Katey’s Story: “Support for Pregnant Teenagers Gave Me Options”

For You From The Word

As we have opportunity, let us do good to all, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
(Galatians 6:10, RSV)

For You To Think About

Katey Tryon

Katey Tryon

Katey Tryon faced an unplanned pregnancy twice as a teenager.

Just two days before her high school graduation she gave birth for the first time. Her parents, both strong Christians and pillars in the community, rallied around her, and Katey placed her baby girl for adoption.

In college, she still felt vulnerable. When she found out she was pregnant again, Katey got support at a local pregnancy center. She placed her son for adoption and went back to college.

Support changed her life for the better.

“As a teenager, finding myself in an unplanned pregnancy was scary at best,” said Katey recently as she testified before an Oregon Senate committee. “Thankfully, I turned to a pregnancy resource center that provided not only free and confidential services to me, but treated me in a fair and professional manner, provided me life-giving options when I needed them most, and eased my fears.”

Today, 20 years later, Katey is the development director at Lane Pregnancy Support Center in Eugene, OR, wife of a worship pastor, and mother of three school-age children.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Help teenagers who face an unplanned pregnancy reach out for support. Bring people into their lives who will guide them wisely.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Stories of Support

Alanna’s Story: “Support Helped Me Choose Life”

Virginia’s Story: All-Star Player Supports Pregnant Teenager

Rebecca’s Story: “People Supported Me. I Wanted to Give Back.”

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Encouragement: Walk With a Woman for Just 6 Days

For You From The Word

The women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. (Matthew 28:8)

For You To Think About

sunrays in cloudsSix dark days stretch between the celebration of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and the overwhelming joy of the empty tomb.

For Jesus’ followers, it was a time of uncertainty, followed by brokenness and isolation. Lives were in danger. Confusion reigned. What would their future hold? Jesus had told them He would rise again. But in the midst of their despair, it was nearly impossible to live in hope.

When the women saw Jesus at the tomb, all of that changed. They ran to tell the disciples. Suddenly, light had come.

When you think about it, don’t those who face an unplanned pregnancy share a similar situation to the disciples? Their futures have suddenly changed. Uncertainty takes hold. Soon, loneliness and fear extend choking tentacles. Quite literally, lives are in danger. Darkness can drag these women and men to the bottommost depths of hopelessness … until someone shares hope.

They need a Friend to walk with them during their “six dark days” – their season of despair – and to encourage them to hang on. Easter morning is coming.

For You To Pray

Lord of life,
Thank you for Your overwhelming sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf. Reach out to women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy. Allow them to see through their brokenness to the hope You have promised. Raise up Friends to do so.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Encouragement

A Friend Walks In When Everyone Else Walks Out

A Friend’s Story: “Encouragement Gave Her a Voice”

A Friend Chooses to Share Your Burden

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“Hosanna!” 2 Prayers for Life in One

For You From The Word

O Lord, save us! (Psalm 118:25)

For You To Think About

Praying womanThe Jewish people shouted “Hosanna!” to Jesus as He entered Jerusalem on a donkey prior to Passover. Their shouts were an act of praise.

But in Old Testament times, the term Hosanna originally meant Save now! or Help us, we pray!

Hosanna’s double meaning – praising God and invoking His help – fits perfectly the cries of His people on behalf of a woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy.

Save now! Help us, we pray! is a prayer that says, “Work in this woman’s heart now, O Lord. Save her life and the life of this child.”

Praise to You! is a prayer that says, “We worship You for the miracle of new life.”

You can stand in the gap for a pregnant woman and the life of her child when you cry out “Hosanna!” to God. It’s two prayers in one.

For You To Pray

Creator and Lord,
I praise You for the gift of life. Help us now, I pray. Save this woman’s life and the life of her child.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


More Prayers for Life

Save Now! God Honors the Prayers of Children

How Jesus Honored Women Who Praised Him

Jesus Doesn’t Judge

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Choosing Life: My birth mom was abortion-minded

A FRIEND’S STORY: My birth mom was abortion-minded

LaDonna Jones was matched with birth mom because of her compassion and personal experience.

stethoscopeAs a young woman, I was pregnant several times … and aborted.  Since then I’ve experienced God’s forgiveness and healing, and now I’m passionate about talking to people about abortion’s hurts.

I was matched with Sofia*, a 26-year-old woman who was abortion-minded.  Her initial call to Birthmothers was a plea for funds to terminate her pregnancy.  As she talked with Birthmothers staff members, they encouraged her to check out all her options.

To help Sofia understand the stages of fetal development, a Birthmothers staffer invited her to visit a pregnancy care center.  Later, I took her to a sonogram appointment.  Sofia desperately wanted to know her date of conception so she could determine the birth dad. “I don’t know who the father is,” she confessed at one point, clicking off three names including her current boyfriend.

“Regardless of which man is the father,” I said, “This baby is yours.”

In the days and weeks that followed, I noticed that Sofia stopped talking about aborting and began discussing parenting. “What made you change your mind?” I asked her.

“You pointed out that no matter what, this baby is mine,” she said.

Since then, I’ve been able to talk with Sofia deeply about faith.  I’ve explained that my decisions to abort were not courageous. Sofia believes in God.  When she chooses a personal relationship with God, her life will change dramatically.  I plan to be around for that.  I’m committed to being Sofia’s Friend for a long, long time.

*name changed for confidentiality

More about Choosing Life

Choosing Life: This Birth Mom Simply Needed an Advocate

Choosing Life: This Woman’s Choice Left an Amazing Legacy

Choosing Life: Yes, EVERY Child Is a Wanted Child

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Abortion-Minded Birth Mom Needed an Advocate

A Friend’s Story

By Annette M.

The emergency phone call from the pregnancy care center to was to the point. “We have a pregnant woman who is abortion-minded and speaks only Spanish.  Our ultrasound schedule is booked solid, but another center is able to fit her in.  Can someone take her to the appointment?”

Hispanic woman with cell phoneI was matched with Rosa as her Friend and called her immediately. It was clear she needed an advocate.  After a brief conversation, Rosa agreed to delay her abortion until after the ultrasound.  That gave me time to learn more about her.

Rosa worked as a housekeeper but had recently lost her job. She lived with her brother, who would not tolerate an out-of-wedlock pregnancy. His eviction threat accounted for Rosa’s panicked reaction. The birth father was no longer in the picture. Rosa’s two other birth children are being raised by relatives in Honduras.

An Ultrasound Was the Turning Point

When Rosa saw the 3D images of her child, tears formed in her eyes. At one point, the baby turned and faced her directly. After the ultrasound, she was decisive. She would not terminate the pregnancy.  Her decision gave me the opportunity to present the adoption option – an avenue that she hadn’t considered before, but is now her intention.

I set about to help Rosa find a place to live. Initially she moved into a maternity home, but its remote location and lack of transportation meant she couldn’t look for a job. Inactivity made her feel useless and unproductive. For a few weeks, Rosa bounced between friends’ homes, always looking for work. Her movements were erratic, and I was afraid she would change her mind and have an abortion. “Call me if you need help,” I texted her. “Anytime.”

One morning, the phone rang. Rosa was in a service station parking lot with her luggage, about an hour away. Could I help her?

My husband and I discussed the situation and agreed that God wanted us to invite Rosa to be a part of our family.

“Would you like to live with us?” I asked Rosa as we rode home. She nodded. We put together a contract that spelled out expectations. Rosa would help care for our children and attend church with us. We would love her, provide her room and board, and pay her a small stipend.

It has touched my heart to be a part of Rosa’s life. I am making a difference not only with providing her food and a warm place to live, but also relieving her stress so she can have a healthy pregnancy. Perhaps most importantly, Rosa recently rededicated her life to Christ. I believe God is using her pregnancy and her relationship with my family to bring her closer to Him.

“God has a plan,” I told Rosa recently. “You and I didn’t cross paths by chance. He’s using both of us for a greater purpose – together.”

If you know someone who faces an unplanned pregnancy, encourage her to call Birthmothers toll-free helpline at 1 (844) 77 BIRTH.  She can be matched one-on-one with a Birthmothers Friend who will listen and help.

Choosing Life: Yes, EVERY Child Is a Wanted Child

Choosing Life: This Birth Mom Was Abortion-Minded 

Choosing Life: 12% More American Women Are Choosing Life

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A Tale of Two Women

For You From The Word

The second man said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:42-43)

For You To Think About

Two women discovered they were pregnant, though they didn’t plan to be.

crying womenThe first woman railed at God. “How could You let this happen?” she screamed, shaking her fist at heaven. “If You’re really God, You can deliver me from this ordeal!”

The second woman bowed her head. “Help me, God,” she prayed. “This is very hard. Remember me and my child.”

When Jesus hung on the cross, two men on either side of Him also suffered. One lashed out in anger. The other asked Jesus to remember Him and help Him. Jesus promised the second man eternal life.

There is no question – the two women in our tale are in a very difficult situation. And God loves each woman deeply. He cannot love either one more or love her less. The difference between the two is their attitude. God honors an open heart. When someone faces an unplanned pregnancy with a heart that is open to God, He can work powerfully to transform lives.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Work in the hearts of those who face an unplanned pregnancy. Give them an openness and receptivity to Your powerful work in their lives.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Attitude

Attitude: Miss Pennsylvania Makes Beauty From Ashes

Attitude: Indifference Is Neither Cold Nor Hot

Attitude: “I Owe My Life to Pro-Life Advocates”


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88% Pregnant Women: “I Didn’t Receive Enough Information to Make a Decision”

For You From The Word

(Let) the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:17)

For You To Think About

woman getting info from iPhoneIn a survey of women who chose the pain of abortion, 88% reported they did not have “all of the necessary information to make the decision.”

That information includes:

  • Types of abortions. What procedures are used? What happens during each of those procedures?
  • Abortion risks. What physical and psychological complications might a woman face?
  • Abortion alternatives. What are some options a woman can consider other than the pain of abortion?

A woman makes her own decision about pregnancy. But you can offer her excellent resources so that she can be informed and won’t have to later say, “I didn’t receive the facts.”

For You To Pray

Omnipotent Father,
Help me do my part to share good information and resources with pregnant women.
In Jesus’ name,

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How We Work

Birthmothers Services Flow Chart

Here’s how Birthmothers works through one phone call to connect a woman in crisis to one-on-one support. Our special partnerships with local churches, support organizations, and trained volunteer Friends help provide support to women, their partners, and family members who face an unplanned pregnancy.
Birthmothers Ministry Flow Chart

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Thinking About Abortion?

No judgments. No sermons.

profile-aa-womanYou don’t need to go through this confusing time alone. No matter what your situation, we’re here to listen and to help.

When you call Birthmothers, you can share as much or as little as you like. Your call is 100% confidential.

First Things First …

Do you know if you’re pregnant – for certain?

You can know for certain whether or not you’re pregnant when you take a free pregnancy test or ultrasound.

If you’re uncomfortable or unsure about making an appointment, we can help you. If you don’t want to go alone to the appointment, a caring staff member or volunteer Friend can go with you.

Many of our staff members and Friends have themselves experienced an unplanned pregnancy. They know what you may be feeling. They understand.

If you’re pregnant, take your time in making a decision

It’s a lot to think about. Take your time. We’ve included the latest research and facts on this site. We want to make sure you have accurate information so you can make an informed decision.

A Friend can walk with you during that process, if you like.

A Friend is a trained volunteer whose sole purpose is to provide you with support. She’ll respect your privacy. She can give you information about pregnancy options. Most of all, she’ll accept you and love you unconditionally, no matter what choice you make.

There is no charge.

You don’t need to go through this alone. The decision is yours. You can have a Friend while you make it. All you have to do is call.

Call Birthmothers. We’ll listen and be a Friend — no questions asked.

If you face an unplanned pregnancy, call our 24/7 helpline:

We’ll be A Friend That Loves at All Times.™

Learn more

Types of abortions

Risks to consider

Abortion alternatives

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Abortion Survivor: You Can Do More Than Just Survive

For You From The Word

I will send some of those who survive to the nations … they will proclaim my glory among the nations. (Isaiah 66:19)

For You To Think About

Melissa Ohden

Melissa Ohden

Every life is a miracle. Melissa Ohden’s is especially so.

Her birth mother underwent a saline abortion attempt when she was 31 weeks’ pregnant with Melissa. But Melissa survived with no tangible physical or mental disabilities and was adopted by an Iowa couple. She is one of just 14 known abortion survivors worldwide.
Today, Melissa is an unashamed prolife activist. Speaking engagements shuttle her from basement fundraisers to major rallies in Washington, D.C. She recently testified for Iowa and North Dakota legislative committees considering personhood amendments.

But her life is much more than a story of survival. Melissa understands the struggle of an unplanned pregnancy from several points of view – as the conceived child and innocent player in an unplanned pregnancy – but also as a family member, when her sister Tammy became pregnant in high school. “I know how hard it can be to choose life,” she says. As an adoptee, Melissa has searched for and found members of her birth family to offer forgiveness. “I wanted them to know I am okay,” she said. “I’ve had a great life.” Finally, as a wife and mother of a three-year-old girl, Melissa understands the joy new life can bring.

Melissa didn’t just survive. She has thrived. She believes God saved her from certain death to become a voice for the voiceless. Her life is an example of how God can use even the darkest circumstances to offer purpose and hope.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
Help abortion-minded women choose life. Use me to offer purpose and hope in a dark hour.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Stories about Surviving and Thriving

I Was Aborted and Didn’t Die

Superstar Tenor’s Mother Chose Life

Quarterback’s Parents Were Encouraged to Abort


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