life’s most unexpected moments. Maybe your 17-year-old unwed daughter tells you she is pregnant … and you are running for political office.

Such was the case for Congressman Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and his wife Laura.

Yet their response was similar to the sentiment expressed by thousands of grandparents-to-be:

“Earlier this year, [my wife] and I learned we will become grandparents,” Cassidy said. “Our children have been the greatest blessing of our lives and we welcome our grandchild as a joyous addition to our family.”

The Cassidys’ decision to surround their daughter and her unborn child with unwavering love and support demonstrate truth in action.

“Our daughter now faces a more challenging future than her peers,” said Cassidy, a medical doctor running for U.S. senate seat. “She has our unconditional love and support.”

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for those who stand for life not just in word, but show it with their unwavering support for those who face an unplanned pregnancy.
In Jesus name, Amen.

More Support for Teens Who Face an Unplanned Pregnancy

911 for a Pregnant Teen

What a Pregnant Teen Needs Most

16 & Pregnant Stars Spotlight One-on-One Pregnancy Support

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Attitude: Miss Pennsylvania Makes Beauty From Ashes

For You From The Word

To all who mourn in Israel he will give: beauty for ashes; joy instead of mourning; praise instead of heaviness. For God has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory. (Isaiah 61:3, TLB)

For You To Think About

Valerie GattoShe was conceived when her 19-year-old mother was attacked at knife-point on a busy Pittsburgh street by a man who dragged her behind a building and raped her.

Miss Pennsylvania 2014, Valerie Gatto, has found a way to make beauty from ashes, turning those violent beginnings into a beautiful, positive life purpose.

It was unyielding support from family members and a strong belief in God led her mother to carry Valerie to term and raise her. When Valerie was the third grade, her mom told her, “Something bad happened to me. A very bad man hurt me, but God gave me you.” Valerie’s mother turned a negative into a positive and then passed along that principle to her daughter. The principle became a lifestyle of a positive way to view life’s challenges.

Today Valerie refers to herself as “a product of rape,” but her determination inspires others in two areas: in her attitude, by focusing on the positive over the negative, and in practical living, as she works to raise sexual assault awareness in young women.

“I believe God put me here for a reason,” says Valerie in an interview with Today . “To inspire people, to encourage them, to give them hope that everything is possible and you can’t let your circumstances define your life.”

In other words, trade ashes for beauty.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
You make all things beautiful – even those circumstances that may be ugly, violent, or cruel. Thank you for using women like Valerie’s mother to work for good. Speak to women who face an unplanned pregnancy and give them a vision of beauty for their ashes.
In Jesus name, Amen.

More Life Story Celebrations

American Idol Contestant Shares Her Pregnancy Story

Superstar Tenor Shares His Story to Encourage Mothers-To-Be

Star Trek Captain Shares Her Story as a Birth Mom

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God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 4: Uniqueness

For You From The Word

Children are a gift from the Lord … those born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands.  How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! (Psalm 127:3-5, NLT)

For You To Think About

Dad with baby sleepingPsalm 127, a “Song of Ascents,” is a worship song. This particular psalm gives thanks for God’s provision offered through the gift of a family.

Here the psalmist compares children to arrows.

Together with the bow, arrows were the most widespread tool in Bible times – one used by royalty, the common man, and all in between. The bow and arrow were necessary for survival. Every arrow’s size, shape, and construction were different. Each one had a specific use.

A man with access to different kinds of arrows would be prepared for many different circumstances. He would have the assurance he needed to not just survive, but thrive.

The parallel is clear. Just as each arrow in a quiver is unique, each child is one-of-a-kind, providing the family with support in his or her unique way.

Yet this passage points out at least one significant difference between arrows and children.

While man is responsible for constructing his own arrows and keeping his supply ready, “Children are a gift from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3) – a special grace given from God to a man and his family. God creates each child in a distinctive way, one that is a gift.

The promise is sure: a father can rejoice in the uniqueness of his child.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your specific promises to fathers. Give fathers the joy of knowing that each child is a special gift from you and is unique, created by You for special purposes.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Promises for Fathers

God’s Promises for Fathers: Part 1: Life

God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 2: Peace of Mind

God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 3: Blessings

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God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 3: Your Children Will Be Blessed

For You From The Word

Good fathers live right, and God blesses the children who follow their example. (Proverbs 20:7, CEV).

For You To Think About

Actor Woody Allen is credited with saying, “80 percent of life is just showing up.”

dad and child in sunsetTaken at a face value, a father might read that maxim to mean to be physically present for his child: at her birth, on her first day of school, at her softball game, or at her high school graduation.

Yet showing up goes deeper than presence. The way a father “shows up” for his children is reflected in how he orders his life morally, emotionally, and spiritually.

God offers a powerful promise to a dad who “shows up” right.

When a father lives right – that is, in right standing with God (as a follow of Christ) and according to biblical principles (living out his faith) – the benefit has deep, lasting impact.

God’s promise is powerful: “Good fathers live right, and God blesses the children who follow their example” (Proverbs 20:7, CEV).

A man who “shows up” by ordering his life after God imparts God’s favor and blessing his children.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your specific promises to fathers. Help dads live right. Allow them to choose to be in right standing with you and order their lives according to Your principles – and let their children follow their example.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Promises for Fathers

God’s Promises for Fathers: Part 1: Life

God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 2: Peace of Mind

God’s Promises for Fathers, Part 4: Uniqueness


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