Job Opportunity: Friends Ministry Director

Friends Ministry Director 

Birthmother Ministries, Inc. (Birthmothers®) is a faith-based, nonprofit organization that shares Christ’s unconditional love one-on-one with those who face an unplanned pregnancy.

Position description

A sensitive, godly, mature woman who acts as an interface between pregnant women and volunteer Friends to arrange one-on-one support. This staff member will keep records of intake calls, match pregnant women with volunteer Friends, and coordinate ongoing Friend training. 


  • a committed, personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  • the desire to serve and support those who face an unplanned pregnancy
  • outstanding character marked by faithfulness, dependability, discernment, and wisdom
  • excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills
  • the ability to maintain confidential information
  • proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook
  • the ability to work without supervision
  • college degree
  • satisfactory completion of background and reference checks


  • Friend recruitment: indentify potential volunteer Friends
  • Training: coordinate and assist with Friends Certification and in-service trainings
  • Intakes: oversee intake process
  • Matches: make Friend/client matches within 48 hours of inquiry
  • Manuals: maintain Training and Friends Resource Manuals
  • Friend cultivation: nurture volunteer Friends with encouragement and prayer; keep them involved and engaged in the ministry; coordinate Friends Appreciation events
  • Background checks: complete background checks for volunteer Friends
  • Team cultivation: provide discipleship and support for Church Teams
  • Client/Friend database: maintain Friend and client databases
  • Quality control: ensure clients receive quality services using assessment and other follow-up tools
  • Additional volunteers: identify additional ministry volunteers  and funnel them to appropriate tasks
  • Ministry support: work with staff on special projects and special events as needed

This employee reports to: the President
Location: Birthmother Ministries’ home office, Vienna, VA
Status: full-time
Availability: immediately
Resume and cover letter: submit to Jim Wright

Posted on February 21, 2011


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139 Opportunities For Life Every Minute

For You From The Word

Men of Issachar understood the times and knew what Israel ought to do.
(1 Chronicles 12:32)

For You To Think About

Both women and men now use the internet more than any other source as they decide what to do when they face an unplanned pregnancy.

Hand on mouseYou may be surprised to learn how many internet searches for the word “abortion” and related terms are tracked online:

  • 6 million a month
  • 200,000 a day
  • 8,333 an hour
  • 139 a minute

In the time it took for you to read this, 139 people searched online for a place to have an abortion and other pregnancy options. That means we have an incredible opportunity to intercept them, be a Friend, and give them complete information so they can make the best choice for themselves and their babies.

Technology is ingrained in our times. We can use it to help those who face an unplanned pregnancy.

For You To Pray

Faithful Father,
Thank You for the opportunities technology offers to reach those who face an unplanned pregnancy. Show those in the pro-life community how to use technology to save lives.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More Ways Technology Helps Women Choose Life

Different Kinds of Cyber Support During Pregnancy

Phone Prayers Help Birth Mom Yield to God

Ways Pregnant Women Find Birthmothers





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How Does Birthmothers Recruit Volunteer Friends?

A Birthmothers Friend is a trained volunteer who is matched one-on-one with a pregnant woman, her partner or family member.  A Friend listens and provides confidential, nonjudgmental practical assistance, emotional support and spiritual encouragement as long as the woman needs or chooses.

2 friends in coffee shopPeople are often surprised to learn that Birthmothers does very little active recruiting for new Friends. Rather, potential Friends learn about us through the web, their churches, or people they know, and then contact us to volunteer. Many have had experience with an unplanned pregnancy, adoption, abortion, parenting, or other family challenges.

Ultimately, those who are trained and enrolled as Birthmothers Friends have felt a call to serve women in the capacity of a Friend, have a special heart to serve the hurting and vulnerable, and have a deep faith in Jesus Christ.

We thought you’d enjoy hearing directly from volunteers about why they felt called to become a Birthmothers Friend and serve women who face an unplanned pregnancy.

Referral from a doctor

“I’m a single mom of a 6-month-old from an unplanned pregnancy. I’m interested in becoming a Birthmothers Friend because I’ve been through this kind of situation myself. God calls us to love and support each other. Please let me know what the next step is.”

Referral from the web

“My husband and I have both biological and adoptive children. Over the last several months, I have felt called to serve in a pro-life ministry of some kind. As I searched online, I found the Birthmothers website. I wish my adoptive child’s birth mother had had a Friend during her pregnancy. Now I can see that this is where I’ve been called to serve.”

Referral from a family friend

“I was happily married, educated, financially stable, and had lots of family support when I became pregnant with my first son — and my pregnancy and his birth were still very difficult.  Actually, all three of my pregnancies were challenging though joyful.  I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for pregnant women who don’t have all those blessings.  I truly feel called to serve pregnant women and new moms, mainly because I understand firsthand how challenging it is to be a mother, both physically and emotionally.

I think our society as a whole does a poor job of equipping women (and men) with the challenges of bringing a new little person into the world, especially when the pregnancy is unplanned.  That’s why ministries such as yours are so important. I would so love to befriend a woman in need!”

To learn more about becoming a Birthmothers Friend, visit our “Becoming a Friend Frequently Asked Questions.

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American Idol Contestant Shares Her Pregnancy Story

For You From The Word

To the faithful you show yourself faithful.
(Psalm 18:25)

For You To Think About

Parris TassinFive years ago, when 18-year-old Paris Tassin faced an unplanned pregnancy, doctors told her to abort the child. They cited hydrocephalus (water on the brain) and feared the worst.

Paris refused.

Today, she has a healthy 4-year-old girl who inspires her singing. The only medical complication that resulted from her daughter’s condition is hearing loss, for which she wears hearing aids.

And now, Paris has an opportunity to sing in Hollywood.

Last week, Paris shared the story of her refusal to have an abortion during her appearance on American Idol. Judges were so moved by her emotional rendition of “Temporary Home” by Carrie Underwood that they selected her to move to the next round.

“I sing for my daughter,” Paris told the judges. “She’s the best thing that ever happened to me.”

For You To Pray

Faithful Father,
Thank You for helping Paris carry her baby to term.
Let her story inspire other women to choose life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Need A Friend? cards

Need A Friend? cards are business cards given to anyone who faces an unplanned pregnancy. The card offers a simple explanation of how a Friend can help a pregnant woman. The card also provides Birthmothers contact information.

Need A Friend FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. How does Birthmothers use Need A Friend cards?

Need a Friend cardThe cards are a part of our ongoing grassroots campaign to reach more women who face an unplanned pregnancy. Birthmothers uses the cards to penetrate the marketplace with our name and services so women know we are here for them.  The cards are simple, to-the-point, convenient to carry, and easy to share.

Q. How can I get a supply of Need A Friend cards?

Contact Birthmothers (1.844.77BIRTH or by email). We’ll get a supply of Need A Friend? cards into your hands at no cost.

Q. How can I use Need A Friend cards?

  • Give them to anyone you know or meet who is pregnant
  • Share them with friends, relatives, neighbors, and co-workers
  • Make sure your pastor and your church has a supply
  • Post the cards on community bulletin boards in local coffee houses, libraries, pools, grocery stores and other public locations
  • Give them to doctors, school officials, and clinic staff

Q. Can I supply a location regularly with the cards?

Yes! Make sure you request permission to post the cards at your church, doctor’s office, school, clinic, or other location. Birthmothers will provide a card display rack for you to post along with cards. Make arrangements to check the location regularly to replenish the card supply.

Q. Why are Need A Friend? cards so important?

We’ve discovered that a significant number of our referrals come from word-of-mouth and grassroots efforts. The cards are an effective way we get the word out about our services to women in need. We count on passionate volunteers and supporters like you to share the cards with those in your circle of influence … so that more women will hear about Birthmothers and call our helpline.

Thank you for helping us get the word out about Birthmothers and our services to women and families in need. Contact Birthmothers for more information about Need A Friend? cards and to get a supply.

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4 Trends in the Pro-Life Battle

For You From The Word

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. (Hebrews 10:36)

For You To Think About

worship handsLatest news and statistics show that the persistent pro-life battle is gaining ground in the hearts and minds of Americans.

  • There is a pro-life majority in America. In a January 2011 Fox News poll, 50% of Americans say they are pro-life. Just 42% identify themselves pro-choice. This represents a significant shift over the last decade, when in 2000 just 38% Americans identified themselves as pro-life.
  • There is pro-life passion in young people. Teenagers and young adults are embracing the fight for life. Overwhelming demand has led March for Life organizers to add a Youth Rally in order accommodate more  young people.
  • There is reduced access to abortion. The number of abortion providers has declined 40% in the last 25 years, from a high of nearly 3,000 in 1982 to fewer than 1,800 today.
  • There is a nationwide desire to restrict abortion. 86% Americans favor significantly restricting abortion.

God’s truth prevails. He uses us to persevere in spreading it.

For You To Pray

God of truth,
Help Your people persevere in the prolife battle.
Let Your truth be heard and embraced throughout this land.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


More about Cultural Attitudes

Cultural Attitudes: Indifference

Cultural Attitudes: Desensitization

Cultural Attitudes: Depersonalization


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How to Defend Life With Facts

For You From The Word

My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6)

For You To Think About

ultrasound imageJanuary 22, 2011 marked the 38th anniversary of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade,  which legalized a woman’s right to choose an abortion.

You may be surprised to learn some of the facts about abortion – particularly its sheer numbers and how deeply it has penetrated our culture. Thousands of American lives are lost each day to abortion. If you are prepared with solid facts, you’ll be better equipped to defend the cause of life.

Facts about abortion

  • Incidence of abortion in the U.S. remained unchanged between 2005 to 2008
  • 100,000 Americans are aborted monthly
  • The number of abortions in the U.S. peaked in 1990 at 1.6 million
  • There are at least 1,793 abortion providers in the U.S.
  • Roughly 16% of abortions a year (199,000) are chemical abortions, using the abortion pill mifepristone (RU-486) or Methotrexate, increasing a woman’s risk of hemorrhages, ruptured ectopic pregnancies, or serious infections
  • There have been 49,551,700+ legal recorded abortions in the U.S. to date

Facts are a powerful ally in the fight for life.

For You To Pray

Omnipotent Father,
Equip me with the facts I need to defend life. Give me opportunities to use facts to help others see truth.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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5 Practical Ways to Celebrate the Sanctity of Life

For You From The Word

I will show you my faith by what I do. (James 2:18)

For You To Think About

Small feet baby holds his mother in her hands.On January 22, our nation marks the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark legislation that gave women the right to choose an abortion.

That makes the month of January a good time to reflect on the sanctity of human life — and take positive action in the cause of life.

Here are five practical ways you can celebrate the sanctity of human life.

  1. Get educated – understand the options available to abortion-minded women.
  2. Volunteer at a pregnancy care center or with a prolife ministry.
  3. Ask your pastor and church leaders to acknowledge Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (the 3rd Sunday in January).
  4. Participate in the March for Life.
  5. Share Christ with a pregnant woman.

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
I praise you for the complexity and beauty of Your creation. Move in the hearts of your people to celebrate the sanctity of life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Human Babies: the Most Dependent Species at Birth

For You From The Word

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
(John 1:14)

For You To Think About

infant yawningHorses are able to stand and walk shortly after they are born. A new baby human cannot walk for a year.

Sparrows start flying at about two months old, at which time they also hunt for their own food. Human babies cannot feed themselves for 8-14 months. A couple of years pass before they find their way to the refrigerator on their own. (They never learn to fly without the help of a machine.)

Cheetah cubs leave their mothers between 13 and 20 months after birth. The average American human lives with a parent at least 18 years.

More than any other species, a human baby enters the world completely dependent upon his parents for every physical need. That relationship of reliance continues for many years.

God experienced a baby’s helplessness firsthand when He came to earth as a vulnerable human. He was completely reliant on His mother to carry and deliver Him. Later, He depended on His parents to care for Him as He learned and grew.

The Christ Child reminds us of the high value God places on mothers to carry, deliver, care for, and nurture their children until they can physically live on their own.

For You To Pray

Thank You for experiencing a baby’s helplessness and understanding a mother’s needs. Help pregnant women rely on Your empathy and strength as they make life’s decisions.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

More about the Miracle of the Unborn

An Unborn Baby’s Milestones

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A Pregnant Woman Faces These Fears

For You From The Word

But now, this is what the LORD says —
he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
(Isaiah 43:1)

For You To Think About

woman in black and white photoWomen who face an unplanned pregnancy can experience many fears.

Fear is fueled by uncertainty. That’s why truth is one of the most powerful weapons in helping a pregnant woman battle her fears, particularly about adoption.

While adoption may or may not be the right option for a woman, you can help equip her to make her decision not based on fear, but on truth.

Fear for the child’s well-being. Will the child feel abandoned? Or will her child be well-loved and well-cared for in an adoptive home? The truth is that an overwhelming number of adoptees feel deeply loved by two families – their birth parents and their adoptive parents.
Fear of being labeled. How will family and friends react? Women say they struggle with comments from family and friends, such as, “How can you give up your child?” The truth is that adoption can be a loving, sacrificial act when entered into with the child’s best interests in mind.
Fear of emotional hurt. Women are worried about bonding with a child for 9 months and then undergoing the pain and loneliness of separation. The truth is that yes – separation can hurt, especially when love is part of the equation.

And the truth also is that God the Father, who gave His Son, understands that sacrifice – and reminds each woman, “Fear not, for a I have redeemed you … you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1).

For You To Pray

Heavenly Father,
As pregnant women consider their options, fill them with wisdom, comfort, and assurance. Chase away their fears. Replace their fears with truth.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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