Courageous Choices Parents Make

For You From The Word

An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt.” (Matthew 2:13)

For You To Think About

Escape to EgyptImagine bringing a child into the world in a strange town where you know no one. Then, because you fear for the child’s life, you discover you must flee to a foreign country and live there for several years until conditions are safe again for the child.

After Jesus’ birth, Joseph and Mary escaped to Egypt in order to save Jesus’ life.

Joseph – an adoptive parent – did what was necessary in order to unconditionally love, care for, and protect his adopted son, Jesus.

Mary – a birth parent – did what was necessary in order to unconditionally love, care for, and protect her birth child.

For You To Pray

Almighty God,
Help parents make courageous choices for their children.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Courageous Choices

God’s Choice

Mary’s Choice

Joseph’s Choice

Jesus’ Choice

The Magi’s Choice


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Serving: Mary And Joseph Were the Least Of These

For You From The Word

Whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me.  (Matthew 25:40)

For You To Think About

women helping womenMary and Joseph were not influential community members. In fact, they had little, if any, status.

They were among the crowds of poor flocking to Bethlehem for the census, as ordered by their government.

How frightening! They were all alone, and Mary went into labor.  The couple had no resources … no strings to pull … no favors to call in … no family … no friends … no place to stay … nowhere to turn.

Jesus said, “Whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me” (Matthew 25:40). You can show your love for the Christ Child by helping a pregnant woman who is afraid and alone.  Whatever you do for her – from connecting her to resources, to offering life-affirming, adoption-informing information, or by simply providing a listening ear – it will be as if you do it for Jesus Himself.

For You To Pray

Compassionate Father,
Let me love You by loving a pregnant woman or birth dad who is alone.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Serving the Least of These

Elizabeth: How She Affirmed Mary

Mary Sought Out a Friend

Serving: Your Family May Be Just What She Needs


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Planning Is An Act of Love

For You From The Word

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.  He went there to register with Mary. (Luke 2:4-5)

For You To Think About

couple in tensionJoseph had to get to Bethlehem – as soon as possible.  The emperor demanded that everyone be counted in the census. Joseph couldn’t put the trip off, even though circumstances were less than perfect: he was supposed to get married.  His fiancée was expecting.

Nevertheless, Joseph selflessly fulfilled his obligations and took care of Mary, too. Joseph’s planning and provision for his family were acts of love.

Likewise, women and men who face an unplanned pregnancy can’t put their lives on hold. They must move forward and make plans in order to provide for their babies’ lives.  Their planning and provision demonstrate overwhelming selflessness.

Acts of planning – choosing life, making an adoption plan, or figuring out how to parent – are acts of love.

For You To Pray

Merciful Father,
Help pregnant women and birth dads make wise and loving plans for their babies.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About Planning During an Unplanned Pregnancy

Unplanned Pregnancy Options: There Are More Than Just Three

Unplanned Pregnancy Rates Remain High: The Need for a Plan Remains

TV Series Highlights Having a Plan During an Unplanned Pregnancy


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5 Things One Man Considered When Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

For You From the Word

I was a father to the needy.  (Job 29:16)

For You To Think About

Joseph’s fiancée, Mary, told him that she was pregnant.

man in sunsetYet Joseph knew the baby was not his.

He had much to consider.  Who was the baby’s father?  Would Joseph be able to accept this child and raise him as his own?  What would his family say … how would villagers treat the child … would Joseph’s carpentry business decline?

In the end, God moved in Joseph’s heart.  He became the child’s adoptive father.

God honored that decision.  Today we know Joseph as Jesus’ earthly father – the one who taught Jesus a trade, gave Him the embrace of a loving family, and helped raise Him.

For You To Pray

Merciful God,

Move in men’s hearts to be godly adoptive fathers.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Insight for Men

Christmas Choices, Part 3: Joseph’s Choice

Joseph’s First Response and His Second Response

What an Unplanned Pregnancy Cost Him  and What He Gained

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3 Adoption Myths

For You From The Word

Guide me in your truth and teach me.  (Psalm 25:5)

For You To Think About

picture of couple in disagreement at home in the living roomDuring the decision process, birth parents may skim over the adoption option because they haven’t received accurate information.  But you can dispel adoption myths for those you know who face an unplanned pregnancy – and share the truth.

Myth #1: primarily teenage birth parents place for adoption.
Truth: about 75% placing birth parents are in their 20s or older.

Myth #2: most birth moms who choose adoption are uneducated.
Truth: most birth mothers who choose adoption have finished high school.

Myth #3: most birth parents have no contact with adoptive parents.
Truth: more than 90% of today’s birth moms have met their child’s adoptive parents; nearly all the remaining birth moms choose their child’s adoptive parents from extensive profiles.

When you offer documented adoption information and life-affirming resources with birth parents, you share truths they need to make good decisions.

For You To Pray

Loving God,

Help birth parents receive accurate, adoption-affirming information.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Adoption Myths

Adoption Myth #1: You Won’t Know What Happens to Your Child

Adoption Myth #2: Placing a Child Is Irresponsible

Adoption Myth #3: There Is No Role for the Birth Father



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Miss USA’s Adoption Heroes

For You From The Word

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1)

For You To Think About

Lynette Cole

Lynette Cole

Lynnette Cole, Miss USA 2000, has a set of personal heroes: two sets of parents. Lynette, who is adopted, is biracial.

Her adoptive parents repeatedly told her how special she is and that God gave her to them for a purpose, even while children at school teased her for having brown skin when her parents are white. Their love gave her confidence.  “My parents sacrificed so much,” she says.  In order to complete the interracial adoption, the Coles moved to another state and both got new jobs.

But there’s another hero in Lynnette’s story – her birth mom.  To those considering adoption, Lynnette sends this message: “You can help so many (by considering adoption).  You can be an everyday hero in the life of a child.”

After serving as Miss USA, Lynnette worked as a television host and as a bipartisan lobbyist for the Congressional Coalition for Adoption.  Her story inspires thousands in the adoption triad.

For You To Pray

Loving Father,

Raise up more everyday adoption heroes.  Begin with me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Adoption Inspiration

What Is the Adoption Triad?

No Two Adoption Plans Are Alike

How To Support a Woman Who May Choose Adoption


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“Adoption Ambassador” Uses His Visibility to Influence Birth Parents

For You From The Word

Think how you have instructed many. (Job 4:3)

For You To Think About

Eduardo VerasteguiLatino actor and media sensation Eduardo Verastegui is the United Nations’ unofficial ambassador for adoption.

In recent years, Eduardo has been morally convicted to use his visibility to make a positive impact on people’s lives. He starred in the 2006 adoption-themed movie, Bella.

Just a few months prior to the movie’s release, Eduardo was able to talk with a couple who faced an unplanned pregnancy.  The birth father persistently pushed for abortion.

“If you don’t want this baby,” said Eduardo, “I will take it.  I will adopt the child.”  It was the same approach his character in the movie had taken in a similar situation, and Eduardo meant it.

Stunned that a superstar would take that stand, the birth father reconsidered.  The couple cancelled their abortion appointment and committed to parenting.

And they named their little girl Bella.

For You To Pray

Lord of all,
Place Your people of influence in birth parents’ lives.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Celebrities on Adoption

Country Music Star Rodney Atkins on Adoption

Star Trek Captain Shares Her Story as a Birth Mom

Superstar Tenor Shares His Story to Encourage Mothers-To-Be


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Celebrate National Adoption Awareness Month

For You From The Word

God sets the lonely in families. (Psalm 68:6)

For You To Think About

National Adoption Week was first celebrated in 1976.  It was expanded to a month in 1990 as participation grew.

family washing do

Now, National Adoption Awareness Month has become a tradition marked by nationwide celebrations, increasing adoption awareness and a call to Americans to ensure the safety and well-being of our children.

“During November, we pay tribute to the parents who have opened their hearts and homes,” said President George W. Bush in his 2007 National Adoption Month presidential proclamation.  “They helped provide love and stability for young people.”

Adoption is a great way to build families.  How are you focusing on this important issue?

For You To Pray

Loving Father,
You set the lonely in families.  Thank you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about Adoption Awareness

Sharing the Adoption Option Through the Media

President Reagan on Adoption

Words Matter: A Primer for Positive Adoption Language


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Adoption Means Love Times Three

For You From the Word

This is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more. (Philippians 1:9)

For You To Think About

A true story from Focus on the Family magazine

adopted boy and adoptive motherAaron Knotts was old enough to understand that he is adopted.  His parents had carefully explained how he’d come to be a part of their family.

Aaron’s birth mother had specially selected the Knotts to raise him.  His foster family cried the day he went home with the Knotts family.  And now, he had parents and a brother who loved him deeply.

So when asked what adoption meant to him, Aaron simply said, “Adoption means I have three families and lots and lots of people who love me!”

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the blessing of an adoptive family’s love.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More About the Adoption Option

Raise Awareness During National Adoption Month

How to Be Ready to Share about Adoption

7 Simple Ways to Raise Adoption Awareness


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Abortion Survivor: “I Was Aborted and Didn’t Die”

For You From The Word

I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted. (Job 42:2)

For You To Think About

God’s power gives life, no matter what laws men may pass.

Gianna Jessen

Gianna Jessen

One day in April 1977, a 17-year-old teenager entered an abortion clinic in southern California, signed some papers, and received a saline drip injection to terminate her 7-month-old fetus by burning it in utero.

Eighteen hours later the baby was born – alive.

With resulting cerebral palsy and other birth-related challenges, doctors didn’t expect Gianna Jessen to live long.  But she was placed for adoption with loving parents.  Gianna learned to sit up and walk … and more.

Today, the Christian vocalist travels the world, runs marathons, enjoys rock climbing and speaks as an advocate for the unborn.

“The Lord Jesus spared my life,” says Gianna. “I would not be walking today if it were not for the grace of God and the power of Christ.”

For You To Pray

Sovereign God,
You are Almighty.  Change hearts in our nation and allow us to choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways To Encourage Abortion-Minded Women To Choose Life

Abortion Survivor: More Than a Story of Survival

Aborted Children Can’t Be Adopted

Reasons Women Give For Ending a Pregnancy


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